(2e) Looking for players in Quinte area, Ontario, Canada


Hey all,

I'm looking for a couple more players for our weekly 2e D&D game in the Quinte area, Ontario, Canada.

I host and provide coffee, player's handbooks and minis - you supply:
• Willingness to come prepared (actually reading the background info given, knowing what your character can do)
• Ability to play in a game that avoids min/max, über combat machines
• We generally do not allow evil characters, drow, races outside the PHB and splatbooks

If you can commit to a (generally) weekly game, message me and we’ll meet to discuss.

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First Post
Hey all,

I'm looking for a couple more players for our weekly 2e D&D game in the Quinte area, Ontario, Canada.

I host and provide coffee, player's handbooks and minis - you supply:
• Willingness to come prepared (actually reading the background info given, knowing what your character can do)
• Ability to play in a game that avoids min/max, über combat machines
• We generally do not allow evil characters, drow, races outside the PHB and splatbooks

If you can commit to a (generally) weekly game, message me and we’ll meet to discuss.
Curious are you still looking for players? Haven't played for a long time but really enjoyed the game.

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