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D&D 3E/3.5 3E D&D Aurelia setting & houserules material (now with magic items!)


First Post
Further Aurelian Magic Items

And here's another batch of magic items, some involving Aurelian spells and feats already posted in this thread (and possibly a few that I haven't posted here yet). I'll move these around into the previous few posts later, so all the weapons will be together, all the wondrous items, all the staves, etc. But for now, here's the new stuff. More updates when I get around to 'em; still fairly preoccupied with other stuff and active campaigns lately.

To note, I'm considering a change in how I price items with limited or daily charges and multiple options for each of those charges, such as the Raycaster's Rod or the Smoldering Ring. Further consideration has lead me to believe that such items are probably over-priced, and need a further reduction than what the DMG guidelines mention for slotted items with multiple powers. So I may change the costs and prices of some magic items here and in earlier posts. I also need to re-check my calculations for a few items in this batch, on the off-chance that I may have miscalculated part of the DMG's pricing guidelines with a few of them.

1-24-13 Edit: Note, these are based on 3.0 spells and prices in the first place, and see the previous page for further info on my item pricing. Where appropriate I've added 3.5 names for spells or feats in parentheses. I've fixed the costs/price for a Rod of the Rooster, and revised the Mage's Ring, Opportunist's Ring, Priest's Ring, and Warrior's Ring. I also clarified or tweaked a few other items, like the Locket of Juxtaposition and Ring of Dashing Darts among others, and fixed a few typos, formatting errors, and minor cost/price miscalculations.


Dazzling Diadem
This crystalline diadem, worn over the forehead, lends you an air of nobility and prestige. More than that, the crystal divines fragments of information on topics pertaining to nobility, rulership, and matters of state, though limited to what other creatures have witnessed or overheard. As a result of these properties, it provides a +5 enhancement bonus to your Diplomacy, Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty), and Perform (Oratory) skill checks, and allows you to make such checks untrained. The Dazzling Diadem can also produce a Heightened Change Self effect upon you once per day (2nd-level, Will DC 13) (Disguise Self in 3.5 rules), and can also generate a Prestidigitation effect once per day to clean you and any items you are carrying. Both of these are command word triggered. However, its Change Self ability is limited to imitating the guise of noble personages and making yourself appear more noble, and it ends prematurely if you stop wearing the Dazzling Diadem. Lastly, this item gives you a supernatural gaze attack useable once per day on command (Fortitude DC 13), which dazzles opponents (not allies) within 60 feet who fail to resist its glare. The dazzled status lasts for 1 minute, and the gaze attack itself functions for up to 1 minute (10 rounds) or until you dismiss it by repeating the command word. This gaze attack is considered an Evocation (Light) effect as it is generated by dazzling light from the diadem.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Heighten Spell, Change Self (or Disguise Self in 3.5 rules), Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Eagle's Splendor, Flare, Prestidigitation. Cost to Create: 3,900 gp and 312 XP. Market Price: 7,800 gp. Weight: ---.

Elemental Band
A ring of iron with gold and silver trim, bearing a single sapphire, an Elemental Band gives its wearer limited power over the elements of nature. Once per day, it can generate one of the following spell-like effects on command, as chosen by the wearer: Hail of Stone (with Sculpt Spell applied; wearer chooses which area of effect to use), Ice Blast (Fortitude DC 13), Pyrotechnics (Fortitude or Will DC 13), Protection from Arrows, or Wood Shape (Will DC 13). These rings are rare but occasionally crafted by wu jen as gifts to those who assist in their field research, or as bribes for local lords.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Sculpt Spell, Hail of Stone, Ice Blast, Pyrotechnics, Protection from Arrows, Wood Shape. Cost to Create: 3,200 gp and 256 XP. Market Price: 6,400 gp. Weight: ---.

Locket of Juxtaposition
This gold or silver locket is etched with swirling patterns and hangs on a silver chain, favored by some mages who like to send their familiars scouting ahead, but also favored by spies and thieves. It can be opened to store a small token of another creature within it, such as a lock of hair or a tiny painting, and the Locket's special power functions only while it stores such a token. Up to twice per day on command, the wearer may trigger a Dimension Door effect upon himself or herself and one willing creature within the spell's range whose token is stored in the Locket. The wearer is transported to that other individual's location at the time, and simultaneously the other individual is transported to the position where the wearer had activated the Locket, switching the two subjects' positions. If multiple creatures' tokens are stored in the Locket, then the wearer must choose which one to target. If the target is not within range, then the Locket fails to activate (this does not count against its limit). As normal for Dimension Door, other subjects can be transported at the same time, but only those in physical contact with the wearer (not the other target).

A more-insidious version of this magic item also exists, the Greater Locket of Juxtaposition, which functions identically but can target unwilling creatures (Will DC 18 negates, neither subject is transported if the target saves successfully) and the Greater Locket's costs (including market price) are 50% higher. However, it still requires a token of the target in order to function. Crafting a Greater Locket of Juxtaposition requires the Spell Focus (Transmutation) feat as an additional prerequisite. You can upgrade a typical Locket of Juxtaposition to the Greater version with an appropriate expenditure of crafting time, money, and Experience Points if you meet the prerequisites.

Caster Level: 7th. Aura: Moderate Conjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Dimension Door. Cost to Create: 5,000 gp and 400 XP. Market Price: 10,000 gp. Weight: 1/2 lb.

Mage's Ring
This gold band is etched with star patterns and has a sapphire inset. Once per day on command, the wearer gains a +2 luck bonus to the save DC of his or her spells, and on his or her caster level checks and dispel checks, along with a +5 luck bonus on Concentration checks and Spellcraft checks, which he or she may use untrained. He or she also receives the benefits of the Improved Counterspell feat, and gains 2 bonus 3rd-level spell slots for the day and the ability to spontaneously cast Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Halt Undead, Hold Person, Major Image, Slow, and Summon Monster III as 3rd-level spells from these bonus slots (if they already have spellcasting ability, these slots are added to their existing slots from a single source). If the wearer does not already have spellcasting ability, then these are treated as arcane spells and the wearer can cast them from these bonus slots like a 6th-level sorcerer (regardless of Charisma and without needing any material or focus components worth 1 gold or less, but save DCs are still based on Charisma if casting like a sorcerer). Regardless, any spells cast from these bonus slots end as soon as the Mage's Ring is removed or its duration has expired. These benefits last for 1 minute (10 rounds). The Ring must attune to its wearer for 24 hours before it can be used; if removed, it must attune itself again. You cannot be attuned to more than one Mage's Ring at a time.

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Concentration 5+ ranks, Spellcraft 5+ ranks, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Halt Undead, Hold Person, Major Image, Slow, Summon Monster III. Cost to Create: 10,500 gp and 840 XP. Market Price: 21,000 gp. Weight: ---.

Medallion of Memory
This plain bronze medallion hangs on an iron chain, but despite its humble appearance, it holds some rather potent magic. The bronze is immersed in the blood of elves during the creation process, while the iron is dipped repeatedly into the powdered remains of an intellect devourer at that time. Wearing it renders you immune to memory alteration and memory blanking effects, as well as magically preventing other creatures from eating or extracting your brain or entering your brainpan. This Medallion protects you from cascade flu, cerebral parasites, and mind leeches, but not cerebral hoods. Donning the Medallion does not remove, negate, or suppress any of the aforementioned effects if already there, however. As an additional function, by clutching the Medallion and focusing your mind while wearing it, the Medallion of Memory produces the effects of a Modify Memory spell (Will DC 16) upon one living creature within range. This spell-like effect is useable once per day. Releasing the Medallion or ceasing concentration on it before finishing your use of the Modify Memory effect ends it prematurely.

Caster Level: 10th. Aura: Moderate Enchantment. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Mage Armor, Modify Memory. Cost to Create: 12,500 gp and 1,000 XP. Market Price: 25,000 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Opportunist's Ring
This bright copper band is adorned only by a piece of malachite. Once per day on command, the wearer gains a +2 luck bonus on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws, as well as gaining the Sneak Attack +3d6 ability as per a 6th-level rogue (this stacks with any actual Sneak Attack damage dice the wearer may possess, and any rogue levels he or she may possess for purposes of being able to Sneak Attack other creatures with Uncanny Dodge or Improved Uncanny Dodge). During that time, the wearer also gains a +5 luck bonus on Disable Device, Open Lock, Pick Pocket (Sleight of Hand in 3.5 rules), and Search skill checks (instead of +2 on those checks). He or she may use those particular skills untrained, and may find, disarm, or bypass traps and magic traps as though possessing the Traps (Trapfinding in 3.5 rules) ability of a rogue. These benefits last for 1 minute (10 rounds). The Ring must attune to its wearer for 24 hours before it can be used; if removed, it must attune itself again. You cannot be attuned to more than one Opportunist's Ring at a time.

