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10 more creatures added to the CC


Monster Junkie
Auld Lang Syne

As 2008 fades into history, here are a batch of creatures that long ago did the same.

The ambelodon and anancus are precursors to the elephant, lesser-known than the mighty mammoth and mastodons.

The labrynthodonts (or more accurately, temnospondyli) are prehistoric amphibians. From the tiny cacops, the larger eryops, and the massive mastodonsaurus and paracyclotosaurus, to the odd-shaped dplocaulus and platyhystrix, these ancient amphibians would fit in nicely into a "Lost World" campaign.

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Monster Junkie
The Dead of Winter

Ten more undead rise from their graves, including the martial blood warriors, the deadly elevated ghoul, and the icy mummy, which exemplifies this batch's title. We've also got the lesser and greater ghuls and their kin, the soultaker and witherer, as well as the ghul mage. A couple of templates round out the batch: the mysterious elven wyrds and the enhanced bole-undead.


Monster Junkie
Elementary, my dear Watson
10 elemental creatures enter the Creature Catalog.

The elementals of chaos include the eolian (Air), pyrophor (fire), erdeen (earth), and undine (Water).

The elementals of law include the anemo (Air), helion (fire), kryst (earth), and hydrax (Water).

Additionally, we have the tiny Tim gingwatzim, and the crystal spider.


Monster Junkie

As the Super Bowl approaches, the Creature Catalog celebrates with a batch of unique or high-powered creatures.

The offense is provided by the riot-invoking Bauhei the Black Leopard, the ichor-dripping Duke Nergal, the flame-throwing feng huang, the ship-smashing sea titan, and the troop-corrupting Kazgaroth.

The stout defense is provided by the soul-biting A'azzatz, the shape-shifting Jakar, the matter-dissolving star leviathan, and the flying electrical storm known as the Thunder Bird.

Halftime entertainment is provided by Santa Claus, fresh off his post-holiday rest. :lol:


First Post
Huh... Kazgaroth is great and all, but something is missing about it: where's the Blood Warrior template which is used for its troop transformation ability ?


First Post
That's already been uploaded a couple weeks ago. ;)
Really ?

*goes check the CC*

Well, what do you know, it was already added, eh eh.

Huh... may I suggest to create a link from "blood warrior" to its corresponding stat page, so we don't have to search in order to get them ?

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