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  1. G

    How long should a gaming session be?

    I think my ideal is 2hrs online, 3hrs face to face. Break in the middle in both cases. I do occasional double-slot games at cons where we'll play for 3hrs, break for an hour and a half to eat, and another 3hrs. I think you get diminishing returns from longer sessions sometimes, especially in...
  2. G

    How do we reflect on our sessions after playing / running?

    I've just been blogging an after-action report on a one-shot game that I ran a few weeks ago (Index Card RPG's Ghost Mountain setting) - and I wonder if we do enough post-game reflection in order to analyse and unpack the play experience and what worked and what didn't. In the past I've used the...
  3. G

    Questions about Sentinel Comics RPG actual play experiences

    I've run it a couple of times, maybe 3? Twice online and once face to face at a convention. I'd run it again, very cool system and the way it hits the table is excellent. I put the one shot on my blog here - Day Of The Manta Ray...
  4. G

    What TTRPG games need more one-shot Actual Plays?

    Good shout. I've never actually run a Gumshoe game, but I've read a few of them and probably Ashen Stars, Time watch, or Swords of the Serpentine are the most likely to get a run out. Supers is a possibility, although the two of us differ in our appreciation of this genre. I'm all for it...
  5. G

    What TTRPG games need more one-shot Actual Plays?

    By Year Zero, do you mean Mutant Year Zero? We've released (Ukrainian) Vaesen, and got a Tales from the Loop in the can - but the original MY0?
  6. G

    What TTRPG games need more one-shot Actual Plays?

    That's an excellent shout. I suspect the Sine Nomine games are a bit thin on the ground in Actual Play circles, and they're excellent. Maybe Wolves Of God (the anti-Pendragon) or Worlds Without Number would be good as well.
  7. G

    What TTRPG games need more one-shot Actual Plays?

    Over on the Unconventional GMs youtube channel, myself and my co-host Gaz (of the Smart Party, the UK's premier roleplaying podcast) have been putting up TTRPG one-shots. Our USP is that they're run how we run convention games (hence the name) with pace, vim, and vigour, and a heady mix of...
  8. G

    New Warhammer Old World TTRPG Announced

    Three Warhammer fantasy settings is still good if they're distinct enough, and not a surprise since they are continuing with Wrath and Glory alongside Imperium Maledictum in the 40K universe. I'm hoping for something closer to Soulbound's d6 dice pool than WFRP's d100 system, since that system...
  9. G

    D&D 5E Xanathar's Guide in one-shots / Different one-shot formats

    Hey there - on my blog, Burn After Running, I've uploaded my own review of Xanathar's and what it offers if you're running one-shot D&D games. I'm particularly interested in the Appendix which talks about shared DM campaigns, and am interested if anyone has any experience of similarly...