2nd weapon in character builder problem?

Gang, I was thinking about going with 2 weapon fighting with my Holy Avenger.

I don't have any of the "offhand" type weapons like a double sword, axe, or
the Urgrosh (like our DMs would ever allow that!).

I do have a versatile weapon, so I'd lose 1 point of damage using 2 of them, one
in each hand, but could regain that with the feat, Two Weapon Fighting.

So what other rules apply to this - someone else from our group said the 2nd
weapon gets some kind of minus to hit...

Also, how do you equip this in the Character builder under Shop? I can pick
1 handed for the versatile weapon, but it won't let me put anything else in the
2nd weapon slot.

Thanks everyone! :)

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First Post
Without a special class ability that says otherwise, you can only equip weapons with the offhand property in the offhand. This weapon will allow you to take the two weapon fighting feats and provide no other tangible benefit.

Mad Hamish

First Post
Darklord, I think you are confusing double weapons with offhand weapons

Unless you've got a special ability that lets you do it you can only use an offhand weapon in the second hand (examples are daggers, short sword etc)

Double weapons count as offhand weapons

You don't get to attack with the second weapon unless you have special powers that let you do so (rangers, I think the new barbarian build) -l more accurately you can choose which weapon to attack with


Depending on what kind of Avenger you are and your Strength score, it might be worthwhile to pick up some multiclass powers that let you fight with two weapons - the increased chance of a critical can make it very attractive. Getting such powers At-Will takes paragon multiclassing or being a half-elf, however, neither of which is a very attractive option for an Avenger.

Iron Sky

Procedurally Generated
Note that there is an error in the character builder (or was last time I checked) that incorrectly applies Two Weapon Fighting damage to both primary and offhand weapons. It should only apply to the primary hand weapon (as per the wording of the feat).


DarkLord, I am thrown off by your "offhand" comment, and I am not sure you have explained everything enough to us.

1) Double weapons are all two-handed weapons that also count as an Off hand weapon when in your off-hand. You can't just wield an urgrosh in your off hand.

2) Unless you are a TWF Ranger, Tempest Fighter or the new Whirling Barbarian, there's not very much use for a second weapon. Unless otherwise stated, you can't use two versatile weapons (twf rangers excluded).

3) I don't know how much of this is applicable, nor do I know your character build, or your extent of rules knowledge. I do know that if the CB won't let you do it, there's probably a reason for it.

Okay, thanks for the replies everyone.

Yep, after reading up more on this, I reckon the confusion is on my part.

I thought, for example, if you had 2 longswords (versatile), one in each
hand, and the main one was rending, along with 2 weapon fighting (and
2 weapon opening), that you could hit with the main (right), and if a crit
occurred, make a 2nd basic attack with the main sword, followed by a
basic attack with the offhand (left).

Thanks again.
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First Post
There are two issues with your example. First, most characters can't wield two long swords. If you 1) are a two-weapon ranger, 2) are a whirling barbarian, or 3) take the Two-Blade Warrior multiclass feat, you can wield two long swords. Otherwise, you can wield one long sword and one weapon with the off-hand property, such as a short sword or hand axe. Second, you can't put the rending property on long swords. It only goes on axes. So you could have a rending battleaxe and a short sword, or a rending khopesh and a hand axe, or any other combination of one-handed axe and off-hand weapon (read: one-handed weapon with the off-hand property), and if you did that you could make two basic attacks on a crit as you describe.

Voidrunner's Codex

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