Search results

  1. ByOdinsBeardRPG

    Kickstarter Zine Quest 3 - Mysteries of the Mists - Unleash horrifying monsters and versatile magic items in your D&D 5e adventures

    Hi all, I'm launching a Kickstarter project for Zine Quest 3 in February, a zine collection of 10 new monsters to challenge your players with, 4 new spells to encourage greater creativity in play, and 16 new magic items for getting out of difficult situations. 3 horrifying monsters from my...
  2. ByOdinsBeardRPG

    D&D 5E Pricing question for the DMs and GMs out there

    Hi all, I'm finding my way around indie TTRPG publishing. How much would you expect to pay for a physical copy of an A5-sized 5e adventure module? 54 pages 10 dungeon rooms 6-8 hour for 3-5 level 1 characters 20 illustrations Full colour cover I've currently priced it at £17.99 on Amazon...
  3. ByOdinsBeardRPG

    Release [5e] The Howling Caverns (introductory horror adventure)

    Hi all, I'm new to the forum, still finding my way. I'm a writer, illustrator, and indie publisher. Last year I published my first module on DriveThruRPG, The Howling Caverns, and had a limited print run. I've now reprinted the module and it's more widely available in the UK (still sorting out...