• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. B

    superhero RPG

    Personally (and we've seen this debate before), for a more authentic d20 experience at the power levels you mentioned, I honestly think Deeds Not Words is your best bet. If you don't mind some real departures form the d20 system, you might want to look at M&M. I run a DNW game and it's played...
  2. B

    Best d20 or OGL Super hero game?

    Deeds Not Words is the best true D20 supes game IMHO. M&M is bloody brilliant, but having a group that's been playing Star Wars d20 and Spycraft, I was looking for a d20 system, not an OGL. All the d20 elements are there in DNW, the mechanics are fluid, and there's enough room to wiggle within...
  3. B

    Help with some titles

    DNW rocks as well...:D
  4. B

    SAS D20 -- A disappointed view

    Might I humbly suggest taking a look at Deeds Not Words? If you're looking for a firmly planted d20 system that is able to provide you with virtually ANY type of hero you want, it's worth a gander. I DL'ed it a few weeks ago and have been able to easily pick up the mechanics (my group is...