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  1. F

    I need ideas for running horror campaigns

    I think you'll find that the most important part is the atmosphere. Have the PCs chase an orc into a room, hear terrible screams, and run in to find it coated liberally in blood, all centered around this one small hole in the floor that's obviously not big enough to fit a person into. there are...
  2. F

    D&D 5E Why do (non-deadly) traps exist in your campaign?

    "Fun" traps are part of the balance between security, usability, and cost. A trap that drops 10,000 tons of stone on the intruder and everything within 20 feet will undoubtedly be fatal. It's also very expensive, difficult to reset, and if you want to access your library after an intruder...
  3. F

    D&D 5E [POLL] What drives your inspiration behind char gen?

    These days I tend to roll up a background for the character using a random background generator, then build the character from there. Tends to have fun results :)
  4. F

    D&D 5E Signs that you've been adventuring too long

    Be it through absurd displays of wealth, unmatchable power, or some other means, this is an evergrowing list of telltale signs that you may want to retire and let a younger generation of adventurers take over. Your warhorse has Full Plate barding. You take on dragons "to keep in practice" The...
  5. F

    D&D 5E (Updated with links) Need advice with giving unique items to PC's without seeming contrived

    Maybe the warforged was released from stasis by intruders rather than the sundering, and these three items were all he could grab before being forced to flee by whoever or whatever woke him up? If he was supposed to be a guardian, then an intruder might trigger the stasis field disabling.
  6. F

    D&D 5E Vicious Mockery utility

    You might be able to swing the spell not being obviously using magic, depending on your DM. This can be good if you want to taunt someone into fighting you while weakening him at the same time, if for whatever reason you don't want to be seen starting the fight but hurling insults is acceptable...
  7. F

    D&D 5E Druid Gender Change?

    This could be really useful for crime and disguises. Neat idea.
  8. F

    D&D 5E Applying Poison?

    The protection from poison spell gives advantage on poison saves and resistance to poison. it's a 2nd level divine spell, so clerics, druids, paladins and rangers can all have it. It's not concentration either. Any big bad worth his salt will have access to this spell, and will likely have it up...
  9. F

    D&D 5E Crafting Poison Houserule

    I'll give up Impostor. It's far too circumstantial to begin with, and it's fairly impractical beyond that. Better poison crafting will at least come up sometimes. Worst case scenario you're looking at someone having twice as much poison as if they bought it on the market. And that's potentially...
  10. F

    D&D 5E Applying Poison?

    Well then I'll just have to quietly and nonlethally incapacitate guards nonlethally in an evil way then. I love that killing people is not inherently evil, but being pragmatic is. :)
  11. F

    D&D 5E Why are rogues not proficient with blow guns?

    Here's a quick question for you: Why are rogues, the class most associated with sneaking around and poisoning people, not proficient with the blowgun? A weapon designed specifically for covertly injecting poison at range?
  12. F

    D&D 5E Applying Poison?

    Fun thought about using poison being evil: Several poisons are nonlethal, making them a very practical solution to taking out hostiles who are in the wrong place at the wrong time. For instance, during a heist when heroic characters are trying not to murder guards who are just doing their jobs...
  13. F

    D&D 5E Crafting Poison Houserule

    So, I'm making a rogue. Specifically an assassin. That means I want to use poison. Now in D&D poison, even weak poison, is very expensive. This isn't necessarily a problem. What is a problem is that making your own poison takes FOREVER! The weak poison from the PHB takes 20 days to make one...
  14. F

    D&D 5E [Forgotten Realms] The Wall of the Faithless

    I am going to quickly chip in and say that the WotF is, to my mind, pretty much a cosmic scale protection racket. "Nice soul you've got there. Shame if anything happened to it..." I also remember a bit of lore that says at one point the wall was abolished only to be reinstated by the demand of...
  15. F

    D&D 5E Melf's Acid Arrow

    Naturally I missed that. I suppose I should be thankful it's an evocation spell so a wizard with Empowered Evocation can get some extra damage out of it... Good points on Chromatic Orb, though I still feel that a direct damage spell should do more damage than a comparable spell of lower level.
  16. F

    D&D 5E Melf's Acid Arrow

    Now I may be missing something, but I've been looking at this spell and am not seeing any redeeming features for it. Let me sum up: a 2nd level spell that deals 6d4 damage over two rounds, or 2d4 on a miss. For comparison, a level 1 slot for Chromatic Orb (acid) is still an attack roll and...