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4e [Eberron] BnP Keep on the Shadowfell (Yea, though I walk through the valley of th)


Iridian joins the fray, dropping the the kobold in front of Adain with a deft shot.

[sblock=Adain]The Kobold in front of you is dead. You'll need a new action. My current understanding is that you could shift forward and attack the Dragonshield without triggering Dragonshield Tactics.
I have a post out now trying to clarify.

But, to be honest... you've got a 16 toward an AC 18... if you want to attack the Kobold DS using the roll 13 against some -other- defense -might- be a better idea.[/sblock]

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"Fight me, coward!" Zaram roars, as he steps closer to the hurt kobold holding the dragonscale shield. He swings his longsword, which becomes a blazing blade of holy light.

[sblock=ooc]Mark dragonshield2(-2 attacks, and takes 6 damage if attacking someone other than Zaram). Shift to J15. It shouldn't be able to shift away to avoid the attack because an ally is in one square, and what I presume is difficult terrain in in another square(which it can't normally shift into). Attack w/radiant smite(encounter @ +9(including bonus for quick posting)and 2d8+4 damage. 26 to hit for 14 damage(radiant) [/sblock]


[sblock=Cover Foliage and otherwise]Per KotS:
Difficult Terrain (count as +1 movement per square you go through); can't shift into or out of (as EvKB pointed out in his post above -- though you technically can, you just need to be able to shift 2 squares, which is a rogue power I think).
"Lightly obscured". Count as "normal cover" for "those attacking from or into the area".
Doesn't say anything about firing "through" multiple hexes of the stuff.
Don't know if that means it's impossible, or superior cover, or what....

The map seems to suggest that attacking from behind a boulder grants cover to the person behind the boulder but not the person being attacked from behind the boulder.
Nothing really about foliage giving anyone that sort of option; I assume that once you're stuck in the bushes you're stuck in the bushes and it's as much of a pain in the *** for you as for the person you're attacking.


Tyron slips from the behind the underbrush, the kobold slinger swallows nervously as it hears the sound of far of hunting horns; a blast of light brings it's attention to the blurred figure of the warlock.

Then the warlock stands up straighter, and with a casual gesture reduces the Kobold to a howling shuddering heap.
Pleased with the sacrifice the Laughing Man moves the land around Tyron to a better position.
[sblock=Dark Dreams]Since you mentioned it I just spent an action point and had Tyron drop Curse of Dark Dream -> dead slinger. Tyron shifts to R11 per fey pact.[/sblock]
Zaram drops a Dragonshield with a confident blow.
Adain calls down another blast of holy fire, this time on KD1. The reeling kobold is felled an instant later by Brock, who cleaves through it's head and embeds his warhammer in it's neighbor for good measure.

The final kobold lets out a gleep!, shifts out of combat and makes a break for it. The cunning creature is appears certain to get away (or at least lead the party on a merry chase)... when the concealed Tyron steps from behind a boulder and fillets it with a casual dagger strike.

End Fight 1​
XP: 475
Treasure: 34sp and a bunch of poorly made small-sized weapons/shields/armor of shoddy quality.
[sblock=Zaram]Some of the markings on the kobold shields remind you of something, you just can't remember what.[/sblock]


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"Damn wannabe's," the blackscale says and he again shuts the visor on his helmet with a loud clang. After scrounging up the goods, Zaram thinks to himself:

[sblock=ooc]How far are we from the nearest town? Are the shoddy weapons/armor worth carrying? I'm guessing probably not.[/sblock]

"Split the coin evenly, whatever is left goes to party funds for healing and supplies. Sound good?" Zaram says, his voice sounding metallic and hollow from the inner workings of his helmet.


[sblock=Your Quest]Dourven ir'Staul is a unique figure who made an impression on all of your lives.

A human of noble blood he married Khorvar commoner, and gave birth to two daughters in their comfortable tower on Clifftop (a somewhat scandalous location for a noble, however minor, to have a primary home). A gifted if eccentric historian and excavator of ancient ruins who loves to run counter to conventional wisdom he is most famous for contemptuous essays on the importance of Xen'drik (which has been the rage in academic circles in Breland and throughout Khorvaire for the better part of a century). He has developed a cult following from his sporadic lectures at Morgrave University in Sharn and is known as a passionate, almost obsessive traveler.

So it was not unusual for him to have left Sharn three months ago seeking a draconic tomb supposedly located somewhere near the small wilderness town that is your destiation. What is unusual is for ir'Staul to have gone for long without contact. He frequently sends amusing missives from Orien waystations or Sivis outposts during his travels; however his wife Lissa has had no contact and grown very concerned.

ir'Staul has gone without contact before, (most recently when he was kidnapped by druidic extremists during an excursion to the Black Caps) but never without being in some sort of trouble.[/sblock]

After you've finished with the kobolds you continue to travel the rest of the day. Despite concerns you may have about brigands operating so freely on a Orien Trade Route you arrive at your destination without further incident.

The small walled town rises up in front of you in the evening gloom.

The guards, two weary looking human men, inspect your documents and have a quiet conversation. [sblock=Iridian and anyone else with a passive perception of 15 or greater]With your keen senses you pick out the conversation.

Never seen onena those before.
Says here, Blackscale Lizardfolk.
Looks kinda, lizard-like don't he.
Well, that's why the call 'em lizardfolk I recon. Says here, he's from Q'barra.
Yeah. I mean... What I mean is...
Ah'm jus saying with the kobolds 'n all....
That look like a kobold to you?
Naw. But maybe they work together.
'cause you work together with goblins cause you look alike.
I don't look like no goblin.
You like a goblin the way he looks like a kobold.
I'm just saying that...
Look, you wanna ask him he works with kobolds, you go right ahead.
I'm just saying...
So he's come all the way over here, with the rest of that lot, but he really works with the kobolds?
I was jus' saying....
An' before he come over here, he decided to go ta Sharn, an' get traveling papers.
OK. OK. Why you always got to be like this...

The Town Map. Locations are marked with italics (#)

As evening falls, you're allowed into the town. The guards close the gates behind you for the night.
[sblock=The Town OOC]I love me some roleplaying but I said Beer 'n Pretzles and I aim to deliver, so I'll try to keep the pace up and things light.

To that end when I introduce NPCs I'll give you their names, and give you a simple overview of the town you can pick up from looking around or asking just about anyone.
The guards direct you to Wrafton's Inn (2). You're welcomed into the inn by it's proprietor Salvana Wrafton. Like most inn's in small towns the building seems to function as a common gathering area of the townsfolk.
There are several farmers playing a game of dice in a corner; an old farmer, Eilian, is talking with a serving woman; an unfriendly looking shifter hunter, Ninaran, nurses her beer in a corner.

The town is ruled by Lord Padraig, who served with some distinction during the Last War. He lives in the Manor House (14) inside the inner walls.

Valthrun's Tower (6), at five stories high, is the highest building in town.

Normal sorts of buildings for a town of this sort abide, including: a stables (4), smithy (5), general store (7), warriors guild (8), housing for people who don't own homes of their own (9), temple of the host (10), etc.


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Zaram follows the others through town, trying not to attract too much notice. Once at the inn, and they purchase rooms for the night, Zaram instructs Adain to find the location of the tomb. He then goes to his room and stays there for the remainder of the night.

[sblock=ooc]Beer and pretzels? I've got several Sam Adams in me right now...If we wish to RP the time before Zaram goes to his room, go ahead.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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