D&D 5E 3 Classic Settings Coming To 5E?

On the D&D Celebration – Sunday, Inside the D&D Studio with Liz Schuh and Ray Winninger, Winninger said that WotC will be shifting to a greater emphasis on settings in the coming years. This includes three classic settings getting active attention, including some that fans have been actively asking for. He was cagey about which ones, though. The video below is an 11-hour video, but the...

On the D&D Celebration – Sunday, Inside the D&D Studio with Liz Schuh and Ray Winninger, Winninger said that WotC will be shifting to a greater emphasis on settings in the coming years.

This includes three classic settings getting active attention, including some that fans have been actively asking for. He was cagey about which ones, though.

The video below is an 11-hour video, but the information comes in the last hour for those who want to scrub through.

Additionally, Liz Schuh said there would be more anthologies, as well as more products to enhance game play that are not books.

Winninger mentioned more products aimed at the mainstream player who can't spend immense amount of time absorbing 3 tomes.

Ray and Liz confirmed there will be more Magic: The Gathering collaborations.

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Before I make any guesses, I would like to know what Ray even means when he says "classic". Is that settings only from the 70's and 80's? Or any settings that existed pre-2000? What official settings out there were even created post-2000? Because those have not been around long enough to count as classic.

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Ravenloft is much more than just Strahd and Barovia. Its like saying "Not gonna be Greyhawk. Ghosts of Saltmarsh covered that".

Agreed, but CoS went so far out of its way to cover all the classic Gothic horror tropes (regardless of whether they're relevant to what Barovia traditionally is - werewolves, fallen angels, golems, witches cooking children into pies, evil little clockwork people etc were never particularly prominent in past version of Strahd's domain) that I can't see WotC revisiting the same ground. They really did their best to make CoS a 'Ravenloft's Greatest Hits' kinda thing.

(And hell, given that CoS has the Dark Powers stashed away in jars in a temple in the mountains, it's pretty clear that when they were writing it, 'fidelity to the traditional Ravenloft canon' was not exactly top of the priority list. Things may have changed since then, of course)

WotC covered Gothic horror in CoS. They're taking a swing at survival/cosmic horror in Frostmaiden, by the looks of things. If they do revisit Ravenloft, it'll be for a different horror subgenre.

If i was doing it, as mentioned above, I'd go with gaslamp fantasy. Mad scientists, crazed murderers in sordid cobblestoned streets, sinister secret societies, ignorant explorers bringing terrible things home from conquered lands abroad in defiance of warnings and common sense, ruthless exploitation of underclasses and colonised peoples by callous aristocrats, etc etc. It could be used to introduce a few guidelines for more advanced firearms, some rules for running games in settings where armour isn't commonly used, etc.


Agreed, but CoS went so far out of its way to cover all the classic Gothic horror tropes (regardless of whether they're relevant to what Barovia traditionally is - werewolves, fallen angels, golems, witches cooking children into pies, evil little clockwork people etc were never particularly prominent in past version of Strahd's domain) that I can't see WotC revisiting the same ground. They really did their best to make CoS a 'Ravenloft's Greatest Hits' kinda thing.

(And hell, given that CoS has the Dark Powers stashed away in jars in a temple in the mountains, it's pretty clear that when they were writing it, 'fidelity to the traditional Ravenloft canon' was not exactly top of the priority list. Things may have changed since then, of course)

WotC covered Gothic horror in CoS. They're taking a swing at survival/cosmic horror in Frostmaiden, by the looks of things. If they do revisit Ravenloft, it'll be for a different horror subgenre.

If i was doing it, as mentioned above, I'd go with gaslamp fantasy. Mad scientists, crazed murderers in sordid cobblestoned streets, sinister secret societies, ignorant explorers bringing terrible things home from conquered lands abroad in defiance of warnings and common sense, ruthless exploitation of underclasses and colonised peoples by callous aristocrats, etc etc. It could be used to introduce a few guidelines for more advanced firearms, some rules for running games in settings where armour isn't commonly used, etc.

Just off the top of my head, you have zombies/voodoo (Souragne), mummies (Hal Akir), ghosts (Mordent), witches and witch-hunters (Tempest), and the gaslamp fantasy you described? Nova Vaasa. You even have a domain filled with the scariest monsters in D&D: Kender (Sithicus)! And that's just for starters! Sure, CoS did its best to create a monster-mash, but I wouldn't exactly call that "covered" any more than I would go to a Mexican restaurant, get a combo plate and claim I've eaten everything on the menu.

CoS did well enough to get a big-budget reprint, a new minis, and some nods in Tasha's. We know there were two products featuring Vistani in it (we've guess CoS: RV is one of them) and the last UA had undead warlocks and spiritualist bards. There are a few signed that point in that direction is all I'm saying... They COULD left-field us and give us Innistrad to coincide with the 2021 Vampire/Werewolfs product they announced, but I sincerely doubt they are going to pass up the no brainer in horror gaming just because they did it back in 2016. If anything, the fact its considered one of their best modules might give them reason to keep going with it now that they know settings sell.

The recent Unearthed Arcana does mention Azalin along with Strahd when describing the Undead Patron Warlock, so there's a clue they might revisit Ravenloft and bring up Darkon at least.


I missed this announcement, Remathilis, what Vampire/Werewolf release is Wizard's releasing in 2021?

The fourth quarter set is currently broken up into two parts called Innistrad: Werewolves and Innistrad: Vampires. Not much else is known, though it seems like they might be two small sets or a large/small set, or something totally different.

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