Search results

  1. two

    Highest to-hit scores at levels 1, 4, 8?

    I don't know the answer, so this is not a quiz. I'm curious. Given all WOTC published material, what is the highest to-hit score you can manage at levels 1, 4, and 8 for the following scenarios? a) "normal" to-hit without any special modifiers. This is the base value you would use before...
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    Most powerful, flexible party

    This is my claim. The most versatile, most powerful 5 PC party must include the following two classes: Tactical Warlord Inspirational Warlord. With these two as a base, you can then stir in 3 more classes as you see fit. The 3.5 parallel is the cleric. While not many parties had more than...
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    D&D 4E 4e: Death of the Bildungsroman

    Back in the days of yore, there were stories about heroes who went exploring and came across all sorts of nasty and wonderful things. People sat around the fire and listened to poems, tales, songs, whatever. Then the oral tradition died. It happens. Along came novels about heroes and magic...
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    AOO's have to go, or be changed

    No, I don't plan on buying any 4 stuff, but I am interested in it as a game, and to see if they will finally get rid of the inconsistent and stupid way that AOO's are handled currently. AOO's are, in 3e, "active." Meaning, if somebody does something that "breaks attention" or whatever flavor...
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    D&D 4E 4E: Manufactured Excitement

    Is it just me, or is anyone else out there a little perplexed by the wild excitement of the MerricB's on this board? WOTC wants to make more money. That's their job; they make money. As a company, that's is their goal. Fine. To do this, they have decided to release 4E. As gamers, and...
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    Has anyone spent NO MONEY on D&D?

    C'mon everyone. Confess. I can't be the only one. I've been in two long-running campaigns. GM'd for two more. Had a number of small one-off adventures. And I never bought a single WOTC book. Never bought a D&D book from a 3rd party. Never bought a miniature. Never bought dice (used ones...
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    Fair 1st level ranged touch attack spell?

    I don't know all the current spells outside the SRD. Is there a ranged touch damage dealing spell that is 1st level? Like, ranged touch attack, do 1d6 per 2 levels, max 3d6 or something? Or 1d4 per level up to level 5? What is fair compared to boring bland disgusting magic missile?
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    High AC Barbarian

    Has anyone made a high AC Barbarian? Seems quite possible using that feat which allows use of a buckler with a 2 handed weapon. I'm thinking +5 buckler, +5 mithril breatplate, maximum natural armor/deflection plus a number of other high AC feats. It seems like the raging barbarian does enough...
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    Mr. Sees Everything

    Is it possible to make a high-spot, high-listen, well-nigh unsurprisable PC by 10th level or so? I'm thinking maxxed spot/listen, maxxed spot/listen magic item boosters. blindsight, tremorsense, somehow... get these... Just a vague idea here. Any other ways to get a guy that is impossible to...
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    Somebody Explain Kill Bill, please...

    I finally saw this movie. It was schlocky, granted, conceived as schlock and produced as schlock. The trouble was, I found it BORING. That is death to all schlock. After talking to my friends, who generally liked the movie, and reading the critics, who generally liked it, a "defense" of the...
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    Help Illuminate Light

    " This spell causes an object to glow like a torch, shedding bright light in a 20-foot radius (and dim light for an additional 20 feet) from the point you touch. The effect is immobile, but it can be cast on a movable object. Light taken into an area of magical darkness does not function. " The...
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    Ack! Finding an Alarm spell

    Are Rogues able to search/disable the Alarm spell? I don't see the Alarm spell as being mentioned in the relevant skills in the SRD. Is this just me being stupid, or is a Rogue simply not able to find/disable an Alarm spell (at range, given that the Alarm spell radius is 20')? What would the...
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    Rules that never made sense to you?

    I'm interested in hearing about D&D rules that people play with...but which really make no sense to them. A minor one which always bothered me is... If you are flanking you get +2 to hit the flanked enemy. If you are invisible, you get +2 to hit an enemy. Yup. That's right. Flanking is no...
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    Stunning Fist = Sneak attack?

    Let's say you are a Monk5/Rogue5. You power up stunning fist at the start of a round. You get 3 attacks this round. Your enemy is hit on the first attack and stunned (fails the save). Do you apply sneak attack damage to: 1) All 3 attacks (including the first)? 2) Only to the following 2...
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    Avoiding AOO via Readied Actions?

    It this legal? Player A and Player B are next to monster XXX. Player B has been dishing out lots of damage and monster XXX is targeting that PC. Player A wants to cast a spell but can't without drawing an AOO from the monster (can't move, bad concentration, etc.). Can Player A ready the...
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    Tricky, Tricky, Tricky

    Ok. A wizard casts Mage Armor and has an Armor bonus of +4. "An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of a mage armor spell, providing a +4 armor bonus to AC." A cleric casts Magic Vestment on the mage's clothing (worth +2). " You imbue a suit of armor or a shield with...
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    BBcode Character Sheet?

    Anyone have one sitting around? [for 3e?] I'm pulling my hair out! {for use on a message board?}
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    Any Way to Avoid Suckation?

    With regards the Shadow Evocation, Shadow Conjuration line of spells? It would be neat to have a specialist wizard (illusion) use these spells a lot... sadly, they seem to suck bunches. Are there any feats to improve shadow magic or PRC's or something? It would also be nice to have lower...
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    So, you roll 6 18's.

    You are playing in a new campaign with a great GM who is rather stringent. You can either use a 28 point buy, or roll 4d6 (6 times) and drop lowest. And take what you get. You decide to roll (in front of the GM). You get 6 18's. 1) Do you play the character? 2) If you do, what...
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    Encounters Per Day. How many?

    So, how may encounters do you have per day on average (90% of the time)? If you have 2, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3 encounters, answer 2-3. If you have 2, 2, 2, 2, 999, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, answer 2-3. (you went dungeon delving once but most of the time just have 2 encounters per day). If you...