• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. D

    D&D 4E Rogue Modrons, 4e Style

    Even though there's not much out there about the 4e cosmology, all the planes from the old cosmology are still supposed to be there somewhere. With that in mind, and in interests of the role that modrons and Mechanus are going to have in my 4e game, I put together the Rogue Modron race. The...
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    D&D 4E 4E Superhero Game?

    It certainly would be, albeit rather hard to get all the powers together to cover the broad swathes of superheroics. I can see it working in two ways One would be a point-buy-based framework where generic powers are bought, and then add-ons are given to give flavor (Like, say, Spiderman's...
  3. D

    Stalker0's Obsidian Skill Challenge System (Update: Version 1.1) Now with PDF!!

    This looks really neat. I'm starting a new campaign tonight, and I'm definitely going to be working both of your skill challenge systems into the early sessions, so my group can figure out which they like better, and so I can provide some feedback on Obsidian. Thanks for all the hard work!
  4. D

    Stalker0's Alternate Core Skill Challenge System: FINAL VERSION 1.8!

    I'm really impressed by this system, Stalker0, and I can't wait to use it in the game I'm running. Even aside from the more balanced math, I love the tactical options you give player characters to help their skill checks, which helps make skill challenges in line with combat in terms of the...
  5. D

    New Race: Hedgehog-Folk

    I've got to agree with this. It fits very well as an encounter power, and highlights a unique aspect they have as a race, while the vermin-bane doesn't have nearly the mechanical flair or flavor this does. As one of the racial abilities, I'd probably use a small bonus against flanking creatures...
  6. D

    D&D 4E Gibbor: A 4e celestial race

    I wanted to create a celestial race to make up for the lack of official Aasimar in the setting, while being in line with 4e's more freely-aliged angels, since there's a lot of untapped potential in the concept of a celestial race. I'm curious to see if people think if it works in terms of...
  7. D

    The Official Welcome Thread - Version 2.0

    Hey guys. I registered because I'm in a D&D homebrew frenzy and starting a new game, and I figured where better to post my stuff and look for new ideas and talk about D&D?