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Endurance (or Bear's Endurance in the 3.5 rules), Fox's Cunning, Owl's Wisdom. Cost to Create: 10,500 gp and 840 XP. Market Price: 21,000 gp. Weight: ---.

Panoply of Potential Perception
This extensive, hooded satin mantle with flared and fluted mithral shoulder pauldrons, adorned with several small chains of gold and silver, offers occasional insight and clarity to the wearer. This mantle provides its wearer with an Owl's Wisdom spell effect for 10 minutes when its many elaborate chains are adjusted, ending prematurely if the Panoply is removed. The Panoply of Potential Perception grants this benefit once per day. Furthermore, it grants a +2 insight bonus to your Armor Class against the first attack made against you each round, whenever you are wearing the Panoply and not immobilized, unconscious, or asleep.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Fate Shield, Owl's Wisdom. Cost to Create: 1,400 gp and 112 XP. Market Price: 2,800 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Priest's Ring
This silver band is adorned only with an inset opal, but an image of the holy/unholy symbol for its wearer's patron deity appears on the opal's face when its power is active. Once per day on command, the wearer gains a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, Will saves, and Armor Class against enemies, objects, and effects, but only those of alignments that oppose the wearer's (a true neutral wearer considers any alignment without neutral components to be opposed). Note that luck bonuses to the same statistic do not stack. He or she also gains a +5 luck bonus on Knowledge (Religion) skill checks and can use that skill untrained, as well as gaining the ability to Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead (depending on alignment, patron deity, and personal choice at the time if the other factors do not determine it) as per a 6th-level cleric. If he or she already has that ability, then his or her effective cleric level for that purpose is instead increased by 6 and he or she gets one extra use of Turn Undead or Rebuke Undead for the day in that case. Any turning or rebuking effects besides destruction cease when the Priest's Ring is removed or its duration expires (so any undead commanded through the Ring are released if you do not have sufficient rebuking ability normally to maintain command of those undead).

The wearer also receives the benefits of the Combat Casting feat, and gains 2 bonus 3rd-level spell slots for the day and the ability to spontaneously cast Cure Serious Wounds, Inflict Serious Wounds, Invisibility Purge, Neutralize Poison, Prayer, Protection From Elements, Remove Disease, and Searing Light as 3rd-level spells from these bonus slots (if they already have spellcasting ability, these slots are added to their existing slots from a single source). If the wearer does not already have spellcasting ability, then these are treated as divine spells and the wearer can cast them from these bonus slots like a 6th-level cleric (regardless of Wisdom and without needing any material or focus components worth 1 gold or less, but save DCs are still based on Wisdom if casting like a cleric). The Priest's Ring itself is treated as the divine focus for these spells and for purposes of turning or rebuking. Regardless, any spells cast from these bonus slots end as soon as the Priest's Ring is removed or its duration has expired. These benefits last for 1 minute (10 rounds). The Ring must attune to its wearer for 24 hours before it can be used; if removed, it must attune itself again. You cannot be attuned to more than one Priest's Ring at a time.

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Knowledge (Religion) 5+ ranks, Cure Serious Wounds, Inflict Serious Wounds, Invisibility Purge, Neutralize Poison, Prayer, Protection From Elements, Remove Disease, Searing Light. Cost to Create: 10,500 gp and 840 XP. Market Price: 21,000 gp. Weight: ---.

Ring of Answers
This silver band is etched with short phrases inscribed in various languages, and adorned with a large piece of lapis lazuli. Wearing it grants you a +5 enhancement bonus on all Knowledge skill checks and Spellcraft checks, plus it allows you to make such checks untrained. Once per day on command, the Ring of Answers will provide its wearer with the effects of a Comprehend Languages spell, and likewise a Detect Secret Doors spell once per day with a different command, and also a Detect Magic spell once per day with another command, and lastly it can provide a Detect Poison spell once per day on command.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Divination. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Knowledge (any five) 5+ ranks each, Spellcraft 5+ ranks, must know at least five languages, must be literate, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Detect Secret Doors. Cost to Create: 3,250 gp and 260 XP. Market Price: 6,500 gp. Weight: ---.

Ring of Blazing Blades
These obsidian rings are carefully crafted by druids as gifts to others who protect nature, and sometimes for personal use. Any wearer automatically learns the Ring's function. Once per day a Ring of Blazing Blades may be triggered by its wearer concentrating on it as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, producing a Flame Blade effect.

Caster Level: 4th. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Flame Blade. Cost to Create: 1,400 gp and 112 XP. Market Price: 2,800 gp. Weight: ---.

Ring of Dashing Darts
This simple copper ring is etched with a jagged pattern, and holds a single triangular piece of rose quartz. The wearer of this ring gains a +3 enhancement bonus on Tumble skill checks, and may make Tumble checks untrained. Twice per day on command the ring can produce a Magic Missile spell effect. Furthermore, the wearer can take a free 5-foot step immediately before each use of that Magic Missile effect and immediately after it (if desired), regardless of any other movement this round (and without restricting the wearer's normal movement options for the remainder of the round).

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Jump, Magic Missile. Cost to Create: 500 gp and 40 XP. Market Price: 1,000 gp. Weight: ---.

Ring of Fleeting Fairness
An intricate ring of delicately interwoven gold wire, the Ring of Fleeting Fairness can bestow good looks, a fair voice, and a stronger personality upon its wearer. When twisting the Ring 180 degrees both ways, the wearer gains an Eagle's Splendor spell effect for 10 minutes, ending prematurely if the Ring is removed. The Ring of Fleeting Fairness functions in this manner only once per day. However, it also has a secondary function of granting its wearer the effects of the Beguiling Presence feat (see the Aurelian Feats section), useable once per day as normal for that feat (this daily use stacks for any wearer who already has the feat, but cannot be active at the same time). This benefit also ends if the Ring is removed, and the Beguiling Presence feat from this item cannot be used more than once per day regardless of how many people wear the Ring of Fleeting Fairness in one day.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Charm Person, Eagle's Splendor. Cost to Create: 1,900 gp and 112 XP. Market Price: 2,800 gp. Weight: ---.

Ring of Ruin
A ring crudely forged from shards of broken weapons, the Ring of Ruin has the power to break others and maim foes. Once per day on command it produces a Shatter spell effect (Fortitude or Will DC 13), and also once per day it can be commanded to produce a Magic Missile spell effect. You must wear the Ring in order to command it. Furthermore, once per day as a free action, the wearer can immediately gain a +4 luck bonus on Strength checks, grapple checks, and physical damage rolls against objects for 1 round; this bonus applies even if declared immediately after rolling. Gaining the luck bonus does not require any command or concentration, just a thought.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Magic Missile, Shatter. Cost to Create: 2,750 gp and 220 XP. Market Price: 5,500 gp. Weight: ---.

Shining Medallion
On command, this fancifully-etched gold medallion on a silver chain will shine brightly as per a Light spell. Furthermore, up to twice per day it can produce an instantaneous flash of light in a 60-foot cone-shaped burst on command. This flash of light blinds living creatures within the cone for 1 round and leaves them dazzled for 1 minute (10 rounds) afterward. A successful Fortitude save (DC 15) by a subject prevents the blindness and reduces the dazzled status to 3 rounds. This is an Evocation (Light) effect, but not a spell.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Spell Focus (Evocation), Daylight, Flare, Light. Cost to Create: 1,950 gp and 156 XP. Market Price: 3,900 gp. Weight: ---.

Smoldering Ring
This plain brass ring always feels warm to the touch, almost hot, and it constantly generates a bit of smoke. The wearer may command it to produce either an Endure Elements (wearer only, cold or fire only, ends prematurely if the Ring is removed) or Lesser Fireball (Reflex DC 13) spell effect, once per day.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Spell Focus (Evocation), Endure Elements, Lesser Fireball. Cost to Create: 650 gp and 52 XP. Market Price: 1,300 gp. Weight: ---.

Vexing Ring
This electrum ring is inscribed with a spiteful curse on its outer side. Once per day as a free action, the wearer may trigger a Bestow Curse spell effect (4th-level, Will DC 16) upon any other creature that has just hit him or her with an attack (even if that attack kills or destroys the wearer, and even if the attack is not physical, such as a spell). The specific curse is chosen by the Ring's creator at the time they forge it (this must be one of the three standard curses listed in the spell's description, and if choosing an ability score penalty, the creator must specify which ability score), but its duration is only 1 minute (10 rounds) instead of being permanent. Anyone who wears the Vexing Ring automatically learns its specific function but not its command.

Caster Level: 7th. Aura: Moderate Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, must know at least one language for the inscription, must be literate, Bestow Curse. Cost to Create: 800 gp and 64 XP. Market Price: 1,600 gp. Weight: ---.

