First Post
I have just uploaded 5e Encounter Calculator - XLS to the downloads area.
There are a couple of these floating around, but I had already started my own so I wanted to finish it out and submit for others to use as they see fit.
You set up your party (and levels), then set up the monsters. It does all the heavy lifting for you! (including large party and small party multipliers).
Want to do multiple encounters? Just copy the "Template" tab over and over, and you can set up as many as you want!
Behind the Scenes:
Its a pretty basic excel file. Its protected, but no password if you want to edit it and see how it ticks.
There is a hidden tab called "tables" where the lookups are stored.
Hope you enjoy, and feel free to let me know if I can improve it at all!
You can find the file here in the downloads section. Please use this thread for comments.
There are a couple of these floating around, but I had already started my own so I wanted to finish it out and submit for others to use as they see fit.
You set up your party (and levels), then set up the monsters. It does all the heavy lifting for you! (including large party and small party multipliers).
Want to do multiple encounters? Just copy the "Template" tab over and over, and you can set up as many as you want!
Behind the Scenes:
Its a pretty basic excel file. Its protected, but no password if you want to edit it and see how it ticks.
There is a hidden tab called "tables" where the lookups are stored.
Hope you enjoy, and feel free to let me know if I can improve it at all!
You can find the file here in the downloads section. Please use this thread for comments.