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  1. V

    Counter spell and calling out spell levels

    I'm dm'ing a 5e game.
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    Counter spell and calling out spell levels

    As a DM, am I suppose to call out the level of the spell my bad guys, in cases of using higher spell slots, are using for the sake of counter spell? Or do I just let my players just contest it?
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    True Seeing and Nystul's Magic Aura

    Nah, the player who made the gear did it at a appropriate level. Although I have been overthinking the issue and mundane solutions (mask, disguises, etc) would be a good work around, just won't be able to use any combat illusion spells against them.
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    True Seeing and Nystul's Magic Aura

    I didn't give them anything, one of my players crafted them, following the rules in books. He crafted items that he put the true seeing spells into.
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    True Seeing and Nystul's Magic Aura

    This line of questioning stems from the fact that all my players have items that grant them the true seeing spell. So its hard for me as a DM to suprise them with certain enemies that rely on illusion or shape changing.
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    True Seeing and Nystul's Magic Aura

    Mind blank protects the individual, but would it affects illusions they cast upon themselves?
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    True Seeing and Nystul's Magic Aura

    So how does one get around true seeing?
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    True Seeing and Nystul's Magic Aura

    Does Nystul's Magic Aura get around True Seeing? The truesight portion of True Seeing says it "automatically detect visual illusions and succeed on saving throws against them". But say someone cast magic aura on themself, saying they belong to the school of illusion, and then cast mirror image...
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    Legendary Actions cost question

    For legendary actions with no listed cost can the creature just do it for free or do they just cost 1 action point? For instance the first legendary action of a lich reads like this; Cantrip. The lich casts a cantrip. Compared to its other two abilities that have a listed cost of 2 and 3...
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    Map makers and natural cave formations

    Have a map maker program, and I'm pretty good at making dungeons in buildings. My last one I'm pretty proud of but I'm running into a bit of a problem making dungeons in a cave setting. If anyone has examples of cave dungeons made in a map maker I can get inspiration from I'd appreciated it...
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    D&D 5E Looking for a god/goddess of wealth and greed

    His story is he runs a orphanage, but is secretly selling kids off as servants,cheap labor or...other things. His public face is one of a kind, loving man, but in truth everything he does is for profit.
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    D&D 5E Looking for a god/goddess of wealth and greed

    I'm trying to find a god/goddes of wealth and greed for a human cleric npc antagonist I'm working on, but the closest I've come to is Abbathor, who's a dwarf god. Is there human equivalent? I can a human worship a dwarf god if that god represents what they believe in?
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    Man in a Construct

    Its not armor in the normal sense, its a literal construct that's has room for a creature, which I've decide to go with goblin. No one in the group could fit in it, except maybe our halfling but I don't see him being interested in it. For roleplaying reasons he wouldn't even consider using it...
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    Man in a Construct

    I would like to leave it some kind of weakness, in case the suit turns out to be TOO powerful and just mows them them down. But they've surprised me before and I don't thing I've ever seen them use poison attacks anyway, so giving it a filtration system to block fog and cloud attacks wouldn't hurt.
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    Man in a Construct

    I'm making this encounter a bit tougher since my players, a group of 5 who are all lvl 15 with really good gear, plus a bunch of npc followers with them. As long as the "pilot" is in the suit he's pretty much invulnerable. The suit is air tight and covers him head to toe. I might allow gas and...
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    Man in a Construct

    I might go a different route then polymorph effect, but the idea itself is what I had in mind. Something like: "Iron Man.The the pilot is immune to all damage and effects while inside the Jauggernaut Armor(what I'm calling this thing)."
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    Man in a Construct

    He is immune to damage. I'm more wondering if say, they do a AoE fear or charm effect. The construct is immune to both, but being a humanoid(i'm struck between a human or a goblin/gonome) would he be subjected to those effects.
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    Man in a Construct

    I'm making a encounter that is a man in a construct, basically a guy in a hulk buster-style armor. My players won't know this but I'm gonna drop hints that maybe its a guy in fancy armor. My question is is if the two of them (the construct suit and the man in it) are subjected to a AoE effect...