Warrior's Ring
This iron band is simply adorned with a single piece of bloodstone. Once per day on command, the wearer gains a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls, grapple checks, physical damage rolls, and Armor Class, as well as proficiency in all weapons, armors, and shields, including improvised weapons. Furthermore, the wearer gains Damage Reduction (DR) of 7/+4 as a supernatural quality, reducing damage by 7 points from any nonmagical attack, magic weapon, or psionic weapon (including natural weapons, unarmed strikes, or grapple attacks) with an enhancement bonus less than +4 (if using 3.5 or Pathfinder rules, treat this as DR 7/magic and adamantine). These benefits last for 1 minute (10 rounds). The Ring must attune to its wearer for 24 hours before it can be used; if removed, it must attune itself again. You cannot be attuned to more than one Warrior's Ring at a time.

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Divine Favor, Divine Power, Magic Vestment. Cost to Create: 10,500 gp and 840 XP. Market Price: 21,000 gp. Weight: ---.


Conductor's Baton
A slender wooden rod painted in black, white, and red, the Conductor's Baton is a magic rod infused with various bardic powers. You gain a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws against Sonic effects (and against Sculpt Sound or Silence) while holding the Conductor's Baton. The rod can produce a Dancing Lights (Will DC 10), Ghost Sound (Will DC 10), or Ventriloquism (Will DC 11) spell effect, once per day on command by its holder. Likewise, the Conductor's Baton can generate a Levitate or a Suggestion (Will DC 13) spell effect once per day, on command be the wielder. Finally, the holder may command it to produce a Major Image (Will DC 14) or Sculpt Sound spell effect (Will DC 14), once per day.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Illusion. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Major Image, Resistance, Sculpt Sound, Suggestion, Ventriloquism. Cost to Create: 4,300 gp and 344 XP. Market Price: 8,600 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Raycaster's Rod
A thin, tapered bronze rod etched with magic runes, this magic item can unleash destructive magic rays on command by its wielder. Each of its functions is command-activated. Once per day it can produce either a Chromatic Ray, a Force Spike, a Glimmer Beam, or a Ray of Enfeeblement, with a save DC of 11 when applicable. Also once per day, the Raycaster's Rod can generate a Flame Arrow (ray version only, or replace with Scorching Ray in 3.5 rules) or Ice Knife (Fortitude or Reflex DC 13) spell effect. Lastly, once per day it can unleash a Lesser Acid Orb, or Lesser Electric Orb, or Lesser Sonic Orb, or Negative Energy Ray.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, must be literate, Chromatic Ray, Flame Arrow (or Scorching Ray in 3.5 rules), Force Spike, Glimmer Beam, Ice Knife, Lesser Acid Orb, Lesser Electric Orb, Lesser Sonic Orb, Negative Energy Ray, Ray of Enfeeblement. Cost to Create: 3,000 gp and 240 XP. Market Price: 5,000 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Rod of Blinding Brilliance
This slender glass rod contains an even-smaller copper rod, with a glass bubble at the top. Magically-reinforced, the glass has the durability of copper. A Rod of Blinding Brilliance glitters in the light, and can generate a variety of light effects. One command word by the wielder will generate a Daylight spell effect in the Rod's glass globe, once per day. Another command word can generate a Hypnotic Pattern (Will DC 15) spell effect up to twice per day. A different command by the wielder will produce a Glimmer Beam effect (Reflex DC 13), up to three times per day. Finally, up to four times per day the Rod of Blinding Brilliance can be commanded to generate a Chromatic Ray (Fortitude DC 15).

Caster Level: 10th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Illusion), Chromatic Ray, Daylight, Glimmer Beam, Hypnotic Pattern. Cost to Create: 7,000 gp and 560 XP. Market Price: 14,000 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Rod of Reeling
This short, slender steel rod is engraved with hook-like patterns. On command, this magic item can transform into a fishing rod with line, hook, and tackle (all as strong as steel, sharing the Rod of Reeling's durability as a magic item). Likewise, it can be commanded to transform into a net or lasso with the durability of enchanted steel. Once per day, a Rod of Reeling can be commanded to produce a Telekinesis (Will DC 17, and it uses the wielder's Intelligence modifier for attacks) spell effect. Water and other transparent or nearly-transparent barriers do not break line of effect for this purpose, as the Rod of Reeling is made to function past them.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Telekinesis. Cost to Create: 3,000 gp and 240 XP. Market Price: 6,000 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Rod of Regeneration
A gnarled wooden rod inscribed with Sylvan phrases invoking nature for healing, restoration, and rejuvenation. The Rod of Regeneration functions as a +1 Merciful Club, but also has other, more impressive powers. Simply holding the Rod of Regeneration while you rest will cut the amount of time needed for natural healing by half (potentially doubling your total amount of daily natural healing), and you automatically stabilize each round while holding the Rod of Regeneration (if reduced to negative HP). Multiple holders cannot share this benefit at the same time. On command by the wielder, it can produce either a Regenerate Serious Wounds effect (Will DC 16) or Regenerate Ring spell effect (Will DC 14), once per day. The Rod of Regeneration can also duplicate the Regenerate spell (Fortitude DC 20) or instead the Regenerate Massive Wounds spell (Will DC 17), once per day on command by the wielder.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Conjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, must know the Sylvan language, must be literate, Cure Light Wounds, Regenerate, Regenerate Massive Wounds, Regenerate Serious Wounds. Cost to Create: 13,800 gp and 1,080 XP. Market Price: 27,300 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Rod of Riotous Energy
A short rod of gold, silver, copper, and platinum forged together in an eclectic mix, this expensive-looking item grants its wielder the ability to command a variety of different energies. The Rod of Riotous Energy can be commanded to produce the following spell effects, once per day each: Acid Bolt, Flame Bolt, Frost Bolt, Resist Elements (Resist Energy in 3.5 rules), Shock Bolt, and Thunder Bolt. In addition, the wielder may command it once per day to generate either an Acid Pillar, or Flame Pillar, or Frost Pillar, or Lightning Pillar, or Thunder Pillar spell effect. The DC for saving throws against those effects is 18.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Spell Focus (Evocation), Acid Bolt, Acid Pillar, Flame Bolt, Flame Pillar, Frost Bolt, Frost Pillar, Lightning Pillar, Resist Elements (or Resist Energy), Shock Bolt, Thunder Bolt, Thunder Pillar. Cost to Create: 21,500 gp and 1,720 XP. Market Price: 43,000 gp. Weight: 4 lbs.

Rod of Rest
This short willow branch still has long, drooping leaves upon it, magically preserved, and it gives its holder a vague sense of calm, allowing him or her to fall asleep regardless of noise or distractions when desired (multiple creatures cannot hold the item at the same time to share this benefit). The holder then remains asleep for exactly the amount of time he or she desires (so long as he or she holds the Rod of Rest), regardless of noise or distractions (though they can still be awoken by major jostling, and they still wake up if injured). Furthermore, lightly shaking the Rod of Rest as a standard action generates a Sleep spell effect (Will DC 13) where the wielder directs it, once per day. Shaking it more vigorously as a full-round action generates a Slumber Pollen spell effect (Will DC 16) once per day.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Enchantment. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Sleep, Slumber Pollen. Cost to Create: 5,000 gp and 400 XP. Market Price: 10,000 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Rod of Sorcery
This short, gnarled piece of wood is topped with a large chunk of quartz, while the rod itself is etched with tiny runes. The Rod of Sorcery may produce each of the following spell-like effects once per day when the wielder wills it (no commands needed, though the standard casting times apply for each function, and any wielder automatically learns the Rod's functions): Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Mount, and Ray of Enfeeblement. The DC for any saving throws against these effects is 11.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, must be literate, Charm Person, Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Endure Elements, Feather Fall, Magic Missile, Mount, Ray of Enfeeblement. Cost to Create: 2,375 gp and 190 XP. Market Price: 4,750 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Rod of the Rooster
This short oaken rod has a peculiar rooster-like design, and can produce several sound-based magical effects. Once per day the wielder may generate a Shout effect (Fortitude DC 18) by concentrating on the Rod and shouting as a standard action. Twice per day, the Rod of the Rooster can produce an audible Alarm spell effect centered on it (which sounds like rooster crowing), when the wielder wills it as a standard action. Up to three times per day the Rod of the Rooster may generate a Ghost Sound (Will DC 13) spell effect, when the wielder wills it to as a standard action. Finally, up to four times per day it can produce a Sound Burst effect (Fortitude DC 15) when shaken back and forth by the wielder as a standard action.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Rod, Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Illusion), Alarm, Ghost Sound, Shout, Sound Burst. Cost to Create: 12,500 gp and 1,000 XP. Market Price: 25,000 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Rod of Warfare
A sturdy rod of steel with gold bands around the ends, the Rod of Warfare is empowered to assist in any battle, even mass combat between armies. The hefty Rod of Warfare can be used as a +2 Heavy Mace, but it can also transform into a +2 Glaive or +2 Longbow on command. It retains any other magic weapon abilities and enhancements in these other forms, when applicable (its Longbow form does not retain any abilities such as Disruption, for example, while its Heavy Mace form does not retain any abilities like Distance or Keen; however, the costs and limitations for total magic weapon enhancement equivalent still apply, so abilities added to one form apply towards all of them for these purposes). Regardless of form, the Rod of Warfare grants its wielder a +5 enhancement bonus on Listen and Spot skill checks while held. It also has various powers for battlefield maneuvering, scouting, attacking, and defense.
Once per day, it can generate either a Clairaudience/Clairvoyance spell effect or an Invisibility (Will DC 13) spell effect on command by the wielder. Also once per day, it can produce a Fly or Water Breathing (Will DC 14) spell effect on command, wielder's choice which. The wielder may call upon either an Aura of Luck or a Glitterdust (Will DC 13) spell effect as well, once per day on command. The Rod of Warfare can also produce a Dimension Door (Will DC 16) or Wall of Ice (Reflex DC 16) spell effect once per day, determined by which command the wielder uses. A Rod of Warfare can also be commanded by its wielder once per day to generate either a Dimensional Anchor or Solid Fog effect. Finally, the wielder may call upon either a Fireball (Reflex DC 14) or Vampiric Touch spell effect once per day on command.

