D&D 3E/3.5 3.0 third party books

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Greg K

At a glance, the following are 3.5 products:
Wow, you are right.
I did know that the Skirmisher stuff was 3.5 as well as a few other items. I also did start to note in a prior post that there were some were 3.5 updates (e.g. Experts) or compilations and updates (e.g. Behind the Spells*, Book of Fiends), I deleted that before posting after going back and forth multiple times.

There are, however, a lot more 3.5 products on my list than I realized. I was sure that Poisoncraft (2004) was 3.0. As for the Blackdyrge templates and Master at Arms, I was surprised that they came out much later than I recalled.

Green Ronin's Psychic's Handbook is in a weird place. It came out at the beginning of 2004 and the earliest review of which I am aware came out in February of that year. However, it attributes the 2000-2003 SRD which I think makes it a 3.0 product as all of the 3.5 book came out in 2003.

* The Behind the Spells series was being published by Ronin Arts in 2005. Another one that I thought started earlier than it did
  • Adamant Entertainment's Corsairs.
  • Bards and Sages' Koboldnomicon.
  • Betabunny's The Bestiary: Predators.
  • Everything by Blackdyrge.
  • Blue Devil Games' Poisoncraft.
  • Fat Goblin Games'/Tricky Owlbear's Behind the Spells Compendium.
  • All of the Green Ronin products listed, except for the Witch's Handbook and Shaman's Handbook. (Book of the Righteous was 3.0 when it was released, but got a 3.5 PDF update.)
  • Malhavoc Press' The Book of Iron Might.
  • While Silverthorne Games' Book of Templates - Deluxe Edition was (I believe) for 3.0, there's also a Book of Templates Deluxe Edition 3.5. Neither has "revised" in their title that I recall.
  • Skirmisher's Experts v.3.5 is for 3.5...it's right there in the name. Insults & Injuries is likewise for 3.5 (though it also has a Pathfinder 1E version), and City Builder is (as I recall) system-agnostic.
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If you like psionics and haven't already done so, give the 1st-level adventure Of Sound Mind a shot. It was published as part of Fiery Dragon's Sword & Sorcery line, was written by Kevin Kulp (our own Piratecat), and I've used it several different times with different groups of players. Everyone had a blast.


I liked the Kingdom of Kalamar setting.
Kingdoms of Kalamar – Divine Masters: Faiths and Followers of Tellene alone was worth it just for the details on the deities.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Malhavoc: The Year's Best D20 is a cheat code for getting the best 3.0 third party stuff. Great book.

If you can find it, I also like Human Head's Redhurst: Academy of Magic.

The systemless Freeport: City of Adventure, from the same period, is excellent as well.


The EN World kitten
I liked the Kingdom of Kalamar setting.
Kingdoms of Kalamar – Divine Masters: Faiths and Followers of Tellene alone was worth it just for the details on the deities.
Insofar as Kenzer's Kalamar stuff goes, there were several books that were initially printed as 3.0 titles, that were then re-released as 3.5 titles later. Quite often, these re-releases were made after their license with WotC expired, so the 3.0 titles still have the Dungeons & Dragons logo on them, and the 3.5 ones don't (in at least one case, the title changed, as the 3.0 Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide became the 3.5 Player's Guide to the Sovereign Lands).

That said, I'm not sure that the Divine Masters book ever had a 3.0 release; my copy is 3.5, and Google doesn't seem to turn up anything older. Of course, the Kalamar sourcebooks seem to be high-quality across the board, so I'd recommend it either way.

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