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10 more creatures added to the CC


Monster Junkie
Scum and villainy!
This week, the boundaries between the mortal realm and the nightmare planes weaken, allowing ten fiendish creatures to spill forth into the Catalogue.

From the depths of the Abyss come the demonic Dire Whiner (Obtestu), Ngojama, and Spirit-Ghoul, as well as the lamialike Gelloudes.

From the pits of Hell we have the Asperim, Cursed Crimson Crawler (Shambari), and Mezzikim.

From the howling tunnels of Pandemonium arise the Mapmaker and Tener.

Finally, a bit closer to home, is the native Dogai, a foul relative of the rakshasa.

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Monster Junkie
Arabian nights
This week, 10 creaturs from the Al Qadim campaign setting join the Creature Catalogue.

First, we have the benevolent Camel of the Pearl and its majestic leader, The White Mirage.

Despite their fear-inspiring names, the Giant Mason-Wasp and Serpent Lord ares actually good creatures.

The mighty Sabu Lord is a leader of lionkind, while the Winged Serpent, or "spark snake", is an aerial viper with an acidic bite.

Rounding out the batch are four avian beasts, the overpowering Elephant Bird, and three varieties of the Zakharan Roc: the common variety, the enormous great roc, and the vile two-headed roc.


Monster Junkie
Nature calls
...but you may not want to answer.

This week's batch includes the benevolent but elusive Bogey, the forest champion Leshy, and the rock-bound Stone Maiden.

The tricky Faerie Changeling and shapeshifting Phouka sow confusion among mortals.

Less kind are the fear-inducing Bogeyman, the twisted Boggie, the fire-starting Kruel (Danartha), the wicked Unseelie Faerie, and the leader of the Unseelie Court, Lussina, The Dark Queen.


Monster Junkie
Ah, Springtime, when all thoughts turn to...

It may be spring, but it's 40 degrees and dropping ice-cold rain.

This week's batch of nasties includes four composite mummies, blending animal traits with cadaverous undead. Varieties include the mighty hippopotamus, the deadly crocodile, the ankh-wielding jackal, and the mysterious typhonic beast.

We've also got the shadowy, ghoulish skotos, the incorporeal suicide spirit, and the weretiger-making vampire-spectre.

From the depths of the ocean come the monklike sea bonze (and its greater version, the sea abbot), as well as the titanic umibozu.

Rounding out the batch is an undead template for unseelie fey.


Monster Junkie
With the return of warmer weather comes the return of those biting, creeping, crawling nuisances of the real world. Of course, those in the fantasy world are much bigger and far deadlier.

This batch includes several beetles, from the swift giant tiger beetle to the sickening giant stink beetle and the giant diving beetle (and its larva).

Here to ruin giant picnics are the giant horsefly and giant bluebottle fly. Neither is as scary as the giant bumblebee, though.

Rounding out the batch are a trio of more fantastic beasties: the vile hybrid spider-cat, the didn't-see-that-coming carpet snake, and the "pretty name, repulsive creature" known as the celestial stag.


Monster Junkie
Lords of Madness revisited
Ten aberrant horrors focus their alien minds upon the Creature Catalogue.

First, we have five more aboleths, including the saltwater aboleth, the greater aboleth, and the tech-using noble aboleth. The mighty ruler aboleths can rival many archfiends, while the Grand Aboleth is among the most powerful beings in the Multiverse.

Next, we have two new ceremorphs (illithid tadpoles implanted into other creatures): the mighty lizardfolk-bred tzakandi, and the stealthy svirfneblin-born mozgriken. An illithid construct, the nyralaa golem, also makes its debut.

The sentinel golem is essentially an exoskeleton/battlemech construct for a beholder to pilot.

Rounding out the batch is the weakest creature of the bunch, but abberant nonetheless. The one-eyed, one-armed, one-legged lesser fachan.


Monster Junkie
Grab bag
This week's batch of creatures range widely throughout the Multiverse.

The intelligent octopoid Deep Dwellers are found deep beneath the sea. The brain-devouring Getiets roam the jungles, while the foxlike Hu Hsien can be found most places foxes can be found. The spine-covered Giant Polyps haunt subterranean chambers, while the firenewt-like Verini make their homes in volcanic regions.

The Nasnas are a bit like fachans, but with a more martial bent. The death-deity's-right-hand-men the Appolyon, hail from the planes of death. The mighty Men-Shen leave the Spirit World when needed as guardians, while the deerlike Phantasms take a field trip from the Etheral Plane to the Material Plane for 111 years.

The psionic Wind Throwers, who hurl gale-force winds from their oversized right arms, are found nearly anywhere dwarves are found.


Monster Junkie
Go-Go Gadget Golems
This week, the ground trembles as 10 automatons stomp heavily into the Creature Catalogue.

This batch includes the grisly necromantic golem, and it's much larger counterpart, the necromantic colossus. The humanoid-appearing sleepwalkers intimidated with their great strength.

The fiery burning man continually drops painful cinders upon its foes, while the firedog heats up when exposed to flames and supercharges its bite. The brass golem rings out with sonic damage when struck by certain attacks.

The mighty furnace golem is an intelligent iron golem with additional abilities, while the diamond golem is nearly impervious to attacks. The Abyssal serpent griffon golem swallows foes after paralyzing with its gaze.

Rounding out the batch it the epic, unique being known as the Radiant Golem. Although benevolent, it is unaware that it continuously projects a life-draining field.


Monster Junkie
Skin n' bones
Fresh from the grave, a horde of skeletons and zombies shamble into the Creature Catalogue.

From the brain-eating ranks come the prikolic, or "werewolf zombie", the corrosive acid zombie, the suprisingly fast quick zombie, the explosive batteries known as absorbing zombies, and the won't-stop-until-the-last-bit-is-destroyed walking dead.

The skeletal legions include the electric shock bones, the chilling crystal skeleton, the bone-shattering spiked skeleton, the powdery dust skeltons, and the plant-withering defiling skeletons.


Monster Junkie
Crafted Critters
This week, 10 more constructs have been assembled in the Creature Catalogue.

This batch includes the aptly named Dwarf Crusher, the hot iron Firedog, the splintering Wooden Lady, and the sharp Spiked Golem.

The non-crushed dwarves retaliate with the mighty Mithral Guardians, and the greater version that is the result of the direct intervention of a deity.

The zombielike Greyman have swords grafted for arms, the vile Living Hair creeps and chokes, and the mighty Statue of Shaktari is carven in the image of a Demon Queen.

Finally, the mighty Taumet forms from a collection of artifacts, transforming its wearer into a draconic construct servant of Tiamat.

Voidrunner's Codex

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