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4e Stranded


Here's Durvin's character sheet. First one I've made for fourth, let me know if I missed anything.

Alignment: Lawful-Good

Ability scores
Strength: 16
Constitution: 14
Dexterity: 8
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 16

Hit points: 29
Bloodied: 14
Surges: 7
Surges/day: 12
Initiative: -1

Speed: 5

Armor class: 21
Fortitude: 13
Reflex: 13
Will: 14

Diplomacy: +8
Endurance: +11
Insight: +7
Religion: +5

Dwarven Plate +1
Heavy shield
Standard adventurer’s kit
Holy symbol
5 bottles of ale
Fine clothing

19 gp

Racial Abilities:
Cast iron stomach: +5 bonus to saves against poison
Dwarven Resilience: Use second wind as a minor action
Dwarf Weapon Proficiency: Proficiency with throwing hammer and warhammer
Encumbered Speed: Move at normal speed even with armor penalty or heavy load
Stand your ground: When forced to move, can reduce movement by one square

Class Abilities:
Channel Divinity
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands

Dwarven Weapon Training

Channel Divinity: Divine Mettle (encounter, divine, minor, close burst 10, one creature in burst): Target makes a saving throwing with a +3 bonus)

Channel Divinity: Divine Strength (encounter, divine, minor, personal, add +3 damage to next attack this turn)

Divine Challenge (At will, divine, radiant, minor, close burst 5, one creature in burst): Mark the target, remains marked until power used again. Target takes -2 penalty to attack any target other than Durvin, and takes 6 points of radiant damage. Must engage target on Durvin’s turn, or mark ends).

Lay on hands (at will, divine, healing, minor, melee touch): Spend a healing surge, but instead the target heals as if it had spent one. Can be used twice a day.

Holy Strike (at will, divine, radiant, weapon, standard action, melee weapon, +5 vs AC): 1d10+5 radiant damage (1d10+7 if target is marked)

Enfeebling Strike (at will, divine, weapon, standard action, melee weapon, +5 vs AC): 1d10+5 damage, and target gets -2 to attack until the end of Durvin's next turn.

Radiant Smite (Encounter, divine, fear, weapon, standard action, melee weapon, +5 vs AC): 2d10+7 damage

On Pain of Death (Daily, divine, implement, standard action, ranged 5, +3 vs will): 3d8+3 damage (target takes 1d8 damage after making an attack, save ends) Miss: Target takes 1d4 damage after making any attacks (save ends)


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First Post
I'll have to say no to getting Lay on Hands with Dilettante.

Ok, I've made my decision, I'm gonna make 2 groups, with 6 people in each Party.

I'll give it a day or two more for concepts to come in, while I still work out a bit more stuff here, then make the selections. Loads of great characters so far, this is gonna be really hard!


First Post

Loreley, Doppelganger Wizard

XP 0

SIZE Medium

STR 8 (-1)
CON 14 (+2)
DEX 10 (+0)
INT 19 (+4)
WIS 13 (+1)
CHA 14 (+2)




CLASS FEATURES Arcane Implement Mastery: Staff of Defense, Cantrips, Ritual Casting, Spellbook

SKILLS Arcana* +9, Bluff +6, Dungeoneering* +6, Insight* +9, Nature* +6; * = trained
FEATS Ritual Caster, Jack of All Trades

POWERS Change Shape (at-will), Ghost Sound (at-will), Light (at-will), Mage Hand (at-will), Prestidigitation (at-will), Magic Missile (at-will), Scorching Burst (at-will), Force Orb (encounter)
SPELLBOOK Acid Arrow (daily), Sleep (daily)
RITUALS Comprehend Language, Make Whole, Tenser's Floating Disk

EQUIPMENT Staff of Fiery Might +1, Basic Clothing, Spellbook; 100gp

DESCRIPTION coming soon...
BACKGROUND in the works...



