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3.5 Discounts (Forked Thread: New 3.xE Products in 2009)


When I think of discounted RPG books, I think of either Amazon or Ebay, buying used. I have never seen a bookstore or brick and mortar RPG shop selling their RPG books at a discount because of age.

That said, many of the 3.e books on ebay are going for over half price, but if you are patient you can pick up some good stuff. Likewise with Amazon, the non-amazon sellers sometimes have really quirky low prices (I've even seen a few things for sell for a cent).

On the other hand, Paizo has had some pretty nice sells on Green Ronin stuff. I picked up a few good buys from them before Christmas.

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When I think of discounted RPG books, I think of either Amazon or Ebay, buying used. I have never seen a bookstore or brick and mortar RPG shop selling their RPG books at a discount because of age.
I have, but it's not common. They purchase them without huge discounts (I know Amazon often has them at a lower cost then the distributors charge the FLGS), and already operate with low profit margins. Many are very reluctant to take a loss on something, even if it is just sitting on the shelves gathering dust. I know my relatively successful gaming store took a long time to start discounting things that aren't moving (especially since it is hard to guess what will suddenly become a "collector's item" after a handful of years).

I also remember when Green Ronin had their first big sale. I asked my FLGS if they could order me some of the products and I could purchase them at the discounted price (which included a profit for the store). The problem was they already had copies of some of them on the shelves that they had paid the full price for (which was several times what the new "SRP" was from Green Ronin).

I think those FLGS's that refuse to discount any of their excess stock don't understand basic business well enough. Sure, if you continue to hang onto your old stock long enough you may end up selling it at full price. You might even get lucky and find that there is a demand for it now it is OOP and you can sell it for more than before.

However, in most cases the FLGS's will just end up with the same product sitting on their shelf in a couple of years from now. If they had discounted it they could have still made a small profit (or at least minimised their losses) and put something on the shelf in its place that will actually sell.

Having products on the shelf that don't sell is bad for business. Not only are you effectively giving up space that could be used for another product, you may find that your customers stop coming back to see what you've got since nothing changes.

It is something about selling something for a loss that seems to be a psychological barrier that many can't deal with. They'd rather hold on to it and keep the hope that they will sell it for a profit in the future than to just cut their losses and move on. It happens all the time in the financial markets too.

On a personal basis, my FLGS hasn't discounted any of the WotC 3.5E books that they own. I don't know whether they are still selling or if they are just sitting on the shelf. They don't have a lot of other 3.5E books, apart from Paizo products, all of which are recent releases.

An interstate gaming store that I order from online from time to time had big reductions in price on most of their 3.5E WotC books. Most of the 3.5E WotC hardcover books were sold for AUD $20 (about USD $14). That's less than half price. I picked up several books missing from my collection at those prices.

The other 2 sales I have taken advantage of are the Green Ronin and Goodman Games sales. I bought about 10 printed Green Ronin books when they were on sale for $5 and $2 at Paizo. I bought about 40 Goodman Games PDF's (XCrawl adventures and DCC's adventures) just the other week when they were also on sale at Paizo.

Between those 3 sales I'm pretty much set.

Olaf the Stout


First Post
I think those FLGS's that refuse to discount any of their excess stock don't understand basic business well enough. Sure, if you continue to hang onto your old stock long enough you may end up selling it at full price. You might even get lucky and find that there is a demand for it now it is OOP and you can sell it for more than before.

However, in most cases the FLGS's will just end up with the same product sitting on their shelf in a couple of years from now. If they had discounted it they could have still made a small profit (or at least minimised their losses) and put something on the shelf in its place that will actually sell.

It's come up before in most of the threads about why LGS's are dying. Too things really;
1) Cash flow/ store space: by ditching at a discount, you're getting some money to spend on next months stuff, and some space to put it in.
2) What a guy I know termed "first loss", from car dealers. It's better to discount 10% after 1 month instead of 50% after a year.

It is something about selling something for a loss that seems to be a psychological barrier that many can't deal with. They'd rather hold on to it and keep the hope that they will sell it for a profit in the future than to just cut their losses and move on. It happens all the time in the financial markets too.
Hold on there, though. Financial markets are a whole different kettle of fish. Any financial advisor will tell you to hold on to your investments if they're down rather than sell them for a loss.

