1001 Epithets


First Post
You read the title.

"He? He is Sir Bob the ..."

1) the Lionhearted
2) the Brave
3) the Bold
4) the Lost
5) the Fearless
6) the Bearded
7) the Expectorator
8) the Clumsy
9) the Grammarian
10) the Milquetoast

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First Post
11) the alright
12) the intolerable
13) the dead
14) the sequestered
15) the just fine
16) the guy, you know, that guy
17) the circumpolar
18) the sophisticated
19) the dragonfondler
20) the hat wearer


First Post
28) The Ubiquitous
29) The Suspicious
30) The Rank
31) The Sanctimonious
32) The Not-so-Pious
33) The Illegitimate
34) The Foolhardy
35) The Desolate


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
42. the Space Cowboy
43. the Gangster of Love
44. the Maurice
45. the Picker
46. the Grinner
47. the Lover
48. the Sinner
49. the Player of Music in the Sun
50. the Joker
51. the Smoker
52. the Midnight Toker
53. the Getter of Lovin' on the Run
54. the Hurter of No One
55. the Lover of Peaches
56. the Shaker of Trees
Last edited:

Voidrunner's Codex

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