First Post
Here's Szel's Sheet and everything:

Szel Wispfollower
Elven Fighter, Female
Speed: 6 squares; Low-Light Vision
Initiative: +2

HP: 29
Healing Surge: 7 HP, 11/Day (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)

Ability Scores
Str: 16
Con: 14
Dex: 14
Int: 11
Wis: 15
Cha: 10

AC: 18
Fortitude: 16
Reflex: 14
Will: 13
Racial/Class Features:
Elven Weapon Proficiency: Szel is proficient with shortbows and longbows.
Fey Origin: Szel's race is native to the feywild, so she is considered a fey for any effects relating to creature origin.
Group Awareness: Any non-elf ally within 5 squares of Szel gains a +1 racial bonus to Perception checks.
Wild Step: Szel is so fleet of foot that she ignores difficult terrain when she shifts.
Elven Accuracy: Szel gains Elven Accuracy as an encounter power.
Combat Challenge: Every time Szel attacks an enemy, whether the attack hits or misses, she can choose to mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of your next turn. While a target is marked, it takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls for any attack that doesn’t include her as a target. A creature can be subject to only one mark at a time. A new mark supersedes a mark that was already in place. In addition, whenever a marked enemy that is adjacent to her shifts or makes an attack that does not include her, she can make a melee basic attack against that enemy as an immediate interrupt.
Combat Superiority: Szel gains a bonus to opportunity attacks equal to her Wisdom Modifier. An enemy struck by her opportunity attack stops moving if a move provoked the attack. if it still has actions remaining, it can use them to continue moving.
Fighter Weapon Talent: When using One-handed weapons, Szel gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls.

Basic Attacks
Melee: Flail, +6 vs. AC, 1d10+3
Ranged: Javelin, +6 vs. AC, 1d6+3

Distracting Shield: When Szel hits someone with an attack granted by the Combat Challenge class feature, the target gains a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the beginning of your next turn. Szel only gets this benefit with a shield equipped.

Athletics: +8
Endurance: +7
Heal: +7
Nature: +4*
Perception: +4*

Tide of Iron
Elven Accuracy
Passing Attack
Comeback Strike
Cloak of Resistance Activation

Cloak of Resistance +1 (520 gp, level 2)
Flail (10 gp)
Scale Armor (45 gp)
Light Shield (5 gp)
Standard Adventurer's Kit (15 gp)
Climber's Kit (2 gp)
50 ft. Silk rope (10 gp)
2 belt pouches (2 gp)
2 Javelins (10 gp)
3 torches (3 sp)
7 silver pieces


couple of npc crew members; just for fun.
cabin boys or the equivalent

[sblock=two halflings]"Grim"
A sour hostile looking halfling; bald, ugly and middle aged he never has a nice word (or a word at all) with anyone.
Grim was unlucky in love and almost everything else. But he's not dishonest just depressed. He hangs out with Grins because he feels like it's his lot in life to have the worst of things. Someone who befriends him could have a staunch ally for life.

A friendly looking halfling; always ready with a ready smile and a joke. He almost certainly hangs out with the bitter Grim out of pity.
There is no creature this side of the underdark more vehemently filled with hostile loathing toward other people than Grins. Convinced that his lot in life (Grins has a fabulously overdeveloped sense of entitlement) is due to the fault of others Grins spends each day simmering with loathing toward those he's force to serve. He even puts up with his insufferable nickname, struggling through his days with an inane smile plastered across his face. Only Grim hears about it late at night in their bunks (they grew up in the same region albeit 20 years apart).
Grin's ability to cause damage to others is limited (he's just a cabin boy) but he takes very chance he can get to steal and cause trouble, provided it can't be traced back to him. He particularly likes lying (it makes him feel superior).

[sblock=treelover]Winnow Biurg
Winnow is noticable even at a distance. An otherwise unremarkable human he has several thick woodenvines growing from his shoulders and neck.
This affectation indicates he's a follower of an extreme Druidic sect (derisively called "plant men"by most people) that holds that plant life is superior to other sorts of life. The extreme (and relatively more well known) militant arm of the sect has attacked several cities, summoning armies of treants in at least two cases.
Winnow is a pacifist and joined the crew to see the world.
Winnow was hired when the 1st mate was desperate for men and has proved difficult to fire (he works twice as hard as anyone else and otherwise keeps to himself). The first mate continues to work at it though repeatedly singling "treelover" out for the worst jobs.
Alternative has taken a keen interest in Winnow; that sect was particularly vigourously persecuted in Autonomus. He recalls reports of a group of rogue forged who rejected their construct nature and called themselves the lifeforged. He's been resisting speaking to the Winnow for fear of blowing his cover (so far).


Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Wittgenstein, ship's mascot

[sblock=Character Sheet]
Kobold Fighter
Speed: 6 squares
Size: Small
Initiative: +4

HP: 34
Healing Surge: 8 HP, 11/Day

Ability Scores
Str: 16 (+3)
Con: 14 (+2)
Dex: 18 (+4)
Int: 8 (-1)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Cha: 10 (+0)

AC: 19
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 16 (incl. Shield)
Will: 11

Racial Features:
Trap Sense: +2 defense vs. traps.
Shifty: at will, as a minor action, can shift one square.

