2018 Pogre's Miniatures and Models - A BIG finish to the year with The Wizard's Tower!

Thanks. They do not look great in these close ups, but they work well on the table top. I will try to take a picture of all of my Vikings and Saxons in the near future.

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A trio of the new Wizkidz miniatures - a barmaid, a cart, and a dancing woman.

2018 model count: 10
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Here's a trio of diverse figures. First up. crank up your P.I.L. and get ready for some late 1980s Citadel! I present the huge hands of the hunter:

Next up, is a miniature 25 or so years newer - a Cthonic fountain from the Reaper Bones line. I added some resin in the basin - hard to see from the pics.

Finally, another golden oldie from the Grendel resin line - the torture rack

2018 Model Count: 13

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