Greg K

I found some really good deals on ebay around October or November

Advanced Bestiary $12.50 ($36.95)
Book of Templates, Deluxe $8.00 ($34.99)
Book of Iconic Beastiary $3.99 ($13.95 apparently for the pdf)
Noble Steeds $1.99 ($16.95)

Then, there was the Green Ronin stuff at their site and the Paizo site which was great for the birthday and holiday presents that I needed to buy (plus three or four books for myself before runnning out of funds).

Currently, several Bastion Press/Dragonwing products are being sold for $5, and Human Head's Redhurst Academy had been temporarily reduced to $5 (currently, it is at full price).


Thanks for everyone's replies so far. Although we have two RPG stores in my area, plus a bunch of general bookshops that stock some D&D material, it's hard for me to tell sometimes if something happening in my neck of the woods is happening elsewhere. (Especially since local RPG groups can really skew it - a successful campaign of TORG at Glasgow Uni's gaming soceity means its possibhly selling much hotter hear than it is anywhere else. :) )

It sounds like online retailers may have had a clearout but local game stores did not, and for the most part products are being sold pretty much as they were before. (Certainly, no-one is saying anything like "My game shop has all the 3.X MMs at $5")

My LGS hasn't discounted books, even old shelf worn coppies that have been mangled by having bodies of 40k players playing at the too nearby table press against them. But then, I rarely have seen tempting discounts on backstock from them. (shrug)

Of my two LGSes, one of them does have occasional discounts. Just in the last month or two they had some 50% discounted Mutants & Masterminds books, and earlier in the year they had a big clearout where I got a bunch of stuff cheap (including Blue Rose for £5) The other, however, seems to pretty much keep things in forever - they have the Lawnmower Man & Men In Black RPGs on a wee quiet wall, as well as a copy of The Primal Order from way back when.

They don't have a lot of other 3.5E books, apart from Paizo products, all of which are recent releases.

There does seem to be a little less D20 product in the standard bins of one of my shops - though it's still a bigish chunk, and far more is in the second hand area.

I wonder if some shops are reluctant to discount ands ell it cheap because they still don't have enough material to fill that void - with fewer people picking up the GSL at the start than the D20/OGL, and still a smallish selection of products for 4E, perhaps they're still seeing 3.5 books as a major chunk of their RPG section.

It's come up before in most of the threads about why LGS's are dying. Too things really;
1) Cash flow/ store space: by ditching at a discount, you're getting some money to spend on next months stuff, and some space to put it in.
2) What a guy I know termed "first loss", from car dealers. It's better to discount 10% after 1 month instead of 50% after a year.

I read this in a few threads about FLGS management, and I can see why it's a problem and why FLGS managers make the "wrong" decision. With small margins at the best of times, they seem loathe to take a dent rather than wait for that "perfect" sale.

Speaking from my own experience, though, if I'm already playing a game and I don't get a supplement on release I'm unlikely to pick it up at all. I think more game shops should be considering discounts sometime around 1-3 months after a product is released to try and tempt players - in all my time at these two shops I can only think of one product where this happened, and it did lead to me buying something I was swithering on.

At my local used book stores, they were each flooded with 3.5 books right after Christmas.

However, if you're looking for 3.5 books for under 1/2 off, you may have missed the boat on that one.

See, the thing is, I've been going pretty constantly to my game shops (one of which has a hefty second hand selection) and not really seen much of this. Whatever second hand books turned up were either 3.0, campaign-specific or unremarkable 3rd party books. I have turned up some gems but, for the most part, it doesn't seem like the boat reached my neck of the woods at all. :)

I wonder if part of the problem is the kind of books I'm after - I've got a pretty broad selection of books, most of my missing ones being the Complete Series and the Racial books. I also wonder if some retailers are waiting until Pathfinder comes out properly to really see what the 3.X support is like, and if a lot of people are still only dipping their toes into 4E rather than abandoning the previous edition wholeheartedly...


First Post
If anyone sees any of the Dragonlance 3.5 stuff from SovPress, let me know, I'd like to get some of it cheap. (I enjoyed the material, but can't justify the price for something I'll never use.)

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