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  1. Kiir

    NWN Tools Beta: In the name of all that's holy!!!

    No official release date yet. But the beta for the game itself is starting soon, so figure about 6 weeks for that so mid july is your best bet. Maybe July 1st as a deadline for a new computer so you have it in time for the game.
  2. Kiir

    Order-In Pizza and Homemade Gourmet Quiche Systems Continued

    I am thinking go quiche, it is a more economic choice too, 2 pizzas will cost me 20 to 30$ where as I can make 4 quiches for about $12 thereby saving me 8 to 18$ which I can then use to buy a new dnd suppliment, like Tournaments, Fairs and Taverns. So I really think that quiches have the edge...
  3. Kiir

    Is Quiche Appropriate for Role-Playing?

    Quiche is always appropriate. My husband actually makes a great quiche and we normally eat it on saturday nights when playing or online DnD game. It just makes the game that much nicers eating quiche.
  4. Kiir

    [OT] How often do you upgrade your computer?

    My old computer normally turns into my surfing machine and my old surfing machine normally turns into a linux server. This upgrade I am doing on the 20th will be a bit different, my celeron 400 will become the surfing and work machine yes, but the k6-2 500 is turning from tehe surfing machine...
  5. Kiir

    Is Eric back to running the website?

    /me just snickers at the date and the nice pretty new sign............... It was decent guys not amazing, maybe next year you can do better.
  6. Kiir

    [OT] How often do you upgrade your computer?

    It really depends when i have money. ALl my systems are now over 3 years old though, so I will be upgrading this month from my celeron 400 to a athelon 1.7XP hopefully. I think every 2 to 4 years is about right for upgrading if you upgrade to about a step behind top of the line when you do it.
  7. Kiir

    The main problem I have with Kenzer's Geanavue

    Honestly I like the names, none of them are that hard to say and it gives it a different feel then the normal renaisance names tht we get from so many other products. The main point that seems to throw people off with the names is that they are not traditionally latin based names, they seem to...
  8. Kiir

    Your favorite D&D setting?

    !. Kalamar best put together setting I have seen 2. Homebrewed version of FR, it has a lot of support which is nice 2. Grehawk not enough support though 4. Rognuk (sp?) is growing on me
  9. Kiir

    Level Spread in Your Party?

    I don't mind a slight level spread in my party, but I don't really like anything more then about 2 levels, or the lower level players feel frustrated. In the game I am playing in the group ranges from level 4 to 7, and that is about as far as I would want to go, in most of my games, we haven't...
  10. Kiir

    How many dice do you own?

    I admit it i have a speadsheet that has an accurate dice count up for me, but I currently missing a few dice they are hiding in the computer room i just need to find them. I am in the mid 400 range now soon I will pass the 500 mark ohhh dice .......
  11. Kiir

    Purchasing RPG product, Retail or Online?

    Well I bought my three core books online from WotC and then ended up going to my local shop for most of the rest of my stuff. However around December I decide not to visit my local store while the current manager is there. He was badmouthing the old employees and he generally was not doing...
  12. Kiir

    (OT, Life) Tutoring Job

    The various times in middle and high school that I tutored various people, from rd to 12th grade, I would charge about 10$ an hour. It is a resonable price a bit more than you would get if you were babysitting, but not by that much, and you are helping someone raise their grade in a subject...
  13. Kiir

    What house rules do you use?

    Umm not sure I can break it down to 5 let's see, most are minor. 1. Skill focus is +3 or +2 to two skills. 2. After first level you can either take half the die on the hit die or roll twice and take the higher number, has to be declared before you roll. 3. Bards get 6 skillpoints per level...
  14. Kiir

    [NWN] Questions

    It's got a publisher again, and they have just sent out the module for adding sound, my best guess is it will be out mid-March. It is definately coming out though.
  15. Kiir

    what Compaige setting do u use?

    Well i had to put homemade since you didn't include kalamar.
  16. Kiir

    Females what do you like to Read ? Watch ?

    Re: Please... Let's see Ashtal got a lot of the authors I read: Mercedes Lackey, Marrion Zimmer Bradley, Roger Zelazny, Peirs Anthony, Larry Niven, Neil Gaimen, Douglas Adams, Anne McCaffrey, Terry Pratchet, David Eddings, Raymond Feist, Heinlein, Asimov I hate Jordan the man has got to be...
  17. Kiir

    What class are you playing right NOW?

    Playing a Fighter level 5 in one game A Shugenja level 9 in another game and A Rogue 3/Wizard 5/ Veil Sorcerer 3 (home brewed prestige class) in another campaign.
  18. Kiir

    What is your favorite campaign setting?

    Kalamar :).
  19. Kiir

    Is Kingdoms of Kalamar worth it?

    I really enjoyed the cmapaign setting book, but it is just the setting no crunchy bits, the players guide should have most of the crunchy bits, including new cleric domains, some prestige classes and other things that players will want and will help flesh out the setting some more. It is...
  20. Kiir

    Who had to change their username?

    I actually went ahead and changed mine, from acea to kiir, but since I most lurk it won't make much of a difference, I just figured it was easier going under the handle I am using online mostly these days, though I thought about changing it to my nutkinland handle. I also hacve a much newer...