Caster Level: 10th. Aura: Moderate Conjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Rod, Aura of Luck, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dimensional Anchor, Dimension Door, Fireball, Fly, Glitterdust, Invisibility, Solid Fog, Vampiric Touch, Wall of Ice, Water Breathing. Cost to Create: 25,195 gp and 2,006 XP. Market Price: 50,270 gp. Weight: 12 lbs.
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First Post
More magic items

More magic items from that batch. Also, note that some of the spells among my magic items are drawn from sources like Tome & Blood, Defenders of the Faith, Masters of the Wild, or the like (and the same goes for magic weapon abilities like Merciful and Vicious).


Staff of Dark Power
A +1/+1 Darkwood Quarterstaff, the Staff of Dark Power is also imbued with significant powers over darkness, entropy, and ghostly forces. It deals +1d6 bonus damage to incorporeal or ethereal targets (not multiplied on critical hits). The Staff's wielder also gains the benefits of the Blind-Fight feat. A Staff of Dark Power has 50 charges when created, and each of its abilities (except those described above) expends one or more charges when used. The wielder may use the following spells by spell trigger activation:
* Corpse Candle (1 charge)
* Darkness (1 charge)
* Darkness Beam (DC 17, 2 charges)
* Darkvision (1 charge)
* Negative Energy Ray (1 charge)
* Roiling Darkness (DC 19, 2 charges)

Caster Level: 12th. Aura: Moderate Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Staff, Corpse Candle, Darkness, Darkness Beam, Darkvision, Negative Energy Ray, Roiling Darkness. Cost to Create: 28,140 gp and 1,600 XP. Market Price: 48,140 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Staff of Shadows
This slender, crooked darkwood staff is etched with runes of power, but they cannot be seen except in shadows or shadowy illumination. A Staff of Shadows has 50 charges when created, and each of its abilities expends one or more charges when used. The wielder may use the following spells by spell trigger activation:
* Shadow Conjuration (DC 16, 1 charge)
* Shadow Evocation (DC 17, 2 charges)
* Shadow of Death (DC 16, 2 charges)
* Shadow Walk (DC 20, 2 charges)

Caster Level: 13th. Aura: Strong Illusion. Prerequisites: Craft Staff, must be literate, Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation, Shadow of Death, Shadow Walk. Cost to Create: 53,000 gp and 3,240 XP. Market Price: 93,500 gp. Weight: 1-1/2 lbs.


Bracers of Momentary Might
These thick steel bracers come in pairs and are worn on the forearms, bearing intricate knotwork patterns. When worn as a pair and struck together, they flicker once with a silvery glow and bestow a Bull's Strength spell effect upon the wearer for 1 minute (10 rounds), ending prematurely if the Bracers are removed. The Bracers of Momentary Might function in this manner once per day. However, they also have a secondary function as protective armwear, the equivalent of a masterwork buckler with a magical +1 enhancement bonus. This secondary function is exactly like a buckler shield (it can be further enhanced and given magic shield special abilities later), but the Bracers do not incur any arcane spell failure chance. You may choose not to use this shield function on any given round, and you may choose to wear a normal shield over these (in which case the Bracers do not provide their shield function).

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Minor Wondrous Item, Bull's Strength. Cost to Create: 1,115 gp and 64 XP. Market Price: 1,965 gp. Weight: 4 lbs.

Dust of Dread
This tiny black bag contains dust, cremation ashes, and grave dirt. When the entire bag's contents is dumped into a 5-foot space, its magic is primed. Anyone disturbing the Dust of Dread in that space (such as by walking upon it, sweeping it up, or blasting the area with a Gust of Wind) discharges the magic of the dust (rendering it inert afterward), personally suffering the effects of a Fear spell (Will DC 16) 1 round later. Dust of Dread is not triggered by creatures of Tiny size or smaller, nor by normal wind or the like; in fact, it magically ignores any normal wind. Dust of Dread dumped in any space is considered a magic trap (Disable Device DC 29, Search DC 29) until discharged, destroyed, or disabled.

Caster Level: 7th. Aura: Moderate Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Minor Wondrous Item, Fear. Cost to Create: 550 gp and 44 XP. Market Price: 1,100 gp. Weight: ---.

Efficient Broom
This is an almost ordinary-looking broom, except for a few magic runes along the shaft. On command by its holder, the Efficient Broom will animate and begin sweeping whatever rooms it is commanded to at the time. It even transforms into a small feather-duster to dust in those rooms afterward, until finished in each room. The Efficient Broom avoids getting in anyone's way as it works. Repeating the command word will cause the Efficient Broom to stop working and return to its normal, inanimate form. An Efficient Broom works as quickly as the best human servants, and any dirt, dust, or debris that it stirs up is magically stuck to the Efficient Broom until it can deposit such material in a proper waste disposal spot within 100 feet of its cleaning area (or until it deactivates). This Broom can function continuously, but will not go more than 500 feet from where it was activated. An Efficient Broom will not trigger nor attract Dust of Dread or other magical dusts. Anyone who holds the Broom automatically learns its function and its command word.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Conjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Minor Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, Unseen Servant. Cost to Create: 250 gp and 20 XP. Market Price: 500 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.


Echo Armor
A rugged suit of +2 Studded Leather Armor of Sonic Resistance, this armor has hollow, fluted steel bars along the shoulders, shins, and forearms. Echo Armor grants its wearer a +5 enhancement bonus on Listen checks and Move Silently checks. Any sonic attack against the wearer has some of its energy redirected by the Echo Armor, blasted back at the attacker; as a result, any sonic damage prevented by this armor's Sonic Resistance is automatically dealt to the attacker (saving throws and Spell Resistance apply against this damage if the attacker's own sonic attack allows them).

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Faint Abjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Resist Elements, Silence, Whispering Wind. Cost to Create: 6,675 gp and 520 XP. Market Price: 13,175 gp. Weight: 20 lbs.

Ram's Hide
This thick, insulated suit of +2 Ironbane Hide Armor is made of goat hides and bears two sets of curved ram's horns, one pair on the shoulders and the other pair on the helm made from a ram's skull. The armor is also treated as a cold weather outfit (with the same benefits), but the extra padding can be removed when in warmer climates. Ram's Hide armor allows you to charge over difficult terrain, and it allows you to make a bull rush as part of any normal charge attack (thus damaging an opponent as well as knocking them back). You deal +2d6 bludgeoning damage with your charge attack if the bull rush succeeds (this is not multiplied on critical hits). Ram's Hide also grants you a +4 bonus on Strength checks to make charging bull rushes (whether or not you combine it with a normal attack).

Caster Level: 7th. Aura: Moderate Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Greater Magic Fang, Rusting Grasp. Cost to Create: 10,673 gp and 840 XP. Market Price: 21,173 gp. Weight: 25 lbs.


Shield of the Shambler
An oddly-shaped +2 Entangling Large Wooden Shield of Lightning Resistance, carved in a pattern resembling a mass of vines, twigs, and ferns, and it actually incorporates pieces of a shambling mound. Shields of the Shambler have a +4 luck bonus to the grapple checks, grapple damage, and save DC of their Entangling ability (so DC 15 instead of 11). They also provide the wearer with 1 temporary hit point for every 2 points of electricity damage that the shield's Lightning Resistance prevents. These temporary hit points last for 1 minute (10 rounds) or until lost to damage, and they stack, but you cannot gain more than 24 temporary HP per day from this effect. The temporary HP apply immediately, so they can even soak up some of any electricity damage that gets past the shield's Lightning Resistance.

