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  1. S

    Sequence of a Mind Flayer attack

    i try to give options to my players so i have a couple of ways i'd let a pc help 1 aid another i always have all aiding pc roll and use the best result a high strength fighter is going to have a better grapple check then a spell caster but if the fighter rolls low and the caster rolls high...
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    Little Wishes

    what about a prestige class? use a roleplaying prereq and you have an easy way to control it. have it give access to 1 spell per level. level 1 = wish 0 aka presdigitation (my favorite cantrip) level 2 = wish 1 level 3 = wish 2 level 4 = wish 3 level 5 = wish 4 level 6 = wish 5 level...
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    The newly revised HOLY $#!& spell

    looks pretty good i do however have some suggestions you might want to lower the damage and make it do double to undead and fiends maybe 1d6/2levels max 15d6 and 1d6/level vs undead/fiends and you can still allocate as many d6 per ray as you want up to the max of course. half the damage is...
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    where can i find magical vehicles?

    a friend of mine mentioned that he read about some magical vehicles in a dragon magazine and i was wondering if anyone new what issue or issues they are in. specificly a carrage that can travels in the shadow plane and can get you anywhere on the planet in a day.
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    Researching spells from magic items

    this is a very interesting idea the only problem i see is that it will never get used in a normal game. to fix this i would either lower the amount of scrolls or make it so that some spells are custom spells of various mages. specifically the ones that are named like MELF's acid arrow, and say...
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    Items found in a Necromancers Laboratory

    when i price a magic item i look at it from 2 points of view. what if the pcs got a hold of it. how do i feel it compairs to existing items of similar power. and these are purly opinion based priceing no charts or formula are used just my flawed logic and instinct. chains of storage 2000 gp i...
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    Market Price for a Weapon Enhancement

    THOUGHTS i like the idea. MARKET PRICE +2 can only bypass level 1 +3 level 3 +4 level 5 +5 level 7 +6 level 9 +7 epic spells of the abjur school that puts bypassing level 9 into epic games only, but that is where i feel it should be. other ideas is keep it at +2 or +3 and call for a caster...
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    Some Two Weapon Fighting and Thrown Weapon Feats

    what i think as a fan of two weapon fighting and throwing weapons i like the idea of some of these feats, but i feel they could use some rewording. my vision of two as one and thrown weapons mastery would be quite different then what you have. i would add thrown weapons and two weapons as new...
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    Wall of Force...How do other players use this spell?

    wall of force one tactic that i've used before to trap a creature that can burrow is reverse gravity followed by the sphere version. we had to take the xorn alive for questioning and it would have burrowed out if it was still in contact with the ground.
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    Creating a war god, help would be appreciated

    i would make him lawful just from the dogma natural order do not rush forethought prepared warrior honor not the type of things i expect from someone who offers the chaos domain. i'd change his allignment and domain to law, but if you want him to be chaotic i think he needs a big change...
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    FRCS question

    i just remembered where i got the notion that arcane fire is unresistable. i'm reading elminster in hell and he took out alot of devils without a single one resisting him. so my logic was that he was blasting away with arcane fire while using silver fire to fly. i had no real rules to back up my...
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    FRCS question

    thanks for the replys and i think there is no arguing that it is SU and SR is no defense against SU abilities. it would have taken me forever to think of looking at the description of SR to figure it out. thanks again
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    FRCS question

    is the archmage's arcane fire high arcana subject to spell resistence. i thought i read somwhere that it wasn't, but i can't for the life of me remember where. that combined with the fact that i think it should be resistable just confuses me.
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    3 saves or just 1?

    i agree with icebear. i think his way follows the spirit of the law as aposed to the letter of the law which is how i dm.
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    Invisibility and Etherealness?

    i don't understand any arguements against invisibility working on ethereal creatures. there are no exceptions made for ethereal creatures and invisibility. all invisibility does is make it so the TARGET can't be seen. it in no way has a direct effect on anything viewing that target...
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    How do immunities work?

    that's what i thought. so a half golem sorcerer can buff himself and a anarchic shapeshifter can still shapeshift. thanks for the answers. i'll still check back incase other people have somthing to say.
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    Robe of the Archmagi - Bless and Spell Resistance.........riiiiiiiiiight.....

    pardone my butting into this argument but i have an opinion the robe never duplicates the effect of a limited wish but that's not the point. useing wish or limited wish to bypass item creation requirments at no cost seems to be a bit to powerful to me. while i don't like the idea of spending...
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    How do immunities work?

    can a grimalkin MM2 with the anarchic template MotP still use it's polymorph ability? for those of you that don't have the books the grimalkin is a shapeshifting cat and the anarchic template is the chaotic version of the celstial template. what about a spell casting half golem? i remember...
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    Acidic Curse- BoEM1 need spell info please!

    Acidic Curse Evocation [Acid] Level: Sor/Wiz 1 Components: V, S, M Casting Time: 1 action Range: Close (25 ft.+5 ft./2 levels) Target: One creature with eyes Duration: Instantaneous Saving Throw: Fortitude negates Spell Resistance: Yes You cause a victim’s eyes to burst with acid, inflicting 1d6...
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    Christmas wish list.

    if i can't think of somthing specific i ask for a gift certificate from borders or some other books store. i'm sure i can find somthing. i tend to save it for the after christmas sale then i go and check out books until i find one or two i like. personally i'm a big fan of S&SS. i love the...