• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. T

    super secret symbols and the cult of rpg(concerns us all)

    What's wrong with kids today? "Too young to legally get a job, and too old to get an allowance"? Show some initiative son. When I was your age I still got an allowance. Returning to the original topic: I'm not a big fan of logos. Something like a secret handshake or other hand signal would...
  2. T

    The next 40$ 200-page hardcover fron WotC should be a . . .

    ... d20 mass combat system. Rules for running a kingdom, as in an updated and more generic version of Birthright, would be nice as well.
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    [Utterly OT but funny] Axis of Just as Evil

    Now, I'm not trying to turn this into a political debate but... Amerikkka sucks! Bush is dumb!! Allah is great!!! Amreeka is the nation of the Satans! Why you cancel "Freaks & Geeks"?!?! Amereekan racists gave half-orcs the shaft!!!!!11 Seriously though, I didn't think that "Axis of...
  4. T

    We finally beat the game! (Spoilers)

    spoiler request (don't read unless you've already killed Faarthog) Chalupa, My party just got the Deck of Many Things from Vardengard the mage and he told us that we had to go to the temple of Altara to rescue Eolana but we couldn't find her anywhere. What are we supposed to do? Also, when...
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    Suppose D&D was outlawed tomorrow...

    Since poll after poll has demonstrated that over 90% of D&D players have a Chaotic Good alignment I'd say an underground movement made up of dual-wielding woodsman would rise up to overthrow the government. Not me though. I'm Lawful Neutral.
  6. T

    D20 Spelljammer

    Thanks for the information Andy & Erik. I always liked Spelljammer. I thought it had a very "Baron von Munchausen"-esque feel.
  7. T

    Questions for Monte Cook?

    1) What is your single favorite mechanic from the upcoming CoC d20 book? 2) Is there any downside that you see to the current glut of d20 material? Do you think some people will be overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of it and not want to bother trying to sift through it all to separate the...