Class Features:
Combat Challenge: on every attack, hit or miss, I can choose to mark that target. The mark lasts until the end of my next turn. While marked, target is –2 for any attack that doesn’t include me as a target (target may have only one mark at a time). When an adjacent marked enemy shifts or makes an attack that does not include me, I get a melee basic attack against it as an immediate interrupt.
Combat Superiority: +1 (wis mod) to opportunity attacks (and target stops moving if attack was provoked by movement).
Fighter Weapon Talent: +1 bonus to attack rolls with one-handed weapons.

Basic Attacks
Melee: Short Sword, +7 vs. AC, 1d6+5 (includes Weapon Talent and Bracers)
Ranged: none at present

Toughness: +5 HP/tier

Athletics: +8 (7 in armor)
Endurance: +7 (6 in armor)
Heal: +6
Stealth: +6* (5 in armor)
Thievery: +6* (5 in armor)

Tide of Iron: (w/ shield) Str vs. AC, 1W+Str, target pushed 1 square and I can shift into empty space.
Cleave: Str vs. AC, 1W+Str, and an enemy adjacent to me takes 3 (str mod) damage.

Spinning Sweep: Str. vs. AC, 1W+Str and target is prone (which gives combat advantage).

Comeback Strike: Str. vs. AC, 2W+Str, can spend healing surge.

Bracers of Mighty Striking (+2 damage with Basic melee attack)
Short Sword
Hide Armor
Heavy Shield
Everburning Torch

No matter how many times you tell parents, kobold hatchlings do not make good Midwinter presents. Sure they are cute at first, but they quickly grow and their aggressive tendencies appear, when their sentience and sense of self develop at age 2 or 3.

Wittgenstein has aggressive tendencies. When some parent now regretting that purchase gave him to the Captain of the Silver Swan, he paid a few coins to have the creature dropped over the edge in a bag. But the Captain found another use for the young kobold, and she and her siblings in fact tolerated the kobold's presence quite happily. There had not been rats in the bilge for several years now, and the kobold was polite and gracious most of the time, waiting on the captain's family when it was desired, and sleeping happily belowdecks, in the lower hold. Indeed, when the Swan needed defending, there was Wittgenstein, standing with the crew, dealing as much damage to boarders as any of those being paid.

Wittgenstein remembers little of his former life: he has memories of a few smells, and the taste of the hair of the young girl who had nurtured him years ago. He looks possessively at the Captain's long white hair, and does indeed keep the strands from her brush as he cleans her chamber. There's no sense in letting things go to waste on a ship.

Wittgenstein enjoys the sea, and his life on ship has not seemed like the slavery it is. He is an able mariner, and wants to prove himself to the Captain and her family, in the belief that someday they will see him as an equal. If he encounters passengers, which he does from time to time, he can be affable and even charming to those who prefer to stay belowdecks.

The Bracers of Mighty Striking that Wittgenstein wears were taken from a halfling boarder. He earned them the hard way, and no one on the crew denies that Wittgenstein deserved an equal share of that raid's booty, not even the Captain.
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First Post
Assuming I'm not too late, here's my concept:

[sblock=Adamov, hobgoblin paladin]Born the runt of a sizeable litter, Adamov always found life difficult in hobgoblin society. Smaller and weaker than others in his cohort, Adamov spent his childhood being pushed around, beaten and bullied - things did not bode at all well for a meek, frail and timid young man in a society that valued nothing more than cruelty and strength-at-arms.

Hiding whenever he could from his tormentors, Adamov took refuge in books - often stealing them from the wagons brought back to camp by local raiding parties, and saving more than one that would otherwise have been destined for the victory pyres.

Slowly the young hobgoblin began educating himself piecemeal in the fields of history, philosophy and religion; and for the first time encountered concepts throroughly alien to hobgoblin society. That any god beyond Bane could be worshipped by a living creature struck him at first as absurd (after all, military might is all the young hobgoblin knew), but slowly Adamov's eyes were opened to ways of life he could never have dreamed existed.

Concepts such as the exaltation of truth and love (both values despised by those around him) began to resonate strongly with Adamov, and before long he yearned for a life beyond the fortified camp he had always called home. More and more he was disgusted by the casual violence and brutality of his daily life, and the young man felt a growing sense of detachment and alienation from those around him.

