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  1. T

    Same Skill Training Twice?

    Hi all, So I'm thinking of making a wizard/sorcerer. Wizards get the Arcana skill, and can't retrain out of it. The sorcerer multi-class feat, Arcane Prodigy, gives training in the Arcana skill. But since the character already has it, can't retrain out of it, and explicitly can't get...
  2. T

    Spellcasting Monsters

    Hello, I have a couple of questions concerning monsters with the "Spells" special ability... The Monster Manual v.3.5 entry for the Rakshasa states that if a Rakshasa gains levels of the Sorcerer class, they stack with its seven innate levels of Sorcerer spellcasting - a 3rd-level Rakshasa...
  3. T

    Spam filter bouncing authorization e-mail?

    Hello! (Whoo-hoo! My first post on the shiny new boards! :D) So, I sign up for the new boards this morning, and sit back eagerly awaiting my authorization e-mail. For the first few empty checks, I figure that a rush of re-registering members is slowing the system with a bit of a bottleneck...