D&D (2024) 5.5 Nat 20/CritHit Rule in play

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Off topic of the thread, I'm not sure if this will end up being the case. I'm starting to think that they have these three spell lists only for the sake of the Magic Initiate feat. The fact that only 1st level spells are on these lists is what makes me think that.
I think they said that all spells will have a type. It may be that clerics only get divine spells that are also XYZ, like conjuration, Abjuration, or that restore hit points, but I think it’s more likely that Paladin would have the limited version.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Crawford also said that classes would still have spell lists but may get to grab spells from these lists at times, I am guessing bard's magical secrets or sublclasses.
That’s not exactly what he said. He implied classes would have means of accessing other spells than just the power source lists, but he didn’t actually say there would be individual class spell lists. That is a possibility based on what he said, but it isn’t a guarantee. We really just don’t know enough yet to speculate on what class spells will look like.


Jedi Master
Would love to see other's reports on this rule in play in this thread. Has anyone else tested these rules yet?


Jedi Master
Playtest #3 using chapter 3 of Light of Xaryxis for testing with 4 level 5 PCs. Had our first character death during the first fight of the adventuring day (4 CR4 and 1 CR2 monsters from Boo's Astral Menagerie), even without monster crits (they had 2 Nat20s for what would have been an additional 22 points of damage). PCs only had one attack crit (lost 7 points of damage). The PC who died had 2 lost death saves from 2 hits from the monster who dropped him (the 2nd and 3rd of a multi-attack) and then rolled a 2 on his save at the start of his turn (didn't have inspiration to use, but would have).

Once again, I'm struck by the thought that MotM and later monsters have been built with the new rule of monsters not critting in mind, resulting in much tougher encounters in general (rather than only if the monsters get lucky with a string of crits in a single encounter). This is the 2nd combat encounter in 3 sessions in which monster crits would have TPKd the party in a group that has 2 eight year veterans of 5e and 2 four year veterans.

The player who had his Changeling Rogue perish in the fight came back with a human wizard, built with the new rules for humans, and used his inspiration on an important saving throw in the new PCs first battle, possibly preventing his second character death of the session.

Will be a couple of weeks before we play again. If there are rules released between now and then we can incorporate we likely will.


Book-Friend, he/him
Once again, I'm struck by the thought that MotM and later monsters have been built with the new rule of monsters not critting in mind, resulting in much tougher encounters in general (rather than only if the monsters get lucky with a string of crits in a single encounter). This is the 2nd combat encounter in 3 sessions in which monster crits would have TPKd the party in a group that has 2 eight year veterans of 5e and 2 four year veterans.
Yeah, that's why I don't hinkle theybwill publicly test the Monsters: they already have been for a while in published books, mixing with current iteration rules and PCs.


Our session on Sunday had a few nat 20s for the warlock and rogue. A brief realization that crit damage would not be rolled for Hex or Sneak attack damage resulted in a universal agreement that we would not use the new rule.

Voidrunner's Codex

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