One night, the goddess Avandra appeared before Adamov in a dream, and assured the Hobgoblin that he was destined for greater things than the life he was now leading. Although to this day unsure whether this divine visitation was real or just some figment of his overstimulated mind, Adamov took the apparition as a final signal that he was no longer cut out for life in the war camp. Stealing a battered sword and an ill-fitting suit of dwarven armour from a nearby slave-tent, unsure of his ability to use them but certain that he'd need some sort of protection, Adamov cast himself finally out into the wilderness.


It has been over two years now that Adamov has wandered alone in the world, and in that time he's devoted himself to understanding the true meaning and purpose of life. Wiser now in the ways of both nature and society, the hobgoblin's relentless search for truth, honour, love and compassion has compelled him to seek out and struggle against injustice or wickedness wherever it might occur. Although still a fledgling, and unsure of his own abilities, Adamov nevertheless devotes himself wholeheartedly now to Avandra and promoting her values in any way he can. Now his mistress calls him towards the ocean, towards new worlds and horizons, towards new challenges and opportunities.


Allright, take 2 : He's no longer only Half of an elf, now he's a whole elf, though raised among humans.

Daniel Willow
Male Elf Cleric 1
AL: Good HT: 5'11" WT: 150 Hair: Black Eyes: Green

STR: 14 (+2) [5 points]
DEX: 10 (-1) [8 base +2 racial]
CON: 13 (+1) [3 points]
INT: 10 (+0) [0 points]
WIS: 18 (+4) [9 points +2 racial]
CHA: 14 (+2) [5 points]

HP: 25 Bloodied: 12 Healing Surge: 6(8/day)
AC: 16 FORT: 12 REF: 10 WILL: 16
Init: 0 Speed: 6

Basic Attack (melee): Morningstar + 4 vs AC; 1d10+2

Skills: [5 trained]
Athletics +7 [5 trained +2 ability]
Diplomacy +10 [+5 trained + 2 ability]
Insight +11 [+5 trained + 4 ability]
Religion +6 [+5 trained]
Heal +9 [+5 trained + 4 ability]

Feats: [1] Student of Battle (Warlord Multiclass)

Class/Racial Features:
Channel Divinity(1/encounter)
Healer's Lore (+4 healing)
Healing Word (Encounter Power)
Ritual Casting(Ritual Caster Feat)

At Will:
Sacred Flame [+5 vs Reflex, 1d6+5 Radiant damage, 1 ally you can see gains 2 temp hp or gains a saving throw *Standard, Range 5*]
Lance of Faith [+5 vs Reflex, 1d8+5 radiant damage, 1 ally you can see gains +2 on next attack against same target. *Standard, Range 5*]

Channel Divinity: Divine Fortune [+1 bonus to next attack or save *Free, Personal*]
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead [+5 vs Will, 1d10+5 radiant damage, push target 5 sqaures, target is immobilized until end of your next turn *Standard, Close Burst 2*]
Healing Word(2/encounter) [one target can spend healing surge and gain additional 1d6+4 hp. *Minor, Close Burst 5*]
Healing Strike [+4 vs AC, 2d10+2 radiant damage, target is marked, 1 ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge *Standard, Melee*]

Beacon of Hope [+5 vs Will, Target weakened until end of it's turn. you + allies in burst regain 9 hp, healing powers restore +5 hp until end of encounter *Standard, Close Burst 3*]
Inspiring Word [One ally spends Healing surge + 1d6 hp+4. *Minor, Close Burst 5*]

Languages: Common, Elven

Chain Mail (40gp)
Holy Symbol of Life(+1 atk/damage, daily power: Minor action, until end of turn yoru encounter/daily powers heal additional 1d6)
50 GP

Character Info:
Daniel Willow, Elven Cleric. age:

Daniel was an aggressive young boy, always flying off the handle and getting into fights... Until the day he punched his best friend when she tried to pull him out of yet another scrap. Though she forgave him, he never really forgave himself, and after that, vowed to never fight again. His vow came back to haunt him, though.. 5 years later, his village was attacked. He refused to take up arms against the kobold invaders, urging everyone to run and hide while the soldiers took care of it. His cowardice cost him the life of his best friend, for while he was trying to flee with her, she was struck down by an arrow. A fierce scream of denial burned through him and manifested itself in a ray of light which destroyed the kobold.

Over the next years, Daniel managed to come to terms with his grief and anger, guided by the hand of the Raven Queen, who took in the spirit of his beloved friend. He has since accepted that people die, but that guided by the queen, he can help to protect those whose time has not yet come, and when his time does come, he trusts that he will be reunited with his friend.

*Magic Item: a momento of his fallen friend, Holy Symbol of Life*


Voidrunner's Codex

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