Is this solely for D&D? Otherwise, this is Heroquest set in Glorantha.
Sunday January 16th 2011 aka Godsday, Harmony week, Sea season.
Alas, alas, for Vedekanth Seven-Fingered. There we shall remember him, by his sister's house. There we shall mourn him, beneath the trees. There we shall avenge him, hanging his slayer.
Seven they were, riding the wind from the East, with plunder and rapine in their hearts, and the fyrd all away. Old men and children and women unarmed, or Vedekanth here to visit his sister.
Payment he took, as his honour demanded. Half an apple his sister gave him, to face the Gagarthi with sword in hand. "It is enough, with the love of a sister."
Who shall sing of that fight? Seven they were, fierce bandits not cowards, screaming the war cries of their outlaw god. Silent was Vedekanth, his sword spoke for him.
See now the bandits falling before him, the edge of his sword gleaming with magic. Wounds they dealt him, Death he gave them. Gagarthi fall to the son of Harstaval.
Gagarth's thane screamed for vengeance, summoned a demon. Vedekanth stood there, the dead at his feet. Fell on him together, bandit and whirlvish, screaming for victory or death. Sword gleaming, sand spilling, the demon fell first. Horned helmet dipped to acknowledge it's master, one last sword stroke, bandit chief's fury fails.
Vedekanth slowly toppled, face first in the dust. Death took his servant, once Justice was done. Sword Hall opened to welcome the champion, his deed completed and life done. Sister mourned over him, saw to the rites. Bandits will hang over the place that he beat them, spirits sent screaming into their wastes.
Translated (very badly) from the (bad) Sartarite prose-poem The Death of Vedekanth Seven-Fingered, Sword of Humakt.
As for what happened in-game, this was a series of extended contests. Five or more Resolution Points against you ends your participation in the contest as a whole, but as long as you keep winning, you can keep going, and Vedekanth kept beating his opponents. Once you lose, or the whole contest is over, you add up all the RP against you to see what happened to you. Before that last fight with the leader of the bandits, Vedekanth had spent all the hero points he had, and taken 7 RP against him in total. 7 RP at the end of a climactic scene leaves you wounded, 8 is dying, and 9 is dead. He won the last contest 6-3. Very fitting for a champion of the god of Death and Justice to die so as to defeat a champion of an Outlaw god. He wouldn't die until he'd delivered justice to the outlaws, but once he had nothing was going to cheat his master.