I've been doing some groundwork for a Trailblazer game. One of the things hinted at in Trailblazer is a return to the values of the 'old school', while still making use of the more elegant d20 mechanics. (If that's not the Bad Axe design philosophy - well, they've certainly done a fine job of making space for it, and I approve!
One thing that's really fallen away in 3e is henchmen and hirelings. Oh, I know, there was Leadership, but it seemed incredibly arbitrary - and it happened too late. The PCs need trap fodder... I mean, allies, from 1st level. And those allies need to be the kind of guys who can evolve into PCs when their paymasters (or whatever) get their heads staved in by giants. That means NPC classes won't work - nobody wants to play a Commoner 5/Sorcerer 1. Or even a Warrior 2/Fighter 1!
Thanks to the Trailblazer tune-up of 1st level characters, there's actually enough design space for 0th level. I have in mind:
Elite Array (+6 to be assigned at 1st level)
HP = Con score
BAB & BMB +0
Two "strong" saves at +1
2 + Int skill points - but no class skills
Simple Weapon proficiencies
They also need to get armor proficiency and perhaps access to a spell list, depending on their type of 0th level.
Is that going to be useful in a "shell out some silvers each day (or deal into a share of the loot) to have around" kind of way?

One thing that's really fallen away in 3e is henchmen and hirelings. Oh, I know, there was Leadership, but it seemed incredibly arbitrary - and it happened too late. The PCs need trap fodder... I mean, allies, from 1st level. And those allies need to be the kind of guys who can evolve into PCs when their paymasters (or whatever) get their heads staved in by giants. That means NPC classes won't work - nobody wants to play a Commoner 5/Sorcerer 1. Or even a Warrior 2/Fighter 1!
Thanks to the Trailblazer tune-up of 1st level characters, there's actually enough design space for 0th level. I have in mind:
Elite Array (+6 to be assigned at 1st level)
HP = Con score
BAB & BMB +0
Two "strong" saves at +1
2 + Int skill points - but no class skills
Simple Weapon proficiencies
They also need to get armor proficiency and perhaps access to a spell list, depending on their type of 0th level.
Is that going to be useful in a "shell out some silvers each day (or deal into a share of the loot) to have around" kind of way?