30 years for what?


Staff member
I find being on the player side of the screen helps me combat burnout. I haven't GMed anything in a couple of years.

But even if/when I return to the other side, I don't know how much pure fantasy I'll be interested in running...

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I crit!
I was getting burned out not to long ago. I'm not sure what it was, but there was a dynamic that wasn't good. So I changed things. I stopped my regular game and took a break. Then I started doing Encounters, yea, it sounds like a bad idea, but I got to game with some fresh faces and it really helped. That's when I decided to try doing the regular game day once or twice a month, with two different groups. Some new people and some folks in one group but not the other. So far it's made a huge difference. I think part of it is that encounters isn't a guarantee and the other games are scheduled one game day at a time.


That's the thing; right now I feel so burnt out, I don't even want to play the systems I normally like. I've hit a point that I'm not even sure I really like RPGs. Grabbing any RPG off my shelf makes me sigh and ask myself, "is this really how I want to spend my time?"

Oddly enough, I've been spending more time of late playing board games (pandemic, BSG, The Adventurers and others), reading graphic novels and an occasional game of 40K.

I don't know what's spawned my RPG apathy of late, but I almost feel as if I have an aversion to them right now, and it somewhat bothers me - having devoted so much of my life to them in the past.

I've been there. Its especially easy nowadays with the wide variety of pretty amazing boardgames out there. I don't think there's anything wrong with just switchin' it up and playing whatever you (and your group) want. The point of any evening together is to have fun, whatever the game. There's no virtue in "loyalty", in this case. If, at some later time, the urge strikes you again,...I'm sure rpgs will still be here waiting for you.:)


Again, this is a great time to hit burnout, if you have to burnout at all. There's just so many fantastic board games out there right now. From stuff that is pretty close to an RPG to stuff that's pretty close to Monopoly.

Switch gaming night over to Board Gaming night for a while and see what happens. Don't be afraid to stray pretty far from traditional board games too.

Then again, I SOOOOOOOO want to pick up that Eclipse game and play it. Like, right now. :D


I have been playing D&D for 30 years and the only time I got burned out was DMing 3rd ed. Part of the issue was playing with exactly the same group of people for a long time and part of it was 3rd D&D had me pulling out my hair after about 10th level. 4th ed revitalized me because it was so new and different (and addressed my problems with 3rd ed), but I stopped Dming and I also started playing with new people. As much as I love good systems and rules, I think playing with different people is the best way to get away from burnout.


First Post
I have been playing D&D for 30 years and the only time I got burned out was DMing 3rd ed. Part of the issue was playing with exactly the same group of people for a long time and part of it was 3rd D&D had me pulling out my hair after about 10th level. 4th ed revitalized me because it was so new and different (and addressed my problems with 3rd ed), but I stopped Dming and I also started playing with new people. As much as I love good systems and rules, I think playing with different people is the best way to get away from burnout.
4th ed revitalized me because it was so new and different (and addressed my problems with 3rd ed) Meh! I 've been playing since 79 AND 4TH EDITION IS WHAT TURNED ME OFF! 4th was terrible and I am really glad it got canned. I have hope that 5E will actually be a good change of pace and that WOTC will have learned from the mistakes that culminated in 4E. I would love to give them my money again for a game that does not suck.

Admin here. Let's stop with the edition warring, please. Thank you. ~ Piratecat
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4th ed revitalized me because it was so new and different (and addressed my problems with 3rd ed) Meh! I 've been playing since 79 AND 4TH EDITION IS WHAT TURNED ME OFF! 4th was terrible and I am really glad it got canned. I have hope that 5E will actually be a good change of pace and that WOTC will have learned from the mistakes that culminated in 4E. I would love to give them my money again for a game that does not suck.


4th ed revitalized me because it was so new and different (and addressed my problems with 3rd ed) Meh! I 've been playing since 79 AND 4TH EDITION IS WHAT TURNED ME OFF! 4th was terrible and I am really glad it got canned. I have hope that 5E will actually be a good change of pace and that WOTC will have learned from the mistakes that culminated in 4E. I would love to give them my money again for a game that does not suck.

I think you took the wrong emphasis from my post. Sure rules are important - and I hope you find rules that that are able to satisfy you /just as I would like to find rules that satisfy me. But the more important thing is playing with good folk and changing the group and the DM from time to time. This surely is edition neutral.


I think you took the wrong emphasis from my post. Sure rules are important - and I hope you find rules that that are able to satisfy you /just as I would like to find rules that satisfy me. But the more important thing is playing with good folk and changing the group and the DM from time to time. This surely is edition neutral.
Wow, that guy kinda overreacted, huh? Just giving you some in-thread backup, since XP comments are off. As always, play what you like :)

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