The shield also grants you a +5 enhancement bonus on Hide checks made in forested areas while it is equipped. However, equipping a Shield of the Shambler magically reduces your total movement speed by 10 feet (this stacks with any other adjustments to movement speed, but cannot reduce your total speed to less than 5 feet), regardless of terrain.

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Moderate Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Barkskin, Entangle, Resist Elements, Wood Shape. Cost to Create: 7,657 gp and 548 XP. Market Price: 15,157 gp. Weight: 10 lbs.


First Post
The rest of the batch

The rest of the new magic items from that batch.


Any weapon with the Guided ability may strike true with uncanny precision. Such weapons have tiny arrowheads of magnetic metal grafted onto them or instead have eagle feathers attached. Up to 3 times per day as a move-equivalent action, the wielder of a Guided weapon may call upon it (a command word, though shorter and simpler than most) to provide the effects of a True Strike spell on the next attack made with that weapon in the same round. This is a new ability.
Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Divination. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, True Strike. Cost to Create: 3,200 gp and 136 XP. Market Price: +6,400 gp.


Beating Stick
This sturdy +1/+1 Quarterstaff is engraved with violent images and it is capped at both ends with stainless steel that is etched with runes of combat. Once per day on command, the Beating Stick increases its enhancement bonuses by +1 and grants its wielder the benefits of a Maximized Bull's Strength spell, a Maximized Cat's Grace spell, a Maximized Endurance spell (Bear's Endurance in 3.5 rules), an Enlarge spell (Enlarge Person in 3.5 rules), a False Life spell, and a Haste spell, as well as the benefits of the Ambidexterity and Two-Weapon Fighting feats (regardless of Dexterity). However, these effects all last for only 5 rounds. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Quarterstaff.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Maximize Spell, must be literate, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Endurance (or Bear's Endurance), Enlarge (or Enlarge Person), False Life, Haste. Cost to Create: 7,300 gp and 536 XP. Market Price: 14,000 gp. Weight: 4 lbs.

This +1 Machete (see the Aurelian Master Weapons List) is etched with runes and appears to blend in with its surroundings, magically shifting colors and reflections. The wielder gains a +5 enhancement bonus on Hide checks while it is drawn, as it lends similar camouflage to the wielder and his or her other gear. A Bushblade magically ignores the first 5 points of hardness with each hit, as well as the first 5 points of Damage Reduction on any Constructs or Plant creatures. Damage from the Bushblade is not halved against objects. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Machete.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Hide 5+ ranks, must be literate, Shatter. Cost to Create: 2,682 gp and 190 XP. Market Price: 5,057 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Crossbow of Cresting Waves
An artfully-decorated weapon bearing wave-inspired designs, the Crossbow of Cresting Waves is surprisingly light and buoyant, crafted from wood and mithral. It functions as a +1 Light Crossbow, but has special powers for ease of use at sea and in other adverse conditions. Firstly, the weapon's bearer gains a +5 enhancement bonus on Balance checks and Swim checks, even when the Crossbow isn't drawn. Secondly, the Crossbow of Cresting Waves ignores the effects of wind, water, and precipitation on its shots (though concealment still applies against the wielder), so it fires just as well in a storm or underwater as it would on land during a calm day. Even Wind Wall, Storm of Vengeance, and similar effects do not interfere. Shots fired from this weapon also ignore the effects of any turbulence or unsteady positions of the wielder, such as when balancing on a ship at sea.

Lastly, once per day the Crossbow of Cresting Waves can bull rush an opponent that it hits successfully with a regular ranged attack. The wielder activates this ability as a free action upon confirming the hit. The bolt then explodes on impact, becoming a small but powerful wave of water for just a moment before evaporating. The victim is affected as per a bull rush, with your attack roll's total as the effective Strength check against them. You do not enter the opponent's space and do not move with them, but the magical wave will move them as far as its bull rush result allows, up to a maximum of one range increment's worth of movement. This bull rush does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and it ignores any modifiers you may otherwise have on bull rushes. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Light Crossbow.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Bull's Strength, Divine Favor or Shillelagh or True Strike. Cost to Create: 3,035 gp and 216 XP. Market Price: 5,735 gp. Weight: 6 lbs.

Gobchopper is a somewhat-common creation of dwarven priest-smiths, a +1 Dwarven Waraxe of Goblinoid Bane that is artfully adorned with graven images of various goblinoids being hacked apart rather messily by dwarven warriors. Gobchoppers grant their wielders the Cleave and Great Cleave feats (regardless of Strength or Base Attack), but only against creatures of the Goblinoid subtype (strikes against other kinds of creature do not trigger the cleaving attacks, nor can the cleaving attacks be directed at creatures that lack the subtype). Furthermore, a Gobchopper gains the Speed magic weapon quality for 1 round immediately after scoring a critical hit (even if the target was not a Goblinoid).

Creatures of the Goblinoid subtype suffer a -2 luck penalty on saving throws when holding or carrying a Gobchopper, and feel a sense of dread when doing so. A Gobchopper's magical properties (besides its inherent durability) do not function when in the possession of a Goblinoid. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Dwarven Waraxe.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, creator must be a dwarf, Divine Power, Summon Monster I. Cost to Create: 10,330 gp and 800 XP. Market Price: 20,330 gp. Weight: 15 lbs.

Hammer of Hasty Repair
This +1 Light Hammer is more than just a weapon of self-defense, but also a tool for forging, carpentry, and repairs, highly prized by smiths and siege engineers, though few can afford such a treasure. A Hammer of Hasty Repair is inscribed with Dwarven runes of work, wholeness, durability, and restoration. A Dwarven inscription upon the Hammer describes its magical powers. It grants a +5 enhancement bonus to one Craft check per day (or per week if making a single weekly check for something), chosen as a free action before the check. Once per week by focusing on the Hammer's power while touching another object or Construct with it, the wielder can generate a Make Whole spell effect or Repair Moderate Damage spell effect upon the subject (as appropriate to its type). The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Light Hammer.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, must know the Dwarven language, must be literate, Make Whole, Repair Moderate Damage. Cost to Create: 2,051 gp and 140 XP. Market Price: 3,801 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Halfblood's Determination
A finely-crafted Keen +1 Bastard Sword with a diamond securely inset just above the hilt, this weapon is often forged for half-elves going to war or out to prove themselves. While hefty and brutal like the blades favored by humans, this weapon also bears elements of elven elegance in its design and powers. The blade sheds light as many other magical weapons do. The wielder gains a +2 morale bonus on Will saves while Halfblood's Determination is drawn, and also gains the benefits of the Spring Attack feat while this blade is drawn (regardless of that feat's normal prerequisites). Furthermore, the wielder gains a +4 dodge bonus to Armor Class while reduced to less than half of his or her maximum hit point total, but only for up to 10 rounds per day (only rounds in which the weapon is drawn and held by a half-elf will count). This dodge bonus is lost when immobilized or denied a Dexterity bonus to AC. The weapon's magical properties (aside from its inherent durability as a magic item) only function when wielded by a half-elf. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Bastard Sword.

Caster Level: 10th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, creator must be a half-elf, Cat's Grace, Keen Edge, Light. Cost to Create: 5,335 gp and 392 XP. Market Price: 10,335 gp. Weight: 10 lbs.

Harrowing Halfblade
These wicked-looking barbed weapons are often found in pairs, but the statistics and prices given here are for a single Harrowing Halfblade. Each is a Keen +1 Vicious Kukri which reduces the normal two-weapon fighting (or multi-weapon fighting) penalties on attack rolls (not just the penalty with this weapon) by 1 point, and this reduction stacks if wielding more than one at the same time. Furthermore, on any critical hit with the Harrowing Halfblade against a living creature, a flare of red light along the blade inflicts 1 point of temporary Constitution damage to its victim (this does not get multiplied). The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Kukri.

Caster Level: 10th. Aura: Moderate Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Enervation, Keen Edge, True Strike. Cost to Create: 10,408 gp and 808 XP. Market Price: 20,508 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Hornbows are expertly-crafted +1 Composite Shortbows of elven design, made in part with the horns and sinews of woodland animals. Each Hornbow has the magical ability to change forms into a +1 Rapier or a masterwork natural horn musical instrument as a free action when the wielder wills it (it can also be changed back as a free action). It retains any further enhancements or magic weapon abilities in Rapier form (the Rapier form cannot be permanently enchanted separately), excluding those that only apply to ranged weapons, but the Hornbow can only become a Rapier for 1 minute each time, and only twice per day. Similarly, it can only become a natural horn for 1 hour at a time, twice per day. The Hornbow has different powers in each form. As a Shortbow, it grants the benefits of the Rapid Shot feat (regardless of prerequisites). As a Rapier, it deals +1d6 bonus damage on critical hits (this does not get multiplied). As a horn, it can be blown while concentrating to generate a Summon Nature's Ally II spell effect (same casting time, but the duration ends if the horn changes form). It can only produce the Summon Nature's Ally II effect once per day.

