20 minute rough body study sketch of half-orcs


DEX: 4
As the title says :), please fire away with some constructive critisicm lads.


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1) they look like wolf men.
2) they look like they have pig noses
3) the hands is to big.
4) Great proportions for such a short time drawing!


DEX: 4
Ferret said:
1) they look like wolf men.
Hmm, really must why you have this perception :)

Ferret said:
2) they look like they have pig noses
Well ít might be given that look due to the (our) upper right lightsource, the noses are human but the lights throw them off a bit due to the perspective in this image.

Ferret said:
3) the hands is to big.
I know that ;), their arms are too long as well but that is intentional since that i how I picture my half-orcs.

Ferret said:
4) Great proportions for such a short time drawing!
Thanks mate.

And thanks for commenting.



First Post

hey there
great sketch

they do have a lupine quality about them....
and i agree with Ferret on the large hands...for want of a better word the hands look odd...on them.

i think i'm getting the jist of what you want your orcs to look like...


First Post
Not bad.

Here's my tip for the day. Take a look in the mirror at how your muscles react based on whether you hand is palm up or palm down. You'll notice your half-orcs biceps are setting on their arms as though they had their palms up, but remember the bicep runs the dead opposite the elbow, and that point changes as the arm rotates so it doesn't always stay on top.


First Post
Hey there! Long time no see! Glad to see your still drawing! :D I like your perception of the orcs. I have to agree with everyone about the arms and hands, but all-in-all they're really good. Keep them coming, I know you will be able to create the perfect specimen, I've seen what you did with dragons! ;)


I think its that the hands are disproportionatly (spelling?) largrer then the arms they are attached to.

The "Sketchy" shading looks like hair and you are right, human noses, but odd angle.

Sorry if I was harsh.


DEX: 4
Ferret said:
I think its that the hands are disproportionatly (spelling?) largrer then the arms they are attached to.

I know, wanted the arms to be slightly longer then on a human and also wanted their hands to be slightly larger. I aimed for about 50% larger then a humans hand but I instead got them to be nearly double the size instead. Looks a bit disproportionate but not too far off.

Ferret said:
The "Sketchy" shading looks like hair and you are right, human noses, but odd angle.

Think of it as an rough concept drawing, just a general view on how the final product is supposed to look like. Everything is done very rough since I just wanted to capture the general anatomy and feel of my half-orcs (actually Jutonds but I wont go into that rihgt now).

And yeah, noses tend to look a bit odd even if drawn right in that angle and with that particular lightning.

Ferret said:
Sorry if I was harsh.

Far from harsh :), just asked for your reasoning since I find all critisicm to be constructive as long as I can hear the reasoning behind it.

And thanks for your time.



DEX: 4
Oni said:
Not bad.

Here's my tip for the day. Take a look in the mirror at how your muscles react based on whether you hand is palm up or palm down. You'll notice your half-orcs biceps are setting on their arms as though they had their palms up, but remember the bicep runs the dead opposite the elbow, and that point changes as the arm rotates so it doesn't always stay on top.

Yeah I do notice what you mean, not a grand master of human anatomy but yet again we never become master ourselves we just come closer to our own perfection of our personal style the more we draw.

Thanks for your comments and view on the sketch lad :)



I know that you wanted the hands and arms bigger but the arms are thinner and the hands wider. if the arms were wider fine, if the hand wer not as wider fine. At the moment I'm complaining that they look like some suicidal maniac has loped of there hands and attached plates with bananas glued on. Not that they evolved from orangatangs. And I know I misspelt that.

Raving complete.

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