10 Gifts For Your Dungeon Master This 2023 Holiday Season

Holiday Gift Giving can be stressful, but if you have a Dungeon Master in your life that you want to show some appreciation to, here are my two cents.

10 Gifts For Your Dungeon Master This 2023 Holiday Season

Links to all products mentioned:
Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master. Softcover + PDF $19.99 DriveThruRPG

Zweihander Fantasy Horror RPG Starter Kit. Boxed Set $21.53 https://www.amazon.com/Zweihander-Fantasy-Horror-RPG-Starter/dp/1524875279

So You Want to Be a Game Master. Book $24.99 https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1645679152/digitalcomi0a-20

Avatar Legends Start Kit. Boxed Set $24.99 Starter Set (Avatar Legends)

Dragonlock Baba Yaga Hut by ThisEffinGmGames. Unpainted Playset $30.00 https://www.etsy.com/listing/148637...ck_sum=fa9fd23e&ref=shop_home_active_27&sca=1

Candela Obscura. Book + PDF $39.99 Candela Obscura Core Rulebook

The Lazy DM's Forge of Foes. Book + PDF $39.99 The Lazy DM's Forge of Foes

Tome of Adventure Design (Revised). Book + PDF $59.95 Tome of Adventure Design Revised

Flee, Mortals! Book + PDF $69.99 Flee, Mortals! The MCDM Monster Book - Hardcover & PDF

Beadle and Grimm's Shadow of the Dragon Queen Steel Edition. Boxed Set $299.99 Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Steel Edition (D&D)
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Not sure what he is getting at since most of what he is showing is books on how to be a better DM. Not sure how I would take things if all my players bought me books on being a better DM.

Something like this would be cool to me. Found these all on Amazon in the $4-30 range.



Not sure what he is getting at since most of what he is showing is books on how to be a better DM. Not sure how I would take things if all my players bought me books on being a better DM.
You aren’t sure what I am getting at? I thought I was pretty clear. These are gifts I think a dungeon master would be happy to get. The list includes:

2 books on advancing DM skill
3 ttrpgs
1 Monster Manual
2 toolkits
1 set of luxury handouts
1 call for Tabletop Terrain
And Gratitude

“Most of what I am showing” is a weird way to say “one fifth”

Voidrunner's Codex

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