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I found this thread whilest searching for some maps for my first D&D 4E session and wanted to ask if anyone has some more useful links to highdef poster maps. I would be particualary interested in caves, dungeons and tempel interiors. (My campaign takes place in a temple with large towers and underground dungeons/caverns)
A graveyard in the woods would be nice, too.
I would of course also buy poster packs with such maps, as that would be cheaper than poster printing and laminating them (21 $NZ) here in New Zealand, but I am afraid it is very hard to come by those packs here.

Thanks for any help in advance,

p.s.: I am recreating Eye of the beholder 2 as an 4E campaign. If anyone is interested in that setting, point me to the right forum and I will share what I got so far.

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Some googling indicates that word on the Internet is that amazon.co.uk has decent shipping rates to NZ, better than amazon.com, so I would start here:
[ame="http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Paizo+flipmats&x=0&y=0"]Amazon.co.uk: Paizo flipmats[/ame]

There are a couple Paizo dungeon flipmats, 2 24"x30" dungeons per mat, they don't have any real cave network ones though the Darklands and dragon lair mats have large caverns. There is a Cathedral mat.


First Post
I thought about that, the only problem being that it can take up to a month for items to actually arrive here. My campaign starts this friday :). But I'll have a look for future sessions.

Voidrunner's Codex

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