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20th Anniversary Mage and others?


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Can anyone fill me in on the 20th Anniversary Mage: The Ascension (and the other lines)? I haven't played WoD since the original in the 90s and missed the NWoD entirely. Old Mage was by far my favorite.

What the deal? Are these straight reprintings? Are they revisions to the rules? The fluff? The artwork? Other than seeing them back in print, what's the goal of the new line?


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Herr Doktor
I can't really provide a detailed answer, but in broad strokes the anniversary editions are intended for those who preferred the fluff, and sometimes the rules, of the oWoD.

I'm not well read on everything in the nWoD, but like you I really liked the old Mage. 2nd edition in particular saw a lot of play among my friends. And when I picked up the nWoD Mage (The Awakening) I was horribly disappointed, to put it mildly. My actual reaction was "this sucks elephant balls through a straw!"

With time, I've mellowed a little and come to see that the new game is its own animal. It's not trying to do the same things as the classic, and some people might think the new setting is more interesting. Personally, I can't adapt to it though. And I maintain that putting Atlantis in your backstory is always a sucky move, no matter what.

Now, on to the anniversary edition. The intention is to maintain the old world and its fluff, while cleaning up the rules. How that will turn out remains to be seen. I'm a backer of the kickstarter, but only on the pdf level, because I'm a little on the fence.

See, in the other anniversary rules, they've reverted a very important rule that I actually liked the way it was. History time. The exact timeline is now a little hazy to me, but as I recall the very first iteration of Storyteller ran with 3 variables: size of the dice pool, target number for success, and number of successes needed/degree of success. Later on (I seem to recall 2nd ed for most of the games, but don't quote me on it) this was simplified to 2 variables by setting a fixed target for all rolls. But now they've gone back on this to the original system, and IMHO this is a horrible, horrible idea. I'm not a big fan of dice pool systems to begin with, because of their poor transparency, and adding more variables just increases the mathematical opacity far beyond what anyone needs.

Okay, rant over. Hope I've at least informed you a little more. ;)


revision of the rules. new beautiful art. huge books. more information about mage look for "Deluxe Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition" on kickstarter (I cant post links yet).


iteration of Storyteller ran with 3 variables: size of the dice pool, target number for success, and number of successes needed/degree of success. Later on (I seem to recall 2nd ed for most of the games, but don't quote me on it) this was simplified to 2 variables by setting a fixed target for all rolls. But now they've gone back on this to the original system, and IMHO this is a horrible, horrible idea. ;)

the fixed target for all rolls (8s) was for the "storytelling" system, the system of the nWod. all the editions of the oWod (storyteller) was with the variable target for rolls. this was one of the things that most distinguished the 2 systems, so they had to stick with the old option and most people prefer that way (I dont).


Herr Doktor
the fixed target for all rolls (8s) was for the "storytelling" system, the system of the nWod. all the editions of the oWod (storyteller) was with the variable target for rolls. this was one of the things that most distinguished the 2 systems, so they had to stick with the old option and most people prefer that way (I dont).

Oh, OK, so my memory was playing tricks on me. I associated the change that I liked with the edition that I liked. ;)

But yeah, score 1 point for the nWoD there. Don't know if it gets too many more...

Mage kinda went out of fashion after the 1990s, but it remains probably in my personal Top 3 RPGs I have ever played and is my favourite of the OWoD games. I played it with an ongoing campaign for about 6 years.In it’s time, it was totally inspiring.

The 20th anniversary is not a reprint, but a full update to the 21st Century and consolidation of all previous material into a whopping 500+ page tomb. It follows the same format and design goals of 20th Anniversary Vampire and Werewolf, and has been funded on Kickstarter (the second highest Tabletop RPG to be funded on that site after Exalted 3rd Edition).

Mage was controversial in it’s time for a variety of reasons, but has real brio if you enjoy New-Agey philosophy and creative input into magical systems and self expression. The Storyteller system was a tad clunky in the original game, but it got tidied up in follow on editions and will probably be quite polished by the time of the 20th Anniversary edition release.

It’s gameplay, in retrospect, is really an alternative take on modern superheroes - but with an overlaying premise of conflicting paradigms being able to bend reality - like Champions but more intone with ‘deep fantasy’ sensibilities. I never really felt it meshed that well with the rest of the WoD games, although some may argue otherwise. It has an inherent flexibility towards playing many diverse genres, however, because of the genuine creative openness in character and magical paradigm design. This openness may have contributed towards some of the bitter edition wars in it’s latter years, as gamers argued about it’s overriding themes and mood. It was quite hard to establish a central core theme as to what the game was actually about.

In all, if you like provocative modern fantasy, thought The Matrix or Pi or Donnie Darko were cool and didn’t find yourself wincing at the theories proposed in What the Bleep Do We Know?…..you’re going to like Mage.
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I reluctantly backed the kickstarter as I thought the PDF level was way more expensive than what A PDF usually costs. And the stretch goals were not really all that inspired.

But with my deep love for Mage: The Ascension, I had to do it.

There is also a new free quickstart that's pretty nice. You can get it at Drivethru.rpg here...


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