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    WOIN [WOIN] Battle system for Broadsiding sailing ships

    Greetings everyone! I was trying to knock up a system for age of sail ship combat using the existing starship and vehicle combat rules. Borrowing elements such as turning circles and crit tables from regular vehicle combat, and classes and the like, plus firing and other travelling operations...
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    WOIN [WOIN] Homebrew WOIN Careers for (science-) Fantasy.

    So Far I've played a whole Lot of WOIN with my faithful fixed group of many years. Some smaller testruns, a trial campaign using some more elements, and now a big STALKER-Myth-esque wasteland setting I might post here later. Over that period, I've had to make some custom careers to allow my...
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    WOIN Alternate Custom Character Sheets

    Knocked up these character sheets more tailored to my DMing and campaign needs. Considering the players liked them well enough upon presentation, figured I'd share. I adore purple, don't ask.
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    2000AD Simulating a Montigny Mitrailleuse

    For those who are in doubt as to what a Montigny Mitrailleuse is, So far I've been playing a failry stock fantasy OLD, but I want to give the bad guys some early Crimea-Franco Prussian war repeating weaponry. Any ideas on how to build such a thing ruleswise? I'd like to cook some actual...
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    WOIN (WOIN) Village/town/realm/colony management

    My players have been promised a small fief in return for lending aid during the campaigns of an elf princeling. Which left me pondering over how I could succesfully set up a system that was both lightweight and would allow players to manage an evolving townhold. what i've arrived at is mostly...