About the BASE concept

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
First, you have ( say ) 4 stats;
then your highest one gives you your BASE
then, you multiply each stat with the other so as to obtain 6 abilities, and refer to the chart corresponding to the BASE you're using:

BASE 4 ( means the highest of your 4 stats is 4 , the three others ranking from 1 to 4 )
stat A
x ----- Result after Depreciation
stat B
1 ------ 1
2 ------ 2
3 ------ 3
4 ------ 4
6 ------ 5
8 ------ 6
9 ------ 7
12 ------ 8
16 ------ 9
you get it ?
using BASE 4 your highest possible Ability is 9 ( given two 4 , i.e. 4x4 )
( there is no 7, using two stats from 1 to 4, so an 8 becomes a 7 ( that's what I call Depreciation )
( you won't use the slot of 7 until you reach BASE 7 )

shortly speaking,
BASE 5 tops at 5x5 ===> 25 ===> 14 ( after Depreciation )
tops at 6x6 ===> 36 ===> 18 ( after Depreciation )
tops at 7x7 ===> 49 ===> 25 ( after Depreciation )
tops at 8x8 ===> 64 ===> 30 ( after Depreciation )
tops at 9x9 ===> 81 ===> 36 ( after Depreciation )
tops at 10x10 => 100 => 42 ( after Depreciation )


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note how BASE 6 computes with standard Abilities maxima from typical Ad&d,
with BASE 7 providing a 25 ability maxima

so do we need beyond 25 Abilities ( hence BASE 8+ stats ) ?

well, references are from
Ad&d 2nd ed SoP ( player's Option ) ( with stats given a sub-stat range )
FASERIP system with Ranks which led me to the the 2d10 system
also from FASERIP the idea of 4 types of success
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now if you merge the BASE system with the 2d10 one, an ability will usually have a range
( say for example you have a stat of 4.10 and another of 3.09 then the ability referred by this combo wil range from ( 4.10 ) 5->6 x ( 3.09 ) 2->5 ===> 5x2 -> 6x5 ( then using Depreciation, using appropriate BASE etc ( a system more adapted for Video Games, because rolling once 2d10 for the first stat then rolling once for the second stat, then multiplying both, and finally depreciating the raw result ... ) ) ) )


still, Rolemaster was also very charty ( I mean lots of charts, as I recall for weapons ... )

Of course we could get rid of the Depreciation system, and could also only use one roll of 2d10 which would apply to both stats involved...
( note that using a combo of two stats you fall on an ability, so there would be six combos for six types of actions ( ?? )
( ability rolls )
using the same two stats from the thread #5,
and saying for example the 2d10 roll would be 3 and 7,
stat 1 ( with it's 4.10 ) would result in a +2 ( 4+2, i.e. 6 ) because 3+7 <= .10
stat 2 ( with it's 3.09 ) would result in a +1 ( 3+1 i.e. 4 ) because 3 <= .09 and 7 <= .09 ( i.e. +1 ) while 3+7 > .09
for a total result of 6x4 = 24
( then opposite rolls or the like )


I don't know if it's


(C)ulture => Cha/Int/Dex
(F)aith ===> Wis/Con/Cha
(S)cience => Str/Con/Int
(T)rade ===> Str/Wis/Dex

Str ==> SxT
Dex ==> CxT
Con ==> FxS
Wis ==> FxT
Cha ==> CxF
Int ==> CxS


(C)ulture => Cha/Int/Con
(F)aith ===> Wis/Dex/Cha
(S)cience => Str/Con/Wis
(T)rade ===> Str/Int/Dex

Str ==> SxT
Dex ==> FxT
Con ==> CxS
Wis ==> FxS
Cha ==> CxF
Int ==> CxT

( C,F,S,T come from Civilization by Sid Meyer's )

weuh in fact I like two from the two arrangements :
(F)aith ===> Wis/Con/Cha
(T)rade ===> Str/Int/... Cha ??
ok, I try to put this here ( because it appeared as I was writing this errata )
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yes yes it's totally experimental :)

beuh I didn't have to use four-stats, then 6 abilities;
the system could be used with 6 abilities, then 15 skills ( merging two abilities like Str+Dex, Str+Int etc )

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