A Hornbow's magical properties (besides its inherant durability) only function while carried or wielded by someone with the Elf subtype (including half-elves). Any wielder of the Hornbow automatically learns its functions if he or she has the Elf subtype. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Composite Shortbow (made to allow a +2 Strength bonus to damage, but Hornbows can be made from Composite Shortbows designed for a different Strength bonus, at an appropriate change in cost).

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Conjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, creator must be an elf, Summon Nature's Ally II. Cost to Create: 5,025 gp and 360 XP. Market Price: 9,525 gp. Weight: 15 lbs.

Mighty Mining Pick
This +1 Heavy Pick is exceedingly durable and great at chipping away at stone. It has 5 points higher hardness than normal thanks to some magical reinforcement, and it deals 1d6 points of bonus damage on successful hits against targets made of stone or similar earthen material (not multiplied on critical hits), including such stony creatures as earth elementals, gargoyles, juggernaughts, maugs, caryatid columns, stone golems, clay golems, stained glass golems, or crystal golems, among others (but not metal, mud, sand, or salt creatures). Its total enhancement bonus on attacks is doubled for purposes of bypassing the Damage Reduction of such targets, but this does not increase the actual bonus to attack and damage rolls. The Mighty Mining Pick also confers a +5 enhancement bonus on Profession (Miner) checks made with it. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Heavy Pick.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Stone Shape. Cost to Create: 3,183 gp and 230 XP. Market Price: 6,058 gp. Weight: 6 lbs.

This beautifully-decorated +1 Short Sword of Orc Bane is specially enchanted for battling orcs and half-orcs. The blade sheds magical light equivalent to a candle when any creature of the Orc subtype (including half-orcs) is within 300 feet, or equivalent to a Light spell when any such creature is within 100 feet, or equivalent to a Daylight spell when any such creature is within 60 feet. The change in light level is sudden and thus triggers any Light Sensitivity or Light Blindness that creatures in the light's radius may have (out to the limits of shadowy illumination from it). Sheathing the blade blocks the illumination, but drawing it anew results in a more gradual return to the proper light level, instead of another sudden flash.

Whenever the Orcviscerator successfully damages any creature of the Orc subtype (with a direct, physical hit), the blade flashes brighter in a focused beam at that creature, as per a Flare spell (Heightened to 2nd-level, Fortitude DC 13), but it also blinds them for 1 round if they fail the save. An Orcviscerator magically resizes to fit any wielder; the weight given below is for a Small Short Sword (or Medium-sized in 3.5 rules). However, the weapon's magical properties (aside from its inherent durability as a magic item) do not function when wielded by a creature of the Orc subtype. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Short Sword.

Caster Level: 8th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Heighten Spell, creator cannot have the Orc subtype, Daylight, Flare, Light, Summon Monster I. Cost to Create: 11,310 gp and 880 XP. Market Price: 22,310 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

A hefty +1 Adamantine Warhammer of Mighty Cleaving, the Platecrusher is decorated only slightly and simply with spiky patterns that give the impression of shattering impacts. The Platecrusher ignores half of any target's total combined armor, natural armor, and shield bonuses to AC (rounded down), including any cover bonus granted by a shield and including any enhancement bonuses to these statistics. Non-adamantine armors and shields used by opponents stricken by Platecrusher are also damaged whenever it successfully hits the user of those items, though such armors and shields suffer only half damage when Platecrusher strikes their user.

However, the weapon is so brutally powerful that it strains the wielder just to swing it about. Each attack made with the Platecrusher (even if it is magically Animated through further enchantments) inflicts 1d8 points of backlash damage to the wielder, as well as 1 point of temporary Strength damage, and this backlash cannot be prevented, redirected, split, or converted. Worse, the backlash damage is multiplied against the wielder whenever Platecrusher scores a critical hit (even the Strength damage is multiplied). The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Adamantine Warhammer.

Caster Level: 12th. Aura: Strong Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Greater Magic Arms & Armor, Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Power Attack, Sunder (Improved Sunder in 3.5 rules), Divine Power, Shatter. Cost to Create: 28,312 gp and 1,520 XP. Market Price: 47,312 gp. Weight: 8 lbs.

Scythe of Swift Harvests
Though sufficiently reinforced and sharpened for use in combat, the Scythe of Swift Harvests is primarily designed to assist in farming. As such, it has no normal enhancement bonus or other magic weapon properties, but instead gains the effects of a Magic Weapon spell once per day on command (duration of 1 minute, however). The Scythe's primary function is a +5 enhancement bonus on Profession (Farmer) skill checks related to harvesting crops (so it does apply to checks for earning money in that fashion), and it can produce a Plant Growth spell effect once per year on command. The wielder automatically learns the functions and command words for the Scythe of Swift Harvests. Druids often make these tools as gifts to farmers who carefully manage their farmland and don't clear away too much natural terrain for it, and some druids have been known to offer these enchanted scythes as bribes to convince locals to treat the surrounding wilderness better. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Scythe.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Plant Growth. Cost to Create: 768 gp and 36 XP. Market Price: 918 gp. Weight: 12 lbs.

This +1 Guided Sling is decorated with a skull pattern and has exceptional accuracy. Skullcracker's critical threat range gains a +4 luck bonus, so it threatens critical hits on a natural attack roll of 16 or higher (feats and other effects may further increase the threat range, but they cannot increase Skullcracker's luck bonus, which is separate). The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Sling.

Caster Level: 6th. Aura: Moderate Divination. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Bull's Strength, True Strike. Cost to Create: 5,250 gp and 396 XP. Market Price: 10,200 gp. Weight: ---.

Tornado Twinblade
This +2/+2 Two-Bladed Sword is designed with elaborate windy themes, depicting whirlwinds and flying debris upon the flat of the blades and their curved crossbars. Spinning the Tornado Twinblade in front of you as a standard action can produce a Gust of Wind effect up to twice per day, and spinning the weapon as a free action while falling will generate a Feather Fall effect upon the wielder only (as often as desired, but this effect ends if you stop spinning the weapon). Furthermore, you may perform a Whirlwind Attack (as per the feat, even if you do not possess that feat or its prerequisites) with this weapon any number of times per day. Any Whirlwind Attack made with the Tornado Twinblade includes two attacks against each target (one with each end of the double weapon) instead of just one attack, but also incurs two-weapon fighting penalties. A Tornado Twinblade magically resizes to fit any wielder (the cost and weight given is for a Large Two-Bladed Sword, or Medium-sized in 3.5 rules). The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Two-Bladed Sword.

Caster Level: 8th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Feather Fall, Gust of Wind, Haste. Cost to Create: 18,300 gp and 1,408 XP. Market Price: 35,900 gp. Weight: 30 lbs.

Trick Knife
An ordinary-looking knife with hidden powers, the Trick Knife can be used in a variety of ways and for a variety of tricks. This +1 Dagger can be drawn as a free action as it magically springs forth when grasped, and it assists similarly when someone tries to hide or steal it, granting a +5 enhancement bonus on Pick Pocket (Sleight of Hand in 3.5 rules) checks for those purposes. The Trick Knife itself can become become invisible (as per an Invisibility spell) once per day when the wielder rubs the crossguard a certain way (a free action), but it becomes visible again once used for an attack (as normal for the spell; it is treated like an attack from an invisible attacker). The wielder may trigger either a Ghost Sound (Will DC 10) effect or Silent Image (Will DC 11) once per day while holding the Trick Knife, simply by concentrating on the desired effect.

The blade can spontaneously coat itself in acid, frost, lightning, flames, or high-pitched sound, inflicting 1d6 points of bonus acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage on its next successful attack, twice per day when the wielder wills it (a free action). The spontaneous coating disappears at the end of the round if not used, but does not count against the limit on daily uses if so. The Trick Knife gains the Returning magic weapon ability for up to 3 rounds per day, which need not be consecutive, simply by the wielder twisting a loose piece of the hilt as a free action.

Lastly, the Trick Knife's thick handle is mostly hollow and the pommel can be twisted off to store something inside the handle. Anything stored within resizes with the weapon (so it always takes up the same proportional amount of space), but only while kept inside it. Twisting the pommel on or off is a free action as the weapon magically speeds up the process. You can store a magical potion, oil, elixir, or similar fluid in there, and the Trick Knife will magically compress one such fluid to make it fit, but it can also be used to store poison (which is not compressed). One dose of any poison stored in the hilt of the Trick Knife (if enough of the poison is stored within) will magically appear on the blade when the wielder concentrates on it (a standard action). The hidden compartment magically cleans itself out when emptied, so there is no risk of accidentally poisoning yourself when drinking a potion out of it.

