D&D 4E 4e pixies and OA's?


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Hey guys, so one of the players in my group is going to be playing a pixies character and in looking through feats the question about opportunity attacks came up.

Since the pixies get a range of 1 for melee attacks according to the HotF book, that would mean opportunity attacks act as normal, right?

So one feat says they can leave a shared space without receiving an opportunity attacks, would they still receive one when leaving the adjacent square?

And then, if they don't take that feat, does that mean they would take 2 opportunity attacks for leaving those squares?

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Since the pixies get a range of 1 for melee attacks according to the HotF book, that would mean opportunity attacks act as normal, right?

Pretty much.

So one feat says they can leave a shared space without receiving an opportunity attacks, would they still receive one when leaving the adjacent square?


And then, if they don't take that feat, does that mean they would take 2 opportunity attacks for leaving those squares?

No. A combatant can make as many OAs per round as moves that provoke them but only one OA per turn (i.e., the Pixie PC can provoke an OA from a specific enemy only once per turn, not for each square of movement that potentially provokes). OAs take place on the turn of the combatant moving (in this case, the Pixie), not the enemy.


First Post
Ok that makes sense....
But then, honestly what is the point of that feat? I really see no benefit if your trying to disengage just to still get an opportunity attack in one square instead of another...


You're speaking of Flitting Harrier, right? I believe its purpose is more about entering an opponent's square, which sets up a host of combat tricks, rather than leaving said squares.


First Post
Ya that's the one (I couldn't remember its name off the top of my head).

Ok that makes more sense, so its technically a more offensive power.

Cool, thanks for the info guys

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