4th Ed Polls out of control


First Post
nearly 1/3 of the threads on the first page of the 4ED page are polls.

Is there any chance you might start reigning them in? I love the forums, but I am getting tired of the clutter. There is almost a better ratio of useful discussions on Gleemax at this point.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
At the moment, it is 5 out of the first thirty threads - half of what you saw earlier.

If the number of polls is sustained, and the discussion under the polls has little content, then we'll consider what to do with them.


I don't remember what the ultimate decision was, long ago, regarding humor/off-topic polls (in general, or in any particular forum). If any polls are to get the axe (and whether they should go is debatable!), I would say humor/joke polls would be the first on the chopping block.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
EricNoah said:
I don't remember what the ultimate decision was, long ago, regarding humor/off-topic polls (in general, or in any particular forum). If any polls are to get the axe (and whether they should go is debatable!), I would say humor/joke polls would be the first on the chopping block.

That long-ago decision was reviewed sometime this year, and the general feeling was that we didn't mind the polls now and hardware reasons to reign them in didn't exist to the same extent.

IIRC etc.

Voidrunner's Codex

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