A Trick Knife magically resizes to fit any wielder (the cost and weight given is for a Tiny Dagger, or Medium-sized in 3.5 rules). The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Dagger.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Illusion. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Ghost Sound, Invisibility, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Ray of Acid, Ray of Dissonance, Ray of Flame, Ray of Frost, Ray of Sparks, Silent Image. Cost to Create: 5,302 gp and 400 XP. Market Price: 10,302 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

A stylized +1 Kukri with the image of a vulture's head etched upon its blade, the Vultureblade is enchanted for greater effectiveness at tearing into carrion and weary prey. It deals +1d6 damage against Undead and other corpses, as well as against foes that are fatigued or exhausted. This bonus damage is not multiplied on critical hits. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Kukri.

Caster Level: 5th. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Chill Touch. Cost to Create: 1,808 gp and 120 XP. Market Price: 3,308 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Walking Stick
A sturdy and lightly-decorated +1/+1 Quarterstaff, this Walking Stick holds some rather handy powers to ease and hasten travel. The wielder magically gains the benefits of the Endurance feat while holding the Walking Stick, and he or she gains a +4 stability bonus on checks to make or resist bull rush and trip attempts while standing firmly on the ground with a Walking Stick in hand. Furthermore, the Walking Stick may produce one of the following spell effects on command, once per day (choose which option to use each time): Air Walk, Mount, or Water Walk. The wielder may target other willing creatures with these effects if desired, within the normal limits of those spells. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Quarterstaff.

Caster Level: 7th. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Air Walk, Mount, Water Walk. Cost to Create: 11,800 gp and 896 XP. Market Price: 23,000 gp. Weight: 6 lbs.

Whip of Woeful Tidings
This Bleak +1 Mighty Whip is made with entwined black and gray leather. Anyone holding it feels a bit less emotional than normal, and gains a +2 profane bonus on saving throws against Enchantment effects and other emotion-altering effects. Furthermore, any critical hit with the Whip of Woeful Tidings has the added effect of a Phantasmal Killer spell upon the victim (Fortitude and Will DC 16). This Phantasmal Killer ability functions only up to twice per day, but does not count towards this limit if the subject is immune to Phantasmal Killer. Non-evil creatures suffer a -2 profane penalty on Fortitude and Reflex saving throws when wielding the Whip of Woeful Tidings. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Mighty Whip (made to allow a +2 Strength bonus to damage, but these whips can be made with Mighty Whips that allow different Strength bonuses to damage, with appropriate changes in price).

Caster Level: 7th. Aura: Moderate Illusion. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, creator must be evil, Doom, Phantasmal Killer. Cost to Create: 3,950 gp and 268 XP. Market Price: 7,300 gp. Weight: 4 lbs.

This plain-looking wood-chopping axe is deceptively potent, especially against plants and Plant monsters or wood elementals. It functions as a +1 Handaxe of Plant Bane that ignores the hardness of plants it strikes (including fungi), and likewise ignores the hardness of wooden objects and other items made with leaves or plant fibers (such as hempen rope). Woodripper also applies the effects of its Plant Bane ability against any wood elementals, wood element creatures, or wooden Constructs, as though they were Plants. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Handaxe.

Caster Level: 9th. Aura: Moderate Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Blight or Diminish Plants or Favored Enemy (Plants), Summon Monster I. Cost to Create: 10,956 gp and 852 XP. Market Price: 21,606 gp. Weight: 5 lbs.


Boots of Brief Grace
A pair of short, soft-leather boots with snakeskin fringes, the Boots of Brief Grace can temporarily improve a wearer's poise and agility. The wearer gains a Cat's Grace spell effect for 1 minute (10 rounds) after tapping both heels on the ground twice in a row, ending prematurely if the Boots are removed. Boots of Brief Grace provide this function once per day. This magical footwear also has a second function, active as long as the Boots are worn, and this second function grants the effects of the Mobility feat.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Tailor Magic Garment, Cat's Grace. Cost to Create: 1,400 gp and 112 XP. Market Price: 2,800 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Miter of Distinguished Wit
This conical hat of elegant design in white and black with gold or silver trim lends its wearer greater wits, intellectual prowess, and memory recall. By adjusting the hat purposefully, the wearer gains a Fox's Cunning spell effect for 10 minutes, ending prematurely if the Miter is removed. The Miter of Distinguished Wit functions in this manner only once per day. However, it also has a secondary function of granting its wearer the effects of the Jack Of All Trades feat so long as he or she wears the hat.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Tailor Magic Garment, Detect Thoughts, Fox's Cunning. Cost to Create: 900 gp and 72 XP. Market Price: 1,800 gp. Weight: 1 lb.

Pristine Polishing Rag
This plain white rag is magically infused with animation and cleaning powers. On command, it will begin polishing items as its last holder commands it to, as though guided by an Unseen Servant spell. The Pristine Polishing Rag attracts dust, grime, and such when cleaning, but deposits such material in any suitable waste-bin or other waste-disposal area within 100 feet of the objects it cleans (such material simply falls off if the Rag is deactivated first), without any residue remaining on the Pristine Polishing Rag. The Pristine Polishing Rag will even shine shoes, buckles, and similar items as though coated in an appropriate polish, though it is always dry to the touch and it never holds any scent. A Pristine Polishing Rag will only function for up to 1 hour per day in total, and it will not go anywhere more than 100 feet from where it was activated. A Pristine Polishing Rag will not trigger nor attract Dust of Dread or other magical dusts. Anyone who holds the Rag automatically learns its function and its command word.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Conjuration. Prerequisites: Tailor Magic Garment, Prestidigitation, Unseen Servant. Cost to Create: 200 gp and 16 XP. Market Price: 400 gp. Weight: ---.

Vest of Surging Vigor
A finely-tooled leather vest with red trim, two broad pockets, and five brass buttons engraved with the likeness of lions, tigers, bears, or wolves. When worn, it bestows an Endurance spell effect upon the wearer for 10 minutes if he or she taps each button twice, ending prematurely if the Vest is removed. The Vest of Surging Vigor functions in this manner just once per day. It has an additional function, however, automatically healing the wearer as per a Cure Moderate Wounds spell when he or she is reduced to zero hit points or fewer, unless the wearer dies or is destroyed. This healing function is automatic and triggers only once per day.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Tailor Magic Garment, Cure Moderate Wounds, Endurance (Bear's Endurance in 3.5 rules). Cost to Create: 1,200 gp and 96 XP. Market Price: 2,400 gp. Weight: 1 lb.


Draught of the Adept
Imbibing this magical potion imbues the drinker with exceptional mental and magical prowess, if only for a short time. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma for 1 minute (10 rounds), along with a +2 insight bonus on caster level checks, dispel checks, manifester level checks, negation checks, Autohypnosis checks, Concentration checks, Psicraft checks, Spellcraft checks, Use Magic Device checks, and Use Psionic Device checks during that time. You may make such checks untrained. You cannot benefit from more than one Draught of the Adept per day, and you are fatigued for 1 minute after its effects end.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, Loroche's Spell Enhancer, Owl's Wisdom. Cost to Create: 375 gp and 30 XP. Market Price: 750 gp. Weight: ---.

Draught of the Expert
Imbibing this magical potion imbues the drinker with exceptional athleticism, cleverness, and clarity, if only for a short time. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Charisma for 1 minute (10 rounds), along with a +2 insight bonus on ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws during that time. You can make any skill check untrained during that time, except for exclusive skills and psionic skills. You cannot benefit from more than one Draught of the Expert per day, and you are fatigued for 1 minute after its effects end.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Cat's Grace, Detect Thoughts, Eagle's Splendor, Fate Shield, Taurion's Fleeting Alacrity. Cost to Create: 375 gp and 30 XP. Market Price: 750 gp. Weight: ---.

Draught of the Warrior
Imbibing this magical potion imbues the drinker with exceptional prowess in battle, if only for a short time. You gain a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution for 1 minute (10 rounds), along with a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls, physical damage rolls, and Armor Class during that time. You lose the insight bonus to AC if immobilized. You cannot benefit from more than one Draught of the Warrior per day, and you are fatigued for 1 minute after its effects end.

Caster Level: 3rd. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Endurance (Bear's Enduraince in 3.5 rules), Fate Shield, True Strike. Cost to Create: 375 gp and 30 XP. Market Price: 750 gp. Weight: ---.


Ring of the Unseen
A simple golden ring that feels warm to the touch and glows faintly in firelight, the Ring of the Unseen can empower its wearer to become invisible and to see that which would otherwise be hidden, as well as limiting the effects of aging and giving its wearer a deceptive sense of immortality. Wearers immediately become aware of the ring's magical powers, but not its cursed nature, drawbacks, or limitations. The wearer may become invisible (as per the Invisibility spell) as a free action, but only for a total of 10 rounds per day. They may dismiss this Invisibility as a free action at the end of any given round (and it ends automatically if they attack, as normal for that spell). However, so long as the ring makes them invisible, it also provides them with the effects of an Arcane Sight spell, a Detect Secret Doors spell, a Detect Undead spell, a Discern Shapechanger spell, and a See Invisibility spell (no concentration needed; these abilities function simultaneously as free actions). The wearer of this ring also gains the benefits of the Timeless Body extraordinary ability as per a druid, so long as he or she wears the ring.

