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2008/12/18 Tabletop RPG Podcasts


Tabletop RPG (Mostly)

General Discussions/Reviews/Everything Else

* Pulp Gamer episodes: Mad Science Games (Out of Character).
* Bear Swarm! episodes: Review: Houses of the Blooded.http://www.bearswarm.com/podpress_trac/web/197/0/show-034.mp3
* The Podge Cast episodes: Lazy Saturday.http://podgecast.com/podpress_trac/web/206/0/TPC_021.mp3
* The Order 66 Podcast episodes: Bipod of Wonder.http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Order66/~5/480176280/episode45.mp3
* Fell Calls episodes: And To All A Good Night.
* Animalcast episodes: Episode 70.
* Fear the Boot episodes: GameDAR and the DM screen.
* Fist Full of Comics and Games episodes: Monarchs Comics Briefing Vol. 3 (02, 03).
* Yog-Sothoth episodes: The Elfish Gene - Christmas 08 Edition. http://www.yog-sothoth.com/docs2/yog-radio-33.mp3
* Wapcaplets episodes: GM Dice Contest.
* The TrapCast episodes: Trigun, Christmas, Horses, and Starting Levels.
* This Modern Death episodes: The Burning of Dresden.
* The Digital Front episodes: E-Publishing Seminar Gen Con 08.
* THACO episodes: How to Pronounciate Words, D&D 4E.
* Save Against Frostbite episodes: Reality Eye Piss.
* Meanwhile...The Super Gaming Podcast episodes: Secret Origins.
* Game On! episodes: Game ON!
* Lords of Tyr D&D Podcast episodes: Episode 14.
* dpfp Podcast episodes: Steampunk and Ship of Ishtar Pt.2.
* Dragon's Landing Inn episodes: Episode D 98.

* The Game's The Thing episodes: Reality Blurs Update with Sean Preston.

Actual Play Sessions

* Heroic Cthulhu episodes: Brothel Redoux (1, 2, 3, 4), Trip To The Kinley Museaum & Figuring Out What To Do (1, 2), Monkey Love (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), Lethal Legacy 2: Rigged to Explode (1, 2, 3), Dumpster (1, 2, 3, 4), Monkey Urine (1, 2), Zombie Explosion (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11), Curse of Anubis (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
* The Game Master Show episodes: Hellas - Worlds of Sun and Stone (1).
* RPGMP3 episodes: Thunderspire Labyrinth (7, 8), Wild Talents (2), Mr Fuzzybottom Gets Festive.
* Bear Swarm! episodes: Houses of the Blooded 11/28/08 (1, 2, 3, 4).

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