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  1. S

    D&D 4E Retrocloning 4e: 4th Trifold

    Well, I'm hacking 13th Age myself (drawing inspiration 4e, Fate and Anima Prime rules) and I made the combat totally gridless, with easier (= less tactical) rules than standard 13th Age, therefore I totally approve "gridless" mode.
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    D&D 4E Retrocloning 4e: 4th Trifold

    At first glance, the "plan" rules look really useful, maybe they will need to be finetuned after a thorough playtesting, but I like the general idea and I think they can be easily ported to 13th Age (which has no skill challenge-y system built in the core rules). Too much tactical for my cup of...
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    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Then, to another topic: As far as it stands now, there are only two way to heal in combat: Second wind and the Cure spell. More properly, only the first heals you, because the second gives you temporary hp. But that's not important now. A feat lets you use your second wind for an ally, but other...
  4. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    No, Cover is a mechanic for everyone. So is the Stealth "trick". Only the more advanced feature are Rogue-exclusive, but if you find them limiting I can simply switch them to feats. Simple and effective, thank you.
  5. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    @Nonei: Thank you for your suggestion. Mmm... I would rather add another terrain feature called (how should I call it?) cover-providing, therefore not limiting the tactic to difficult terrain. So: In a cover-providing terrain, the character can take a move action and get a +2 bonus to Stealth...
  6. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Is a +1 to all defenses so meaningless? Thinking about it again, yes. Taking cover: If the zone where the character currently is is labeled (how to avoid the repetition in wording?) as difficult terrain, she may take a move action to get a +2 bonus to Reflexes and to deny line of sight from a...
  7. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Because of the abstract nature of movement and positions, it will become difficult to trace concealment and cover (especially the second one). So, how about something like this? Cover: As a standard action, the character can get a +1 bonus to defenses until the start of her next turn. Or Cover...
  8. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Thank you for the suggestions. As far as it stands now, the only mechanic relying on flanking is the Rogue Talent called (very unusually) Sneak Attack. The overnumbering advantage is not a bad idea, but it needs some sort of book-keeping, accounting for the number of opponents who stroke the...
  9. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    The abstract space & movement brings forth two problems: - The space occupied by creatures; - The necessary elimination of flanking. Do you have any advice on how to overcome those problems?
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    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Sorry for the late reply, but no e-mail was sent to me despite having subscribed this thread (and the 'instant' choice). No check is required other than the attack (if any). The caster has a MR; if the spell has a MR inferior or equal to the character's, she can cast it; otherwise, she cannot...
  11. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Now it's time for magic. MAGIC This chapter is very incomplete and much a work in progress, but the general lines of the system are already traced.
  12. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Leaving that to the GM fiat does not sound to me as a safe route, but I was thinking about tying single uses to ability scores, instead of the whole skill. That way, I could reduce even further the list or introduce something which I did not know the abilty to match to. Good question. The...
  13. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Here is the http://docs.google.com/View?id=dftbgzkr_72gnfq3dft document, with the first application of the abstract system.
  14. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Thinking about it again, the comparison between zones and feet is useful when writing the game and basing effects on range (speaking about spells and special powers). With non-equal zones, like my first approach, special powers creation would be more difficult to balance. So, 1 zone = 1 square...
  15. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Good suggestions, Nonei, but I am still dubious about the exact dimensions of the zones. If I state 1 zone = 15ft, the system is not very abstract; just less tactical. If I do not connect zones and feets, movement and descriptions might be not very plausible; this is not a problem if you do not...
  16. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    Yes, I wrote the feet to give the idea of how the system works; they will be deleted in the final version. I do not plan on having reach weapons granting melee attacks at distance 1, so the system should look like this. Distance is measured in zones: characters in the same zone are at a...
  17. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    You're right, Nonei, the two do not match perfectly. Because half-movements are such a pain in you know where, maybe I should adjust this way: Distance zero --> Melee attacks. Distance one --> Point blank, throw --> Up to 15 ft. Distance two --> Charge, range --> Up to 30ft. Distance three -->...
  18. S

    Are Hit Points necessary?

    The hit-or-consequence system is perhaps too narrative and freeform for the standard D&D game (to implement it, you should write a limited list of consequences that can be applied to specific attacks), but it is indeed a great idea. It reminds me of FATE 3.0 (great game), where it is used also...
  19. S

    Alternative names for "Hit Points"

    Energy, Resolve and Vigor can do the work. Resolve might be better if you plan on having mental effects draining hit points; but also Vigor can represent bot mental and physical energy.
  20. S

    My own take on d20: H20 [Help much appreciated]

    To offer a slightly generic d20 system much more simpler than the original and more devoted to the action-pulp-S&S genre rather than classic fantasy. As a tool to build the storylines, to give some narrative control to the players and to make roleplaying one's character profitable for the...