However, the Ring of the Unseen also carries a powerful curse. The wearer suffers a luck penalty of -4 on all Fortitude saves and all Will saves. He or she also receives 2 temporary hit points per hit die each day, which last until lost through damage, but unlike normal temporary HP, these are false; the DM secretly tracks the damage the ring absorbed, and when it is enough to reduce the wearer to 0 HP or lower, this damage is immediately subtracted from the wearer's current HP (this is treated like extra damage from the attack that just harmed the character, but is not multiplied or otherwise increased itself). Furthermore, whenever the ring makes him or her invisible, the wearer remains visible to other invisible or ethereal creatures. The Ring of the Unseen cannot be removed from a wearer unless the wearer dies (or is destroyed if not a living creature) or receives a Remove Curse effect, and it can only be removed once each time that happens.

Caster Level: 15th. Aura: Strong Divination. Prerequisites: Craft Greater Magic Charm, Craft Lesser Magic Charm, Arcane Sight, Bestow Curse, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Discern Shapechanger, Invisibility, See Invisibility. Cost to Create: 6,000 gp and 480 XP. Market Price: 12,000 gp. Weight: ---.
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First Post
Hey folks, it's been quite a while, but I plan to resume updates for this thread soon. Hopefully I won't get sidetracked or overly busy with other stuff again, and be more productive in 2013. *crosses fingers*


First Post
I've revised and fixed some items up above, but haven't quite finished. I'll have a more substantial update posted next week (maybe some monsters or a class), but for now, here's a small batch of additional magic items. (edit, added a few more, also changed one so druids could craft and use it)


Baleful Blade
A masterwork Short Sword etched with a demonic visage upon the flat of the blade, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Baleful Blade gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with the Baleful Blade during that period causes the victim to suffer the effects of an Inflict Light Wounds spell (1d8+1 damage, Will DC 11 halves). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the etching upon the blade glows faintly red while active. Baleful Blades can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Short Sword.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Inflict Light Wounds. Cost to Create: 560 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 810 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Befuddling Bludgeon
A masterwork Club inscribed with nonsensical phrases, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Befuddling Bludgeon gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with the Befuddling Bludgeon during that period causes the victim to suffer the effects of a Random Action (or Lesser Confusion in 3.5 or Pathfinder rules) spell (Will DC 12 negates, rather than the standard DC 11). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engraved words glow faintly in various colors while active. Befuddling Bludgeons can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Club.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Enchantment. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Random Action (Lesser Confusion in 3.5 and Pathfinder). Cost to Create: 550 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 800 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Blessed Scepter
A masterwork Light Mace inscribed with simple prayers, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Blessed Scepter gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and nearby allies (including the wielder) benefit from a Bless spell effect when the command is spoken. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the inscriptions glow faintly blue while active. Blessed Scepters can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Light Mace.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Enchantment. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Bless. Cost to Create: 555 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 805 gp. Weight: 6 lbs.

Chilling Chopper
A masterwork Battleaxe engraved with icy symbols, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Chilling Chopper gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with the Chilling Chopper during that period discharges a Chill Touch spell effect upon the victim (Fortitude or Will DC 12, instead of the standard DC 11). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engravings flicker faintly cyan while active. Chilling Choppers can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Battleaxe.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Ray Of Enfeeblement. Cost to Create: 560 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 810 gp. Weight: 7 lbs.

Counter Crossbow
A masterwork Heavy Crossbow engraved with zig-zagging patterns, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Counter Crossbow gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the wielder benefits from an Entropic Shield spell effect after speaking the command, but this Entropic Shield ends prematurely if the Counter Crossbow is released. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the graven patterns glow faintly in slowly-changing colors while active. Counter Crossbows can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Heavy Crossbow.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Abjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Entropic Shield. Cost to Create: 600 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 850 gp. Weight: 9 lbs.

Crippling Crossbow
A masterwork Light Crossbow engraved with snakes, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Crippling Crossbow gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with the Crippling Crossbow during that period afflicts the target with a Ray Of Enfeeblement effect (-1d6 penalty to Strength, Fortitude DC 13 halves, instead of the standard DC 11). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engravings flicker faintly light purple while active. Crippling Crossbows can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Light Crossbow.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Ray Of Enfeeblement. Cost to Create: 585 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 835 gp. Weight: 6 lbs.

Favored Mace
A masterwork Heavy Mace inscribed with a deific or spiritual symbol, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Favored Mace gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the wielder benefits from a Divine Favor spell effect when the command is spoken, but this Divine Favor ends prematurely if the Favored Mace is released. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the inscriptions glow faintly golden while active. Favored Maces can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Heavy Mace.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Evocation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Divine Favor. Cost to Create: 562 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 812 gp. Weight: 12 lbs.

Guarding Gauntlet
A masterwork Spiked Gauntlet etched with shield patterns, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Guarding Gauntlet gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the wielder benefits from a Shield spell effect after speaking the command, but this Shield ends prematurely if the Guarding Gauntlet is removed. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the etchings glow faintly deep blue while active. Guarding Gauntlets can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Spiked Gauntlet.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Abjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Shield. Cost to Create: 555 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 805 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Imposing Katar
A masterwork Punching Dagger engraved with ogrish or trollish figures, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Imposing Katar gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and nearby enemies suffer the effects of a Bane spell (Will DC 11 negates) when the command word is spoken. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engraving upon the blade flickers faintly red-orange while active. Imposing Katars can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Punching Dagger.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Enchantment. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Bane. Cost to Create: 552 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 802 gp. Weight: 2 lbs.

Searing Spear
A masterwork Shortspear (Spear in 3.5 or Pathfinder rules) engraved with fiery symbols, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Searing Spear gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with the Searing Spear during that period generates a Burning Hands spell effect (1d4 damage, Reflex DC 12 halves, instead of the standard DC 11), erupting from the spearhead as it makes contact. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engravings flicker faintly yellow-orange while active. Searing Spears can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Shortspear (or Spear in 3.5 and Pathfinder).

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Burning Hands. Cost to Create: 552 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 802 gp. Weight: 5 lbs.

Shielding Spear
A masterwork Halfspear (Shortspear in 3.5 or Pathfinder rules) with a few bands of steel around it, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Shielding Spear gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the wielder enjoys a Shield Of Faith effect when the command is spoken. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the metal bands glow faintly white while active. Shielding Spears can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Halfspear (Shortspear in 3.5 or Pathfinder).

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Abjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Shield Of Faith. Cost to Create: 551 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 801 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Sleeper Sling
A masterwork Sling stitched with an image of sheep, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Sleeper Sling gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with it during that period causes a Sleep spell effect to fall upon the victim (only the stricken foe, and immediately after the injury so it does not wake them; Will DC 11 negates the Sleep). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the stitched pattern glows faintly violet while active. Sleeper Slings can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Sling.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Enchantment. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Sleep. Cost to Create: 550 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 800 gp. Weight: 0 lbs.

Startling Sickle
A masterwork Sickle with ghastly faces etched upon its blade, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Startling Sickle gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the first successful hit made with the Startling Sickle during that period causes the victim to suffer the effects of a Cause Fear spell (Will DC 12 negates, rather than the standard DC 11). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the etching upon the blade flickers faintly yellow-green while active. Startling Sickles can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Sickle.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Necromancy. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Cause Fear. Cost to Create: 556 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 806 gp. Weight: 3 lbs.

Surge Scythe
A masterwork Scythe engraved with lightning symbols, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Surge Scythe gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and the Surge Scythe is charged with a Shocking Grasp spell effect until scoring its first hit during this period, which discharges the spell effect (1d8+1 damage). The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engravings flicker faintly blue-violet while active. Surge Scythes can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Scythe.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Transmutation. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Shocking Grasp. Cost to Create: 568 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 818 gp. Weight: 12 lbs.

Vigorous Dagger
A masterwork Dagger engraved with symbols of fortitude, vigor, and health, this weapon has no magical enhancement normally but instead gains brief magical powers when commanded by its wielder. On command the Vigorous Dagger gets a magical +1 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage for the next 3 rounds, and a living wielder immediately gains the benefits of a Cure Light Wounds spell (1d8+1 damage healed) when the command is spoken. The weapon can only be commanded once per day, and the engravings upon the blade glow faintly yellow while active. Vigorous Daggers can be enchanted later with actual enhancement bonuses, in which case their command-word ability stacks with any permanent enhancements while active. The costs below include the price of purchasing a masterwork Dagger.

Caster Level: 1st. Aura: Faint Conjuration. Prerequisites: Craft Lesser Magic Arms & Armor, Cure Light Wounds. Cost to Create: 552 gp and 12 XP. Market Price: 802 gp. Weight: 1 lb.
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