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  1. Gozerean

    Chicago Gameday 35 is July 13th: SIGN UP TO PLAY

    please sign me up for InSpectres if there is still a slot when you get to this post.
  2. Gozerean

    Chicago Gameday 31 is 3/17: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

    Please sign myself and buddy Brandon up for HiBRiD in the morning slot and, if having no experience or prior knowledge is not an issue, The Laundry RPG in the afternoon.
  3. Gozerean

    Chicago Gameday 30 is Oct 15th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

    Had a great time, as well. The fact that we were at it for, what... about an hour or two and only managed to get a car stolen, breakdance, and feed a sheep dog some popcorn is a true testament to our commitment to the characters. It's been a while since I laughed so hard playing anything while...
  4. Gozerean

    Chicago Gameday 30 is Oct 15th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

    I would certainly play if you don't mind that option. As far as timing goes, I would have to leave no later than 6:30 PM. But I would also have no problem just observing if someone else needed my spot in the game.
  5. Gozerean

    Chicago Gameday 30 is Oct 15th: SIGN UP TO PLAY!

    Sit ins? I was just wondering if it is acceptable to sit in on a game like Ghostbusters? I will not be able to play brought on by a previous engagement my wife made in the early evening that day. Thanks.