1:72 scale fantasy miniatures

Yeah, lots of detail on a mini can make them look really awesome, but sometimes you can get halfway through painting them and start to wish the they were just a little bit simpler! :D

Olaf the Stout

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Yeah, lots of detail on a mini can make them look really awesome, but sometimes you can get halfway through painting them and start to wish the they were just a little bit simpler! :D

Olaf the Stout


I have a commission sitting on my desk right now with way too many details and bits.

I think the Beastmen look great!


Apologies for the delay with the skeleton mini's (I've kinda been side-tracked with some WWII figures :blush: ) ...but I will try and take some pictures of the four I have painted this weekend.


Here's the skeletons...



These are from Caesar Miniatures' 'Undead' pack (see the link in the first post) and you get 35+ in the box (I got 37). Some of the other figures in the pack might also be usable as ghosts, wraiths, etc. (which I hope to slap some paint on soon) - though the vampire figures are a little cheesy.

Next up ...hmm ...not sure yet ...maybe some trolls.


First Post

(firt, sorry for my broken english)

On your photos, what is the size of the bases the figures are mounted on ?
I wonder if 1:72 minis can be use with a rule system that requires 20mm bases.

How have you mounted it ? You've cut the original base and glued the feet directly on the new base ?




The bases are (UK) one pence coins - which are around 20mm in diameter.

All I do is glue the base of the miniature to the coin and then use some greenstuff (or any kind of filler/modelling putty would do) to blend the edge of the plastic base down to the edge of the coin. Sometimes I do clip away some of the edge of the base if it is overly large, but most of the time it's just glued straight to the coin.

However, if that doesn't make much sense I'll post some pictures the next time I paint one of these guys (if you like).


First Post
and set 2 contains 50 figures (in 10 different poses, and is the only set with any archers)...

Anyhow, here's 12 (a mix from both sets) that I've finished:


Oh those look nice, they look good for 5E goblins.


10 archers in set 2 you say and that's the set with the facepalmer and ass-grabber as well... cha-ching. Thanks for the heads up. Also got 30 1/72 wargs to upgrade some of the squatting moria goblins I have to calvary.
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Wow ...was it really several years ago that I started this thread (how time files :S ).

Anyway, yeah - they work pretty well as 28mm goblins ...and I also picked up a pack of the Dark Alliance 'Light Warg Orcs' a while back ...though I've only got round to painting a couple of them...



...which, like you say, can also pass as (28mm) goblin worg cavalry.
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