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2009 in Review


First Post
I'm finding that my book-only players and my DDI-subscriber players are really looking at two sets of options when leveling.

If I allowed DDI in my online games, it would be the same. I just do not like the rift it is causing, and would not like it even if I were on the other side of the rift.

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Silvercat Moonpaw


Low Points:
Choosing to kick myself off my favorite world-building site for being a jerk and generally incompatible with most of what was going on.
An odd slowdown in products that catch my interest. (I'm normally incompatible with a majority of gaming products, but most of the time they at least look kind of interesting.)

GMing my first ever game. Middling because it was something I've always wanted to do, but it died slowly and I'm still not sure if I was doing a good enough job. (Also not sure if I'm up for doing it again.)

High Points:
Mecha & Manga released for Mutants & Masterminds.
Fantasy Craft. Feels like something of a sleeper discover for me.


..........................................Every year I find myself feeling more and more like what I think my future is going to be like turns out to be wrong. I don't even hope any more, I just wait.

Jason Anderson

First Post
It's been an "interesting" year for me gaming-wise.

* One player getting sick for the first half of the year, severely limiting gaming opportunities.
* Having to kill my 2-year Fires of Amatsumara campaign when it became obvious that player unhappiness over various issues (and each other) couldn't be resolved.
* A short re-visit to an old campaign (by request) not going as well as I had hoped.
* Finally realising that my wifes gaming preferences are beginning to diverge significantly from the other players.
* Almost giving up running RPGs on Sunday.

* The new campaign (Livas), while having a shaky start, seems to have gripped everyone and have good potential.
* Renewed interest in publishing material for Polgarus Games (my small gaming company that I've neglected badly for several years).

Looking at 2010
* Looking forward to the Livas campaign continuing and growing stronger.


First Post
High Points
- Discovering Pathfinder RPG
- Old games on the xbox 360 that I got used, like Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey

Low Points
- Slowly loosing my gaming group. Some of my players lost the passion to play and spends most of the gaming sessions reading books.
- Useless edition wars.

Erik Mona

I just wanted to say how surprising two things are from this thread. First, many people have not only expressed love for Pathfinder, but actually are running active Pathfinder games. That took me off guard. Does Paizo know they have something successful on their hands?


Are you guys actually buying the books, so that Paizo sees income from the product? Because honestly, my assumption has been that Pathfinder is a non-event. It sold what it sold, and it's done. But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

You're wrong. :)

--Erik Mona
Paizo Publishing


- October marked 30 years of playing D&D for me.
- Pathfinder.
- Revisited AD&D after an eight to nine year hiatus.
- The majority of our group deciding that after over a year of playing 4e that it wasn’t for us.
- Dark Sun – even if I can’t find a group to play 4e I will still purchase the books.
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Greg K

Low Points
- Losing one job unexpectedly at the end of May/beginning of June and my other job being spotty since this time last year. It cut into my gaming budget among other things

- Three members of my gaming group losing their jobs over the past three months. From a gaming stand point, it impacted their ability to travel to the games.

- Savage Worlds Conan won't be happening

- Outside of Mutants and Mastermnds products, Trailblazer, discovering Savage Worlds, and Adamant releasing products for Savage Worlds, there was not much else that I found interesting in RPGs for 2009.

- (edit) Not liking 4e, because Blackdirge's stuff looks awesome.

High Points
* Mecha and Manga for Mutants and Masterminds
* Adamant releasing Thrilling Tales 2e for Savage Worlds
* Adamant releasing Mars: Savage Worlds edition
* RPGObjects announcing a Savage World's Darwin's World
* Adamant's $1 sale that allowed me to buy Thrilling Tales 2e and Savage: Mars and raised my interest in Savage Worlds.
* My friend buying me Savage Worlds: Explorer Edition for the holidays.
* Savage Worlds: Explorer Edition impressing me since the Test Drive did not.
* Jon Rogers posting his True20 take on Parker from Leverage

* Darwin's World for Savage Worlds will, hopefully, be out.
* Savage: Space 1889
* Hoping that Dog House Rules will release a Savage Worlds: Sidewinder: Recoiled.
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Second Most Angelic Devil Ever
High points:
My dice collection broke 1,000.
:eek: Do you count them from time to time or keep a running tally?

Southern Oracle said:
One daughter (out of 4) captivated by gaming!
Growing our community, one new nerd at a time.

2009 High Points:
Ongoing Edition Wars. w00t!

[sblock];) What--Am I crazy? I like both. I still play 3.75 (Trailblazer) and 4E[/sblock]

M.L. Martin

High Points

* The Star Wars Saga Edition: Dawn of Defiance campaign that continued from Fall 2008 through Summer 2009. First long-term campaign I've played in since starting this hobby, and a lot of fun. (And my PC got the girl. :) )
* Continued SWSE support
* 6th Edition!
Of the HERO System, you heathens :devil:

Low Points

* D&D Game Day and several products convincing me that 4E, much like 3E before it, isn't really what I want.
* Growing implications that SWSE is coming to an end.
* End of the SWSE campaign, and starting doctoral work means I'm not gaming once again for the moment.


* At least two more SWSE products, including one (Galaxy of Intrigue) that I've wanted for years.
* More 6th Edition material
* The Castle Ravenloft board game
* The possibility of starting more gaming--one of my dorm mates has expressed a desire to run a BEMCI/RC D&D game . . .


First Post
This is one of the most depressing threads I have read, lots of people telling each other they are playing the wrong game. It's 2010, time to give editions wars a rest.

Voidrunner's Codex

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