D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] XP Chart Same?


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Can someone who has both books handy confirm that the XP reward chart did not change? I'm trying to figure up XP for my game and don't have my 3.5 books, just a copy of the chart I made in Excel (so I can work on it at work :p)


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First Post
Wraithdrit said:

Can someone who has both books handy confirm that the XP reward chart did not change? I'm trying to figure up XP for my game and don't have my 3.5 books, just a copy of the chart I made in Excel (so I can work on it at work :p)

The chart didn't change but the method of granting XP did.

Basically you no longer figure average party level and use that on the chart. You use the chart to look up each person's level on the chart and give them 1/(Number of Party members) portion of XP.

It's the FR method. Item Creation feats just lost some of the sting.


Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
DevoutlyApathetic said:
It's the FR method. Item Creation feats just lost some of the sting.
*nods* So did any reason that makes you lag behind - e.g., level loss from getting raised.
'course, the gp cost for raise dead and similar spells went way up in revised so I still wouldn't recommend getting killed... :D

- But having create undead cast on you is much cheaper Darkness


First Post

Ooookay. So the higher level types get LESS xp then the lower levels for the same fight, eh?


I have a party that consists of an ECL 12 total character, an 11th level character, a 10th level character (about to be 11th), a 10th level character, and a 10th level character that just died and is being raised (effective 9th level).

Hmm, thing is the ECL 12 character is a template ECL added to a lower level character... he is a 7th level monk shade. Shade adds 5 levels. I let him in, under the assumption that he doesn't advance till he makes enough XP to cover the template... ie when others go to 13th level he will advance to 8th finally.

So I guess since he is in the area of XP for 10th level character, I will award for that.

Interesting... very interesting.

- Wraith

I like to think of it as "lower level characters get MORE XP than higher level ones", myself ... higher level characters get the same XP they did under 3.0. ;)

As to character with templates, I'd award XP based on his ECL (Equivalent Character Level). Otherwise, there's a bigger incentive to take a template, as you're behind in character levels, and thus gain XP faster ...

The chart is based on total character level; I think the level adjustment for a template or monster class needs to be figured in.


First Post
I would normally agree on the ECL thing. I let this character come in higher due to the particular template taken, etc. Its a mistake I won't make again.


First Post
Olgar Shiverstone said:
I like to think of it as "lower level characters get MORE XP than higher level ones", myself ... higher level characters get the same XP they did under 3.0. ;)

Not always. I've been playing a 7th level Sorcorer in a group that averages around 5ish. My share of XP will be less than the 'old' method. I don't really mind, I do feel slightly guilty about how overboard I'm going to go with my Craft Wonderous.

Not my fault I'm one of two who haven't died...at all. Current record for most PC deaths: 6*. He gets that asterisk because last time his character died somebody who had to leave early allowed him to play his PC since the situation didn't allow a 'replacement' PC to show up. Foolish man.

It didn't help that the Drow Assassin-wannabe knew he couldn't have the paladin hanging around...

Darkness said:
*nods* So did any reason that makes you lag behind - e.g., level loss from getting raised.
'course, the gp cost for raise dead and similar spells went way up in revised so I still wouldn't recommend getting killed... :D

This also applies to casters who create items. If they eventually fail to level they will start getting "extra" xp. I'm not sure if I'm for it or against it. It makes logical sense but irritates my sense of game balance.

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