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  1. L

    Purchasing Magic Items

    I allow all regular items, including sets. No boons, no artifacts, and I reserve the right to say no to broken stuff. Hasn't happened yet, though. If you're going to make item sets a significant part of treasure you're handing out, I can definitely see the merit of not having them readily...
  2. L

    Bloodclaw - alternative nerf.

    Right, the point being that you'd only want to use it in certain situations. When you need to get the extra damage to finish off an enemy, it's very worthwhile. But when the enchantment is just a massive boost to your damage output that far outweighs any costs, it's definitely not a level...
  3. L

    Bloodclaw - alternative nerf.

    Adding an atk penalty would ruin the weapon. If you're just doing 1 or 2 it wouldn't be a huge deal (although, note that power attack is mathematically really only useful for avengers, and generally just in paragon tier). Bear in mind that Bloodclaw is a level 7/12/17 item, meaning it should...
  4. L

    Expanding Roles - was Dropping Roles

    My one worry if you do decide to go ahead with the house rule is that it'd really gimp some classes whose role is mostly tied up in their powers (i.e. wizard), and of course the bard, whose massive multiclassing versatility suddenly becomes pointless. Would you have all paragon classes and EDs...
  5. L

    In what situations can one NOT use a power?

    I'd probably go with a delay instead of forcing them to make a basic attack... mostly since there will be situations where you either can't or don't want to attack. Delaying their turn lets them do what they want... but not until they're ready to do it :) And yeah, pretty much everything...
  6. L

    Is Suden Roots Important for the Warden Anymore?

    I would say it's useful but not vital. If you're looking at extreme optimization, yeah, you need to have all the resources available. If you're looking at just making an effective build, you can do that pretty well with just PHB or PHB II. The one exception, I'd say, is when fixes for WotC's...
  7. L

    "Kensei Focus" & "Kensei Mastery" with Implement/Weapon like "Crusader’s Weapon"

    Huh? I'm pretty sure Battle Acumen requires fighter paragon multiclass (according to the compendium).
  8. L

    Sorcerer unfettered power

    You're correct that "must push" trumps the general forced movement rule. I would say that the push takes place at the time of the attack roll, since the class feature says "When you roll a natural 1 ... you must push..." Your DM might feel otherwise, but it seems pretty clear under RAW.
  9. L

    Most underrated feat(s)

    The warlock feat Starfire Womb - it somehow rarely gets mentioned when people are talking about radiant characters, many of which synergize pretty well with Warlock. Roll a free save every time you hit with a radiant power? I think I just found true love (don't tell my wife)! Mounted...
  10. L

    New Errata/Updates at Wotc

    Don't forget avengers' lackluster dailies. They're typically 1-3[W] behind most other classes. Yeah, you can catch up on striking through some creative (i.e. cheesy) multiclassing or going half-elf. But by the same token, any other class can also get cheesy. If you stay more or less pure...
  11. L

    ways to increase Immediate Reactions?

    More immediate actions would break a number of builds. Fighters getting multiple combat challenges, swordmage aegis multiple times a round, and, god forbid, White Lotus Riposte. Edit: err, that's white lotus MASTER riposte.
  12. L

    ways to increase Immediate Reactions?

    Not as far as I'm aware, no. The limit to immediate actions is pretty hard and fast, and for good reason.
  13. L

    Defenders and Opportunity attacks

    Nope, those are immediate actions (Fury is an interrupt, Grasp is a reaction). An opportunity attack is an opportunity action, which is a whole different beast. You get one immediate action per round (a cycle through the initiative order), and it can't be on your own turn. You get one...
  14. L

    What role am I filling with this character?

    I think you're right in looking at a defender with some cross-role flavor. Controllers are always nice to have, but never really vital. That looks pretty similar to a Swordmage|warlock I'm going to be using for an upcoming short-term adventure. We're going to be playing in paragon, which is...
  15. L

    Radiant Avenger/Student of Caiphon advice

    It's not, I was just demonstrating, based on his premise for how superior the avenger is (he picked radiant weapon, not me), that the rogue doesn't suck, and is in fact at least competitive. I'm still playing (and enjoying) that radiant avenger. I've seen some maths showing that a daggermaster...
  16. L

    "Kensei Focus" & "Kensei Mastery" with Implement/Weapon like "Crusader’s Weapon"

    Check with the DM. I doubt anyone would dispute that it's against RAW, but people might find it cheesy. And that may be enough to get it nixed :)
  17. L

    "Kensei Focus" & "Kensei Mastery" with Implement/Weapon like "Crusader’s Weapon"

    I see no reason it wouldn't apply when used as an implement. You gain a bonus to attack rolls/damage rolls using that weapon... not rolls using that weapon for a Weapon keyword power. RAW pretty clearly seems to support the use of the weapon as an implement. RAI? Probably not, but you never...
  18. L

    Quick and Simple Rule: Half Resistance vs Ongoing Damage

    Well, if you really think they're overpowered, I suppose halving resists for ongoing damage might be appropriate. I'd suggest at least rounding up - resist 2 is pretty trivial when you're generally going to be giving up an item slot + substantial cash or a daily power for it. Frankly, though...
  19. L

    Dice Roll Math

    It sounds like you're talking about Enlarge Spell, which reads (in part) as follows: Benefit: Before using an arcane attack power, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to each die of damage rolled with the power to increase the size of its blast or its burst by 1. For each die, you get a -2...
  20. L

    Rate the Munchkiness

    That +17 attack bonus (which, as someone pointed out, is very low at level 16) is only once per encounter with the Wand of Accuracy. The rest of the time, you don't get +4 dex, meaning you only have a +13. The average enemy at level 16 is going to have at least a 27 will, meaning that even...