18 int, 6 wis, 6 chr Warforged. Roleplaying tips?


How would you roleplay this Warforged (a Psion(shaper)) if it matters). I am thinking something like C3P0. Knowledgable, but foolish and arrogant.

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I'd say it would have a lot in common with our age's PCs. :)

I would probably roleplay it as a cold calculating machine unable think outside the box. Give it a complex logical problem and it will solve it quickly and with grace. But try to give it an ethical problem and it will start asking for different parameters. :p


Particle_Man said:
How would you roleplay this Warforged (a Psion(shaper)) if it matters). I am thinking something like C3P0. Knowledgable, but foolish and arrogant.

That's one good way to envision such a character. Another might be something like HAL 9000: purely logical, with no ability to relate to human feelings.


First Post
Does not compute! Error! Error! *Head explode*

Mind you, that's more of a 20 int, 3 wis & cha tip, but you get the point. Think bad science fiction movies.


First Post
I think more of Marvin from Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. Depressing (low Chr), not really caring about others (low Wis), but one of the smartest beings around.


Have you ever seen NUMB3RS?

The character 'Larry Flienhardt', if played with less of a writer's sensibility, and more with the sort of 'I don't really care what anyone thinks of me, and it shows' would be a good example.


The EN World kitten
For perhaps a more amusing twist, think of Steve Urkel. While not a robot (though he did buld an Urkel-bot), he's a good example of a character with a high intelligence, but a low charisma (and a comparatively low wisdom, also).

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