2018 Pogre's Miniatures and Models - A BIG finish to the year with The Wizard's Tower!


My previous miniatures thread is about 15 years old with lots of broken links and lost pictures, so I thought I would start a new one.

First up, a trio of Reaper Bones Fire Giants:





2018 Miniatures Count: 3
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Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
I've got the second giant in metal and he is heavy enough that in a case with a bit off movement he snapped his plastic base in half. I don't really like Bones but for giants and big figs its great.

I've got piles of D&D, Reaper, & Warhammer Fantasy figs to paint but since getting into Bolt Action I will be surprised if I touch any of that for months. Trying to paint 27 28mm American Infantry by Tuesday. If I manage it its going to be a feat of amazing proportions for me since I'm a very slow painter.
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I agree with you about Bones. I'm currently cranking out some more Vikings for a game I'm running at Winter War Convention towards the end of the month. Maybe in a couple of weeks I'll post something above table top quality.

Flexor the Mighty! said:
but since getting into Bolt Action

What scale are you using? I have a ton of Flames of War figures I got in an auction I will never paint.

Flexor the Mighty!

18/100 Strength!
BA is 28mm scale. Though you can play it with others. You looking to sell those Flames of War figs? That is another game the Wargame group I found plays. I have a platoon of US bazooka figs for that system but haven't finished them up.


I've got the second giant in metal and he is heavy enough that in a case with a bit off movement he snapped his plastic base in half. I don't really like Bones but for giants and big figs its great.

I've got piles of D&D, Reaper, & Warhammer Fantasy figs to paint but since getting into Bolt Action I will be surprised if I touch any of that for months. Trying to paint 27 28mm American Infantry by Tuesday. If I manage it its going to be a feat of amazing proportions for me since I'm a very slow painter.
Anyone know where there are good instruction videos on painting miniatures?

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I finished up 4 Vikings. These miniatures are from Saxon Miniatures, which was recently purchased by Warlord Games.

2018 Model Count: 7

Voidrunner's Codex

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