Planescape 5e Planescape- What would you like to see in the upcoming setting?

Child of the 90's here. We can deal with a decade or two of no dark and grimy.

Maybe a century.

Maybe until the sun burns out. That'd be nice.
Child of the '90s also, and we do with a decade or two of no pure zany or wacky hijinks. They were just as much of a problem, and remain just as much of problem. If you don't want any dark or grimy at all, I dunno maybe play a setting which isn't that? They do exist.

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@Ruin Explorer @I'm A Banana I looked closer at the new art from Diterlizzi... )

...and I noticed two faction symbols.

The first is a banner in the background on the right side of the illustration. It very closely resembles the original Sensates symbol, only there are two hands instead of a hand holding an ear on the bottom (yes, I'm a total Planescape geek and remember this stuff). After Faction War, the Sensates officially disbanded, but many continued to operate the Civic Festhall in Sigil, though others went to Arborea, joined the Mind's Eye, or decided to travel the planes.

The second is tattooed on the forearm of the blue tiefling on the right side of the illustration. The horns are very reminiscent of the skull motif Doomguard symbol, though the "ball of fire" between the horns is new. That's interesting because the Doomguard was basically exiled from Sigil post-Faction War... retreating to their fortresses near the Negative Energy Plane... their factol Alisohn Nilesia was one of the few factols to "survive" the Faction War by virtue of being sold to devils as a slave.

EDIT: I was in error. Factol Pentar was Mazed by the Lady of Pain.
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Child of the '90s also, and we do with a decade or two of no pure zany or wacky hijinks. They were just as much of a problem, and remain just as much of problem. If you don't want any dark or grimy at all, I dunno maybe play a setting which isn't that? They do exist.
Every time we try to make something fun, the gloom squad bust through the wall like the Kool-Aid man and flings angst everywhere.

We've had twenty straight years of sadness and anger being the only valid emotions and people have the gall to ask why we're all depressed.

@Ruin Explorer @I'm A Banana I looked closer at the new art from Diterlizzi... )

...and I noticed two faction symbols.

The first is a banner in the background on the right side of the illustration. It very closely resembles the original Sensates symbol, only there are two hands instead of a hand holding an ear on the bottom (yes, I'm a total Planescape geek and remember this stuff). After Faction War, the Sensates officially disbanded, but many continued to operate the Civic Festhall in Sigil, though others went to Arborea, joined the Mind's Eye, or decided to travel the planes.

The second is tattooed on the forearm of the blue tiefling on the right side of the illustration. The horns are very reminiscent of the skull motif Doomguard symbol, though the "ball of fire" between the horns is new. That's interesting because the Doomguard was basically exiled from Sigil post-Faction War... retreating to their fortresses near the Negative Energy Plane... their factol Alisohn Nilesia was one of the few factols to "survive" the Faction War by virtue of being sold to devils as a slave.
Minor correction: Alisohn Nilesia was the factol of the Mercykillers, which split into the Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy after her "disappearance". The Factol of the Doomguard was Pentar, who was among those mazed by Her Serenity.

On a somewhat related note, Keys form the Golden Vault mentioned two more Factions: The Fated, who are noted as operating out of Sigil (again?), and a new Faction called the Fixers, who work to keep the Blood War in balance, which I suspect could be a natural evolution of the old "celestial-backed arms dealers" plot thread.

Not quite sure whether we're getting a remixed pre-Faction War Sigil or a post-Faction War Sigil where the Factions have been allowed back in, but I'm definitely enjoying the glimpses we're starting to get.


Minor correction: Alisohn Nilesia was the factol of the Mercykillers, which split into the Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy after her "disappearance". The Factol of the Doomguard was Pentar, who was among those mazed by Her Serenity.

On a somewhat related note, Keys form the Golden Vault mentioned two more Factions: The Fated, who are noted as operating out of Sigil (again?), and a new Faction called the Fixers, who work to keep the Blood War in balance, which I suspect could be a natural evolution of the old "celestial-backed arms dealers" plot thread.

Not quite sure whether we're getting a remixed pre-Faction War Sigil or a post-Faction War Sigil where the Factions have been allowed back in, but I'm definitely enjoying the glimpses we're starting to get.
That's right, thanks for catching my error. Been a while!

Interesting about a new faction in KfrGV!

Minor correction: Alisohn Nilesia was the factol of the Mercykillers, which split into the Sodkillers and Sons of Mercy after her "disappearance". The Factol of the Doomguard was Pentar, who was among those mazed by Her Serenity.

On a somewhat related note, Keys form the Golden Vault mentioned two more Factions: The Fated, who are noted as operating out of Sigil (again?), and a new Faction called the Fixers, who work to keep the Blood War in balance, which I suspect could be a natural evolution of the old "celestial-backed arms dealers" plot thread.

Not quite sure whether we're getting a remixed pre-Faction War Sigil or a post-Faction War Sigil where the Factions have been allowed back in, but I'm definitely enjoying the glimpses we're starting to get.
I'm really getting interested too; it looks like they're hitting the right spots with this preview.

Also, it's nice to be able to have a hopeful, positive discussion on this product. I've visited a few threads on the D&D subs on Reddit, and, where usually there are threads with varying viewpoints, the doom and gloomers have taken over every thread I could see, which is very annoying. Yeah, Spelljammer wasn't the best product, but come on, let's at least discuss this product with an open mind!


I'm really getting interested too; it looks like they're hitting the right spots with this preview.

Also, it's nice to be able to have a hopeful, positive discussion on this product. I've visited a few threads on the D&D subs on Reddit, and, where usually there are threads with varying viewpoints, the doom and gloomers have taken over every thread I could see, which is very annoying. Yeah, Spelljammer wasn't the best product, but come on, let's at least discuss this product with an open mind!
It may be a positive sign that the Vecna adventure is it's own thing in 2024, and separate from Planescape. I agree with @I'm A Banana that the most interesting parts of Planescape are when the conflicts move away from "I'm the evil dimension traveling lich here to ruin your day!"

Every time we try to make something fun, the gloom squad bust through the wall like the Kool-Aid man and flings angst everywhere.

We've had twenty straight years of sadness and anger being the only valid emotions and people have the gall to ask why we're all depressed.
Planescape has plenty of fun and whimsy to it as well. The videogame was very noir, but the setting material has a range of tones, with some elements being dark, some whimsical, some weird, and some all three. A lot of it is of a piece with classical faerie tales, actually. In fact, I think a lot of it was too goofy for people when it came out (the slang, etc). I think the goal was to make the familiar become strange.

Obligatory Diterlizzi art, whimsical and fun edition

Xideous Gehreleth.png
Kesto Brighteyes.png
goofy skeletons.png
man with owl.jpg
will of one.png

I'm A Banana

I looked closer at the new art from Diterlizzi...
This is such a treasure trove. We've got weird faces leering out of everything, and spikes everywhere, which is As It Should Be.

First person on the left might be Rhys of the Ciphers. The tail and the big ears resemble the 2e art a lot.

The redhead here is art from the "Outsider" entry (aka, the "I am from the Prime" background), lookin' worried and new to the planes. Not a specific NPC as far as I can remember...

The second-to-last cutter has gotta be Sly Nye, the Xoasitect lawyer. Those sleves, those ioun stones, the braids, the way the vest is buttoned...Glad to see they gave him a nose this time, hahaha.

Voidrunner's Codex

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