2010 Ohio Gameday Memorial Day Weekend

Well, I did say I was opening sign-ups after May 1, so yeah, sign-ups are open.

This does not mean that no more games can be added. If you want to run something, just say something (but do keep in mind that there will be some pickup games on Sunday).

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I wasn't sure how that was working. Had been hoping to get in on Sophie since I had to cancel last GenCon but it's already full. No big deal though :)

Can you please sign up both Fenris and I for Klint's Pirate game? Depending on when he runs it I may be able to get into suzi's game or if not, we'll do Klint's Deadlands game too.

I still have to talk to Jennie about possible child care IF I bring my kid. :)

Put me down for Og! (loves OG!, OG loves OG, OG love!!!!)

If Coliseum Morpheuon demo looks like it would be ready soon if not I will see about running "A Witch's Choice." I will have to figure out what people would be most interested in.

I will also have some swag, softback print copy of Heroes of the Jade Oath BETA, Feats 101, 101 magical Weapon Properites, and Litorians.
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Put me down for Og! (loves OG!, OG loves OG, OG love!!!!)

If Coliseum Morpheuon demo looks like it would be ready soon if not I will see about running "A Witch's Choice." I will have to figure out what people would be most interested in.

I will also have some swag, softback print copy of Heroes of the Jade Oath BETA, Feats 101, 101 magical Weapon Properites, and Litorians.

You're signed up.

Let me know.

Great! Swag is good!

I'll play Scourge of the Mall Rats! in the morning. :D


Is anyone interested in playing some good ol' fashioned D&D? I figure if no one is going to run it, I might have to :)

Swashbucklers iirc has always been D&D.

ad&d? Od&d?

The previous three sessions of Swashbucklers were 3.0/3.5 D&D. D'Shai has threatened to use a different system, but I'm trying to talk him into keeping it D&D.

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