Guide of Modos
The creation of Advanced 5e can be seen as an evolutionary step:
3.00 edition
From the primordial muck of AD&D 2e came some innovations: simplified saving throws, THAC0 became an attack bonus, and skill proficiencies became skill points.
3.50 edition
Partial actions removed, swift, immediate, and move actions added, cover & concealment simplified, animal companions became a subsystem, and polymorph was "fixed."
3.75 edition A.K.A. Pathfinder
Combat maneuvers simplified special attack actions, perception was born, dead levels disappeared, and magicians (wizards, sorcerors) got more hit points. Polymorph may have been fixed again.
3.85 edition A.K.A. 5.0 edition
The game became leaner and meaner, dropping modifiers for advantage, removing attack of opportunity tables, limiting magic with attunement and concentration, and absorbing D.N.A. to gain rests (and thus, encounter and daily powers) and healing surges.
3.99 edition
So here we are. The game wants to continue evolving, and it has a rich history of features hidden or buried in its D.N.A. Lots of this history is open-licensed. Since other threads are discussing mutations to the game (the creation of new features or modified 5e features), my question to you is: what needs to come back that has already been in the game? What was streamlined-out that shouldn't have been so?
Some things I'd like to see are d4 magicians, non-square character spaces, spot & listen, and magic item madness (removal of attunement and concentration). I'd also like to see bards returned to their rightful place as the worst class in the game, back when they got four skill points per level, and one level of special abilities. (Just kidding. Sort of.)
3.00 edition
From the primordial muck of AD&D 2e came some innovations: simplified saving throws, THAC0 became an attack bonus, and skill proficiencies became skill points.
3.50 edition
Partial actions removed, swift, immediate, and move actions added, cover & concealment simplified, animal companions became a subsystem, and polymorph was "fixed."
3.75 edition A.K.A. Pathfinder
Combat maneuvers simplified special attack actions, perception was born, dead levels disappeared, and magicians (wizards, sorcerors) got more hit points. Polymorph may have been fixed again.
3.85 edition A.K.A. 5.0 edition
The game became leaner and meaner, dropping modifiers for advantage, removing attack of opportunity tables, limiting magic with attunement and concentration, and absorbing D.N.A. to gain rests (and thus, encounter and daily powers) and healing surges.
3.99 edition
So here we are. The game wants to continue evolving, and it has a rich history of features hidden or buried in its D.N.A. Lots of this history is open-licensed. Since other threads are discussing mutations to the game (the creation of new features or modified 5e features), my question to you is: what needs to come back that has already been in the game? What was streamlined-out that shouldn't have been so?
Some things I'd like to see are d4 magicians, non-square character spaces, spot & listen, and magic item madness (removal of attunement and concentration). I'd also like to see bards returned to their rightful place as the worst class in the game, back when they got four skill points per level, and one level of special abilities. (Just kidding. Sort of.)