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  1. FriarRosing

    Game Systems to Try

    I love Dungeons and Dragons, but lately I've been really wanting to branch out to other game systems. I don't even necessarily want to play them, but just have the books to read and mine for ideas. What I'd like are some recommendations for cool game systems. I'm mainly interested in the...
  2. FriarRosing

    How the heck did medieval war work? And other rambling questions.

    In my upcoming game, I plan on the PCs living and adventuring in a kingdom currently fighting a two front war. I don't know if they'll get involved in the conflict yet, as for the moment I'm planning on having them mainly deal with internal affairs and conflicts. But, when I was thinking about...
  3. FriarRosing

    Going from Rules Cyclopedia to 1st Edition?

    My gaming group has essentially given up on 4th edition for the time being. We've switched our focus to the Rules Cyclopedia to get our D&D fix. One thing I was thinking about, though, was if I should up the game to 1st edition. I've got the core books plus a few others, but I haven't looked at...
  4. FriarRosing

    Wargames for casual newcomers?

    My friends and I have recently gotten pretty into board games. So far we've got Starcraft the Board Game, Fire & Axe and Risk: Godstorm. And pretty soon we should also have Carcassonne, Arkham Horror, and Last Night on Earth. In addition to these, I'd kind of like to try a wargame of some...
  5. FriarRosing

    Do you use 4e's default setting?

    I was reading through my copy of Martial Power the other day, and I was noticing that almost all of the fighter paragon paths have detailed introductions that cement them firmly in 4th edition's default setting. I haven't gotten to the paragon paths past the fighter chapter, but all of the ones...
  6. FriarRosing

    How do you make your races feel unique and/or more original?

    One of my favorite things as a DM is world building. I like to keep notebooks full of random histories, people and societies even though a lot of it my players will never encounter, or may just hear of in passing and forget. I like to think up histories and cultures, I suppose. One problem I run...
  7. FriarRosing

    D&D Time Travelers?

    In my current game I'm considering having a possibility of traveling to the past in the near future (what a goofy statement). I'm concerned about the possible outcomes of what they may do, or if it's weird. Has anyone else run any game with time travel? any horror stories of everything getting...
  8. FriarRosing

    Home made game systems

    The other day for fun and as a thought experiment/exorcise I was considering making up my own, home made game system. After about half an hour of thought, I figured screw it. I don't think I'm much of a game designer at heart. But I was wondering, how many of you have attempted to make up your...
  9. FriarRosing

    I just played my first Rules Cyclopedia based game

    Now, I'll start off by saying I started playing when I was in middle school with the 3rd edition "The Adventure Begins!" starter/basic set thing. Now I'm halfway through college and had, until today, only played 3rd and 4th edition. I've always used a battle mat and miniatures or tokens or...
  10. FriarRosing

    Not letting the players know how much experience they have

    I was pondering the whole notion of players going into battle just to get the precious XP bestowed by slaughtering hordes of monsters, and as I was thinking about it, I was wondering if there was a way to get around the whole concept of going into the dungeon for the purpose of amassing tons of...
  11. FriarRosing

    PCs switching bodies

    In my current campaign I'm considering the idea of having some villain (either a dark, twisted scientist type wizard, or mind flayers) do some evil experiment/whatever wherein they capture two of the PCs and swap their minds. I don't have a logical reason for why they would do this, but partly I...
  12. FriarRosing

    Stupid noob question about encounter powers.

    I know this is a really dumb, noobish question, but with encounter powers, can you only use one per encounter? As in, say I'm a level 3 fighter and I have Passing Attack and Armor-Piercing Thrust, can I only use one of them per encounter, or could I use both of them once? Again, I'm aware this...