• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. A

    Invisible Cover

    If you are a ranged Archer, and you take your two shots at an enemy, do you think those two attack rolls should be with a -2 for cover, even if you can't see (and are unaware of) the invisible enemy between you and your target.
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    Weapliment Expertise?

    So you have a work-around in place to let you get both of your types of attack with one tool, and then you are upset when the feat doesn't address your work-around? That doesn't make sense - the feat is for a more default set-up. Seeing that this article is a playtest, some feedback saying...
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    Weapliment Expertise?

    Are you serious? Players Handbook 1 has the Paladin, a class that uses Holy Symbols, Weapons, and can use Shields. They frequently have terrible Reflex defenses, unless using the Shield, and they will most often be using weapon attacks, boosting their worst defense essentially every turn...
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    So, how do I start a Neverwinter Campaign?

    It looks like your Druid player already has a built-in tie to the Neverwinter factions, in the barbarian allegiance. Loudwater is not too far from Neverwinter, so word of heroes able to deal with the challenges that face a larger town could easily reach Neverwinter, where heroes are needed...
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    Theres a Shadowfell Book coming out!

    What I have found with the box of Dungeon Tiles is that the box itself is the same height as the hard cover books, and it looks just fine along a bookshelf. I think the Gamma World Box (which I don't own) is a different dimension, but the Dungeon Master's Kit (which I also don't own) box looks...
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    PE: Assassin Spoilers

    My Thoughts - cross posted from WotC Forum This is a dramatically changed class from the original... it looks like it could be fun to play. Some things I noticed: The article itself seems to be missing the by-line. I had to check the web page to see who made this version. I really hope...
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    New gaming store in Pembroke, MA (a little long)

    I highly recommend finding someone who is willing to run D&D Encounters, and probably Friday Night Magic. I have been volunteering to organize and run Encounters in Westborough, MA, and the number of players coming into the store is really impressive - this is with basically no outside...
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    What actor would play your character?

    For my Dwarven Paladin: Sam Elliot For my Tiefling Assassin: Kristen Stewart For my Dragonborn Wizard: Jason Bateman For my Dragonborn Barbarian|Sorcerer: The teenage boy on the new 'V' series Fun thought experiment!
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    Magic Item Daily Attack Question

    I don't have my books handy, but as this attack lacks the Weapon keyword, you definitely don't get the proficiency bonus. I see the disconnect, and thought it meant that you would not get an enhancement bonus, but then the attack would really be useless at higher levels.
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    Magic Item Daily Attack Question

    This attack would not include the Weapon proficiency. It does target Fortitude, so the Weapon prof. shouldn't be missed.
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Thanks for the kind words. When I submitted it, I felt that I had little to no chance of winning the round with what I had, but if I had done better with my time, I would have had a chance. I felt that your Blood Coral and Cloak were a much, much better use than mine, and even if I had fully...
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    Iron DM 2009 - all matches

    The Floating Mines of Journey The Floating Mines of Journey Our heroes find themselves on guard duty at an annual local farmer's convention, taking a simple and boring task in between dangerous adventures. When they are sent to evict a drug-addled foreigner, they find that even the boring...
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    I am going to be cutting it so close - huge time management fail on my part. Hopefully I can get something that is worth competetion together before the cut off. I just wanted to drop a line letting people know that I didn't actually forget about this, but I'm scrambling to get something put...
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Indeed. I think I can see a couple of connections, but pulling everything together is going to be a feat. Good luck to you too, Wik.
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Sure, Thursday is fine.
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Should be easy enough to get ingredients this weekend.
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Thank you for the judgment, and for forgiving my use of 4E :D, I'm glad to know that it didn't disqualify me. I felt that I really mis-used the River Delta, and when I re-read my adventure I noticed that I left out a few of the details that I had in mind that would have gone a long way to...
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    That's hilarious that I didn't even notice them in the PHB - thanks for pointing them out. I haven't hit anything near Epic tier, and so haven't looked at such high level items. I prefer the items I used anyway - even if they are a little overpowered for the level they are being used at. Yeah...
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Like I said... "almost". Considering that a full paragraph was spent trashing the only edition of the game I know well, I was pretty worried, basically figured that I was doomed regardless. You entry is good too. I felt that you made a better use of the troll ingredient than I did, and the...
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    Iron DM 2009 - FINAL MATCH - it's over!

    Ha! After reading phoamslingers anti-4E rant in his judgement I almost decided to call him as a Bedridden Troll and just say screw it to the whole thing. Win or lose, it was a fun experiment for me.